Thursday, March 15, 2007

Twenty-Five Extra Pounds

Greetings People

Accountabilabuddy. Is that even a legit word? Does not matter. If Southpark uses the word then we must take the word as gospel. Why? Well, if certain dictionary(ies) recognize "D'oh" from the Simpsons then they can recognize another word from another cartoon.

The episode from last night was pretty good. I laughed and laughed and that was able to end my evening on a pretty good note. I am not sure what to tell and not to tell. I liked the concept of the episode. It was all about Cartman and another adventure of his "messed up" life. Even though they did not show the entire "subject" a partial was just a close to making Southpark Funny. Where I was laughing was when Butter's new roommate was quoting off here and there. His voice was louder than a whisper, but lower than normal talking. He was not quoting to anyone, but to himself with his head bowed to the floor. Writing about what I was laughing about does not do it justice, but I do like the visual look of the quoting.

The weather is definitely cooler today, the ride into work this morning was cool. Also, I am back in the long leg bike pants.

I had to work very, very late last night and did not get out until 9 or so. Anyway, not tired or angry or nothing, but I felt like another stop at Chick-fil-A was in order. I saw "my man" and I asked if there was any Sweet Tea left. He said not enough for a gallon. I said no prob.... I did not even get to finish to my sentence. He said for you I will make you some fresh Sweet Tea. Give me five minutes." I said "don't worry about it..." He said "not a problem"

I am not going to say that was respect in my conceited view. I felt very honored for him to do this for me. Touched, if you will readers. I really did not want him for him to do this for me. I would of been happy with just "regular" tea.

All in all, I was happy for this service and I was happy to drink my fresh "Sweet" tea while watching SouthPark. Sounds unusal, but hey tis the little things in life that makes us happy.

That was the cap to a nice, warm, night ride home.

About two weeks until my Dad's birthday. I got to think of something to get for him. And my mother since she would feel left out.

Oops, almost forgot - the 25 extra pounds was that I carried that much more weight on my bike the other day. So, basically I had 175 pounds on my bike. Damn, I was heavy and going uphill was difficult with the extra weight. I had to put some extra umph into my pedals in order to make it up some of the hills. I felt sorry for the new tires on my bike.

until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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