Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tuesday's Worthless Blog Info

Greetings Readers

Supposely, today temperature will only be in the 70's. A bit of a nice break since we have had sort of hot weather, but not that hot.

Two days in the row I have had someone pull out in front of me while biking down North on Park Meadows Drive. I can not fucking believe it. I had the right of way in both cases. So, I was pissed last night since I once again locked up my brakes and skidded on my back tire and laid some rubber from my very expensive road tires onto the pavement of Park Meadows drive. Just urks me. I caught to both offenders at the stop light at Yosemite, but I did not go "off". I so wanted to, but I thought what good was that gonna do. I thought and thought last night and came up with a plan which is now effective immediately. So fair warning if you cut me off your car will suffer the same sort of abuse that you cause on my tires for braking not to hit you.

No, I am not angry. Sure I was angry in the moment, but I got over it later that evening. This cyclist gets angry, as any normal person would do, but this is something that will not go on unnoticed. Also, I was riding my next to last least inexpensive bike so I really do not have nothing to lose.

I decided to stop by Chik-fil-A and get my Gallon of Sweet Tea. There was Rafael getting my Gallon of Sweet Tea ready before I even got into the door. Damn - Respect. I got my smile after my "little" almost incident with the car and was able to calm down the rest of the way home.

I do not feel like blogging so I am going to say...

until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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