Monday, March 05, 2007

482 Songs Later

Greetings People

Well, I am not sure where to begin. The weekend was so-so for me. Nothing was planned and I have sort of made some time for myself to "play" with my new "Pink" I-pod. As the title of the blog starts I have loaded 482 songs onto my Ipod. Not too tough to do.

So, while I was self-teaching myself on how to operate I-tunes, I start to think about the other blogs that I have stumbled onto in the past on I have some good things, some bad things, and then the "sad" stories.

One particular story crossed my mine, however I can not quote the blog since I do not remember the blog address, but basically her Ipod was sitting on the kitchen table and then she knocked off the I-pod from the table. I guess you readers know the outcome. The Ipod was shattered into a few pieces and was destroyed beyond repair. Oh she cried and cried and sobbed and thought her life was over. Oh woe is me - get the fuck out of here with that sort of feeling towards your Ipod. Yes, I felt bad for her. However.

It think back to the many pairs of Oakley M Frames lens that I have lost and destroyed in the past 10 years. I never did cry over the Oakleys, but sure as shit I was pissed. What else can you do nothing. As one of my old bosses would say "Sucks to be you". I whole-hearted agree with that statement. It was 90 percent of my time that I lost/destroyed my Oakleys. Well.... if you want to get technically, sure I crashed on my bike and blamed the gravel for my accident. But, again to be technical, it would be my fault for not seeing the gravel in the first place hence averting the accidental crash that destroyed my Oakleys. So readers 100% of the time it is your own fault. I know it sucks, but you need to be responsible and take responsibility for the real truth.

I am not going to say, or stated, that it is her fault for destroying the I-pod, but it is her fault for not paying attention in the first place. If this Ipod was something she treasured then she should not of have left the I-pod on the table (where on the table I know not) in the first place.

So, further on... Readers this is where I thought about what I was thinking about this weekend... she said she lost a $ 10,000.00 dollar I-pod. What? Yes, that is correct. This homemaker (from the blog I surmised) became a math statistician and started to calculate the songs at x dollars and how many there were. I do not remember how she figured out the adjusted cost of the destroyed Ipod, but she came up with an exact figure. I think she even figured time spent loading her Ipod and came to so many wasted hours loading her I-pod.

Sorry readers, but I can not see how that she lost that much money. Did she buy $10,000 worth of songs and downloaded to her I-pod? I think not. I did not download any songs this weekend, but loaded up from my personal music library. So, there are 482 songs on my Pink I-pod. Does that mean my Pink I-pod is worth more than what I paid for it? Am I going to "adjust" my cost of my Pink I-pod? No. Yes, I paid for the songs in the past, but I can not remember how much I did pay for initially, unless there was a price sticker. Can I become an MIT graduate and say "yes there were 482 songs. Times that by $1.00 each and add the "special" price I paid for my Pink Ipod and the total of my Pink I-pod is $ 582.00 dollars now." No, that is wrong. My Pink I-pod did not gain .01 cent in value. However, the value of my Pink Ipod has decreased due to usage.

What? If I downloaded a song (from I-tunes) then I would have invested one dollar into my Pink Ipod. No. That would be like me taping a show from the T.V. onto a blank tape. Do I divide the number of shows by the supposed retail price and then get the value of the show I just taped onto the blank tape? No, the price of the tape is still the same (12.99 for 12 VCR blank tapes) or 1.08 per tape. Even though I recorded the show from the T.V. Or like my DVD spindle of 100. I bought 100 for 22.99. Basically, the breakdown per blank DVD is .2299 cents. Anything that I load (write/burn) onto that DVD does not become worth more. Well, sentimental value perhaps, but not in monetary value.

That was the one of many thoughts about my Pink Ipod that had came across my mind yesterday. Unfortunately, this was the very first thought about the Ipod. The only increase invested in my Pink Ipod was about 10 hours loading onto Ipod. Not to mention the thinking I took to choose the right type of loading to put onto my Pink Ipod. Yes, there is a lot of room on my pink Ipod, but from 4GB I am down to 1.92 GB left

Enough said on this.

Saturday was the end of the 31 days of Oscar. What a good selection this year. I even got to watch a lot more than I thought I was going to be able to. I ended with Crimson Tide on Saturday night. On Friday night was the movie Awakenings with Robert DeNiro and Robin Williams. I forgot about this movie, since I am not a Robin Williams fans. I forgot that he did not play himself (his typical "funny" one liner persona) at all. Robert DeNiro was good playing his role. A very dramatic movie that I am glad I was able to see once more.

No running events this past weekend, I do have the runnin' of the Green 7k this weekend though. The time will not be good for me, but I hope it is not too bad.

until the next time readers

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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