Wednesday, June 20, 2007

On the eve of Summer

Greetings Readers

Is there a veterinarian around here? Cause my pythons are sic."

Now, you have to imagine me flexing my biceps. Hah hah. Of course the "pythons" are my Biceps. That was the first that I heard that saying and I used it all day. Yes, I know that it was stupid, but I just had to say that since that really made me laugh and smile when I heard that saying.

Boy oh boy, I slept like a baby last night. Went to lay down on the couch for a while, while listening to National Lampoon's European Vacation on AMC and the next thing you know it is 11 PM and then I got up for a few minutes and then the next thing you know it is 4:30 AM. I was a bit sore when I woke, but I was able to move pretty good.

That is until I got to work this morning. So I was about to jump into the shower and I was getting ready to take off my biking jersey when I couldn't. I was making the move as if you were hugging yourself. I was in that position then proceeded to lift my jersey up and off. Ouch. I was in pain. I think I actually felt a tear come from eye and roll down my cheek. No pain no gain. But I do not know why I did not notice until I got to work. Oh, I made it, but boy oh boy I was, er am in some pain.

Five. - 5. - five. Yes, five days left til Wimbledon.

Oh, Ivan Basso got a 2 year ban from professional cycling. I know the news is old, but the Giro D'Italia champion is Danilo Di Luca. Sorry readers I do not know who the fuck he is.

And today's picture on the blog.... Well, if there are any viewers who watch some certain events then this person is known. Period. Sort of like our "Barrel man" that retired just recently.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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