Monday, June 11, 2007

After the last Soprano's episode

Greetings Readers

The men's French Open 2007 Finals went down as expected. Nadal was able to take down Federer once more. Roger was able to win one set. I hate to say this readers I was doing good watching the match, then the start of the third set. Nadal pulled his shorts out of his ass for three of out of the four times serving the opening set. From there on I could not watch. So, I had to turn off the TV and just listen to the play by play via the stereo.

Well, I am not sure how long the not knowing is going to last, but everyone is talking about the Soprano's. Television and some of my co-workers are commenting about the episode. Overall, I did hear it ended with a whimper. I know not more than that. I am not sure how long it will last, but I am thinking I need to know what transpired.

I fell into the life with the Soprano's and ever since that faithful day I have been a fan ever since. Tony, Carmella, AJ, Meadow - as well as Paulie and Uncle Junior to name a few. I am not saying that I was part of their life or they were part of my life, but I had a sense of a family that I could relate to. Meaning - dysfunctional. I think that there is no normal family, but those who accept that there is no normal family and the others that believe there is a "Tooth Fairy". Or one could say that ignorance is bliss. To that I will add - that is fine.

I guess I could write on and on, but then I would probably bore you readers about the Soprano's. I am not going to say that this was the best show, nor am I going to recommend the show to anyone. The episodes were good, for the most part. The characters were developed good. You cared and also hated the characters - whether they were part of the family or not. I hated some characters, but I also loved some characters. Though, I hated some endings of some episode - Example - the Russian that was shot by Christopher in the forest when Paulie and Christopher had to go and find the Russian. What really happened to the Russian? Anyway, that is one of many open plot lines that most likely will never get answered.

Today's picture is of the Bada-Bing. I will not say that I liked the Bada Bing for the Strippers. I liked the Bada Bing because that is where Tony held "court". In front and in the back of the club. I thought about using the Soprano's logo or using one of the characters from the show as the picture, but I thought to use the Bada-Bing.

Attention all you Dr Who Fans, the third season begins this July, July 6, 2007 is the start date of the third season. As I mentioned before, I am not a fan of David Hennant (I think that is his name) since I gotten use to Christopher Eccleston, as the Doctor in the first season. I did not like the change, but as the repeats were replayed on the Scifi channel I have started to accept the new Doctor. And as far as I know the current Doctor will be back, but I do not think that Rose Tyler (Billie Piper), will be back since her return to the Doctor is impossible, according to the show's episode last season.

I hope that there will be others items / things from the past in the third season. When I mean the past, I mean the 80's Doctor Who era. I thoroughly enjoyed the second season season - seeing Daleks, K-9 and the.. shoot I can not remember their names... the "robot" men. K-9 was great to see - a nice touch to honor the forgotten. I remember K-9, but the for the life of me I can not recall any detailed info in the shows that I watched when I was young. I just remember K-9 (canine) and thought was neat play on words and the character of K-9.

The "new" Doctor Who series remembers what we faithful followers loved about the show from the 80's. Yet, the most important thing the creators did not alter, on the outside, is the Tardis (The Blue Police Box with the light on top). The Tardis and the sound effects associated to the Tardis is what made Dr Who known worldwide in the realm of Science Fiction.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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