Thursday, March 27, 2008

And Another Flat tire

Greetings Readers

Last night at about the same time I was going home from work yesterday - BOOM - at the intersection of Yosemite and County Line Road another blowout. This time I knew from the way that my back tire hit the pot hole I saw at the last millisecond. I was able to raise my front tire to ride over the pot hole, but doing that forced all the weight on the back tire.

With that - the full force of weight on the back tire and hitting the pot hole - kaboom.

This time I said Fuck. And pretty loudly.

The tire went flat as the young girl's chest and immediately pulled over to the curb and onto the grassy area between the sidewalk and street.

Thank goodness for a warm night. I was sort of mad at the instant of the blowout, but I soon got over it - LIG- and I shook my head in disbelief. I had a smile and had to utter a short laugh. Fuck me that I had to have another flat tire - blowout in two days.

I had enough light this time to fix a flat and also I did not have to worry about anyone walking by.

I changed the tire without incident and then headed home.

I guess they say flat tires come in threes.

Southpark - How messed up was the episode last night?! I couldn't stop laughing whenever they showed Kenny "cheesing." Just that look. His eye balls not aligned correctly. I am telling you readers how in the world do those creators come up with some of the topics. "Cheesing" and the whole process of "cheesing." I do not think that I could even come up with that on my own.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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