Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A March Morning Run

Greetings People

Well, today was the first day of the year that I ran to work this morning. It was a long 5.89 mile run. Actually it was not, but it took about 2 miles or so for me just to get into my "groove" I do not have a clue as to why that it took so long for me to "settle" down into a comfortable run. I finished at a time of 1:05. Not good, but okay for how the run started.

Any of you readers see the "Planet Earth" on Discovery Channel on Sunday? Wow. I was pretty impressed with most of the camera/video work. Being a retired professional photographer back in the day I really appreciated seeing some of the shots that were displayed. I could make a huge blog entry on the 3 episodes that aired Sunday, but I will only mention one, for now.

It was the shot of the Great White Shark literally jumping his whole body out of the ocean in the midst of attacking a seal. I never knew that a Great White could get such air, matter the fact, jump entirely out of the water like that. The film makers were able to use high speed film and when they were able to slow down the action. Wow. I guess I am always used to seeing a Great white thrust out of the Ocean perhaps the top half of their body, but never getting the whole body out of the water. If any of readers get the chance to see "Planet Earth" please make the time. Yes, it was stated that "Planet Earth" was 5 years in the making and that would not be the reason just to see it on that alone, but just the show itself is worth taking a look. I mean readers, can you believe that Pelicans will fly over the Himalayas Mountains as opposed to going around. Do you realize how high those Pelicans are? And they are not just getting over the Mountain - they have to worry about the winds and the Golden Eagles that attack in pairs.

The Riches - Monday's episode was very good. The story revolved around getting the kids into school and Doug firing the person he replaced. Yes, I am still enjoying the show and loving the characters of Minnie Driver and Eddie Izzard (who is the first time I ever seen him act, I think) There is a sort of funny backstory on how I did not considered watching this show at all. Months back when FX was doing the commericals for the show there was Eddie shucking an oyster, talking to the camera, and then pulls out a black pearl from his mouth, I think. If I remember Eddie was talking/acting like a rich person would and at that moment I had decided that this is a show that I would not be seeing. Fortunately, I used one of my 100 spool DVD's and recorded the show. I did not watch the show until a week later, but I was very impressed and I am glad I gave the show a chance. However, I just did not decide. I had heard some good reviews from credible sources, I think, and thought I had better give the show a shot and determine if it is good as those people say. I am not saying that I am even close to them in life, but I felt, er feel, their "life" and it appears to be rough.

Oh, the 2007 Sony Ericsson Open Sharapova got the "ova" beat out of her by the same person who took her down in the finals of the 2007 Australian Open. Boo yah! This was even worse 6-1, 6-1. Sorry readers I did not see the match, but read about this story this morning.

until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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