Monday, March 12, 2007

Runnin' of the Green 7k - (The Story)

Greetings People

Yesterday was the almost perfect day for the 19th Annual Runnin' of the Green in Downtown, Denver.

I arrived early, about 9:20 and got registered and my T-shirt all within 10 minutes. Yes, I paid $ 5.00 more for registering on Race day, but no big deal. At least I got a T-shirt, unlike the folks at Run the Register, where I did not get a T-shirt. Unless I donated $ 47.00 more dollars on top of the $ 35.00 registration fee. I hate to say this, but at least VOA (Volunteers of America) are not stuck up as the ALA (American Lung Association) association. Gosh Darn. Well, my $ 30.00 registration fee and post drinking money was well under $ 50.00 yesterday. Oh, having Guinness Drafts on the patio with the sun shining ever so brightly - one could not ask for more.

I did okay in the event. I started about 4 to 5 minutes after the start time officially started. Yep, it took me about 4 minutes or so to actually reach the starting line and start running. Then, it was a battle with dog walkers, baby strollers and about 5,000 plus people in the Runnin' of the Green. I was weaving and bobbing through the throngs of runners. Nothing new for me since I knew that this event is always crowded. I always have to allow for the mass exodus of people at the starting line and through out the race of the 7k. I did okay. I think that the time that was given to me was 40:?? from the official starting of the 7k and 36:?? for the actual time that was given for me from start to finish (timing mat time).

Well, I once again decided to wear my Southpark bike jersey. Let me tell you folks. People just love this jersey. So many of the runners had not even seen this jersey before and the comments were non-stop. Okay readers, I do have to confess. I knew that there was going to be a lot of runners and I had already decided to wear the SouthPark Jersey the night before so I would get attention I wanted. What is even worse readers, I decided to start at the back of the pack in the Runnin' of the Green so that way when I started running like a mad man making myself run through the packs of runners they would see the back of my bike jersey and read "Oh man, you guys suck!" We'll not even 25 yards into the race - I got the laughter and "that is so cool" remarks. Oh that so much made me run even harder through the crowds.

Not much else to say between the start and finish line. I was weaving in and out of people, getting the laughs, the comments, and enjoying myself in this 7k. Well, coming down off the corner Wazoo and 14th, I think, is when I decided to put the "burn" in my legs and go for broke. As I rounded the final corner and saw the finish line two and half blocks away, that was when I ran like the wind. Or in a better comparison, I was running like the T1000 was doing in the parking garage of the movie Terminator 2: Judgement Day. I saw no one in the distance what I was doing, so that was good. I did not look behind me. Wish I could of seen their faces and astonishment when they saw me take off down the street. I passed about 40 more runners in the final homestretch and that was that.

The comment that rings a bell in my mind was I standing in the middle of the street, outside the McCormick Bar & Restaurant and I heard "Yes, I do suck" Hah hah. I guess I made her look pretty bad and she admitted that to me. We just smiled. The post-party was good, I even got a few comments as I was sitting against one of the Downtown buildings. "I just love your jersey" and I offered to show them the back of the jersey, but oh no, they smiled and laughed and said "yes we already know that we suck" And we just laughed.

So, readers the event was good and I really enjoyed getting the attention that I wanted. And yes readers, the attention was about what I expected. I got a few pictures taken downtown, but again I used my disposable camera so they will not be ready until I turn in the camera to be developed.

Today, my thighs hurt. I mean really hurt. Well, let me say tender, I am okay sitting down, but once I start walking the soreness is there in the thighs. Tis the lactic acid residue that I exerted yesterday. The sprint yesterday was worth today's unpleasantness in my thighs. LOL. Oh, I also got a nice "burn" from yesterday's sun. I guess the sun and spring is here - just about.

The Photo is from the Rocky Mountain News website.

with that readers, until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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