Thursday, March 08, 2007

Back in the saddle again

Greetings People

As the title would sort of convey - I am back on the "winter" road bike this week. And, I no longer have to spend money to use public transportation (RTD). Woo Hoo! Let me tell you readers I am so glad I do not have to spend the money that I do not want to. Yes, the mornings are cold, but the cold sure beats the 1.50 one way ride to work ($3.00 dollars a day)

I am dressed in my bike attire - the signature ZZ Top Bandanna on my head, got the new Oakleys that I bought last week, I have the full skin tight bike pants on and a light windbreaker. I am back baby and so is my attitude.

I am already starting to be myself once more on the bike. This morning, there was this lady who did not have her dog leashed up and the dog was running all over the bike path in front of her about 10 to 20 yards. Well, the dog got in my way and I had to brake. Oh yes readers, this fucking pissed me off. But not with an exclamation mark. The moment just pissed me off to entice me to get me pissed off, just for the sakes of it.

Do not get me wrong I love dogs since I am a former dog owner, but if you can not leash your dog or control your dog then you are shit in my book. Well, after I braked and then started to pedal up to speed again I had met the lady. I hear her mumble, since I have my Pink Ipod blaring Dance music and can only hear mutely the world around me. When I got real close, I heard something, something and "about my dog." I immediately said "fuck your dog". I did not yelled or shout, but calmly said that to her. I am sure she was not expecting that response from me, nor anyone else, but I could not tell since I did not turn around to look after I passed her. I said my peace. Should this happen tomorrow there is gonna be a "throwdown" in my hood. One of us is going to be covered in my "Pink" supplement drink and it will not be me, my friends.

You see readers, I am almost back to myself after being cooped up in the house for eight weeks.

New Southpark last night. It was funny, but not real funny. Overall, I enjoyed the episode.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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