Friday, March 02, 2007

My new I-pod and its PINK!

Greetings People

So, these are the final days of the 31 days of Oscar on TCM. Last night I saw a few movies that I have seen before - Four Weddings and Funeral, RainMan, and Diner. All are good movies and definitely from the past. Can you believe that RainMan came out 20 years ago?

Granted, my views on Tom Cruise has changed since he "flipped" out on the Oprah show and had "words" with Matt Lauer on the Today show. I have not seen any movies of his since then. Nor do I have any inkling to. Though I would of like to seen MI:3 and War of the Worlds (since Steven Spielberg was attached to the movie)

Tom Cruise was okay in the movie, but Dustin Hoffman pulled the role off very good and the roles of both them was not believable in theory, until you actually watched the movie. The music score by Hans Zimmer was what made the movie. Ever since then I have been listening to Hans Zimmer's scores. The best score for him to have done - Thelma & Louise.

Getting back to Rainman. I actually got to go to the train station at the end of the movie where Charlie is saying goodbye to Raymond. This was back in 1996 that I had come across the train station on my 3 stop ticket in Zone 4 of Amtrak. Readers, that is story and a half. Perhaps I will let you on this part of my life, but I have written about this event and I even have pictures and video of this part of my life and waiting for the time to publish. I even have pictures of the train station in Rainman. I will see if I can get the photo scanned and posted here.

I knew of Dustin, but I did not really know Dustin until his performance. Since then, I have seen Kramer vs. Kramer, the Graduate, Midnight Cowboy(?), and Marathon Man. Wow. wow. wow. Of course he has had his fair share of clunkers. And the other movie which I love of his - Papplion

Other than that - the ipod. Oh readers, readers, readers. What can I say. If you have the opportunity to buy an ipod for half price, never used - you would buy it right?! nothing is wrong with the ipod - they just changed their mind at the last second. Well, here is the kicker - it is the color pink. Well, not pink, but "hot" pink if the light catches the ipod just right. Which is probably about all the time. LOL. Oh well. I am going to buy an ipod protector and that definitely will not be pink. It is too bad about the color, but I am sorry readers half price - I could not resist. I have an I-pod! Woo Hoo! 4G. It is so cool. The only other positive thing about the pink is that it matches my T-Mobile bike jersey (pink also). How fucked up is that?! hah hah

Oh, oh, oh, New Southpark starts in less than a week. March 7, 2007. I am so excited, as usual.

until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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