Monday, June 25, 2007

The Start of Wimbledon 2007

Greetings Readers

I was up before five this morning to "wake up" to Wimbledon only to hear that the event was in Rain delay.

However, by the time that I got to work and got settled the Wimbledon radio had started broadcasting the matches that had started after the rain delay. And Wimbledon radio "sucks". I am used to the guys that I heard at Roland Garros. Spoiled more like it. These announcers were okay, but not the same - not even close. Even the banter was kookie. These announcers actually had a conversation about how the people who cover the courts with a tarp "were caught off guard" or "not looking" Who in the fuck cares about whether these "tennis court tarp coverers" got caught off guard. And really - do the announcers need to make it sound like the end of the world. Or like this was so "highly important news"

My girl, Hingis, gave me a scare and I was worried that she was going to be out of the Grand Slam in the first round. So, that is a picture of her that is gracing my blog today. Yes, I have to say that I had to listen to the matches today, but I also started a tape to record today's matches.

Wimbledon is the least favorite Grand Slam of mine. I do watch, but it only depends on my mood during the year. If the draws or stories are not to my liking then I will not watch nor will I even tape any of the matches.

I do have more, but I really have to get going and I will catch up with you readers tomorrow.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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