Greetings Readers
Leap Year - and today is February 29, 2008
I think I will give myself and you readers a break from this blogger's opinions and view and whatnot's
Note: This weekend marks another year of the "31 days of Oscar." - I saw some movies that I have never seen and perhaps I will do a wrap-up in the next few days of the ones I saw for the first time.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
"Entitlement" - continued
Greetings Readers
I guess I am not done with my post from yesterday. I forgot to comment on another issue that was pointed out by the blogger
So this bloggers says he/she was almost hit by this vehicle. This vehicle was described in full detail not to mention the route of travel from one side of the street to the other side of the street in Downtown Denver.
If I remember correctly the "truck" went across four lanes of street and nearly sideswiped the blogger.
Come on. He/she saw all this and still almost got hit? Get the fuck out of here! That is one serious fucked up commuter. He/she saw all this and could not avoid almost getting hit?! I would have slowed down or seen this coming, which according to the blogger he/she saw this truck coming from one side of the street to the other. I would have moved onto the sidewalk, closer to the curb, backed up or hell anything else beside using my "entitlement" to the road.
Then, the blogger has the nerve to say he/she could understand if it was a mail delivery truck (UPS, FedEX, DHL, etc) he/she would have forgiven the truck driver for almost hitting him/her by crossing four lanes of street and in a rush. As opposed to a truck that has advertising on it. What the fuck does it matter? A truck is a truck - when he/she eventually gets sideswiped by a Floral truck I am pretty sure that he/she will not give a fuck what type of truck it is. No way.
At the end of his/her post he/she then writes that well at least when the tv news people come the truck with advertising will get free promotion/advertising. Well, the blogger should wake up since I hardly think that he/she would make the news about being hit by a truck. Unless there was a news truck in the same location, perhaps he/she gets killed, or no news to report.
Another story that was "milked" by that blogger for an event to be blogged about.
Clearly the blogger states he/she saw the truck go from one side of the street to the other where he/she was. Get the fuck out of here!
Readers, I can see the image clearly. He/she is watching this truck from the far right lane and watching the truck coming across four lanes straight at him/her. The blogger's knows he/she has the legal right to be on the road, but he/she is not moving! He/she is acting like Rosa Parks - I'm not moving.
Shaking my head in bewilderment of that blogger
Today's picture - well that is me from the neck down. I wanted to look at myself and see how my looks. Yes, I am still thin, but I still love my thighs though. By the way, don't you just love my Texas bike jersey?! I love the back even more.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
I guess I am not done with my post from yesterday. I forgot to comment on another issue that was pointed out by the blogger
So this bloggers says he/she was almost hit by this vehicle. This vehicle was described in full detail not to mention the route of travel from one side of the street to the other side of the street in Downtown Denver.
If I remember correctly the "truck" went across four lanes of street and nearly sideswiped the blogger.
Come on. He/she saw all this and still almost got hit? Get the fuck out of here! That is one serious fucked up commuter. He/she saw all this and could not avoid almost getting hit?! I would have slowed down or seen this coming, which according to the blogger he/she saw this truck coming from one side of the street to the other. I would have moved onto the sidewalk, closer to the curb, backed up or hell anything else beside using my "entitlement" to the road.
Then, the blogger has the nerve to say he/she could understand if it was a mail delivery truck (UPS, FedEX, DHL, etc) he/she would have forgiven the truck driver for almost hitting him/her by crossing four lanes of street and in a rush. As opposed to a truck that has advertising on it. What the fuck does it matter? A truck is a truck - when he/she eventually gets sideswiped by a Floral truck I am pretty sure that he/she will not give a fuck what type of truck it is. No way.
At the end of his/her post he/she then writes that well at least when the tv news people come the truck with advertising will get free promotion/advertising. Well, the blogger should wake up since I hardly think that he/she would make the news about being hit by a truck. Unless there was a news truck in the same location, perhaps he/she gets killed, or no news to report.
Another story that was "milked" by that blogger for an event to be blogged about.
Clearly the blogger states he/she saw the truck go from one side of the street to the other where he/she was. Get the fuck out of here!
Readers, I can see the image clearly. He/she is watching this truck from the far right lane and watching the truck coming across four lanes straight at him/her. The blogger's knows he/she has the legal right to be on the road, but he/she is not moving! He/she is acting like Rosa Parks - I'm not moving.
Shaking my head in bewilderment of that blogger
Today's picture - well that is me from the neck down. I wanted to look at myself and see how my looks. Yes, I am still thin, but I still love my thighs though. By the way, don't you just love my Texas bike jersey?! I love the back even more.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Greetings Readers
Okay - time for me to write/comment about a blogger's right to the road on a post he/she made within the last week or two.
I am not saying he/she is wrong, but every cyclist/biker must adhere to what the consequences of one way thinking or more to the point "I'm right and your wrong" attitude. I too, have every right to be biking on the streets of Denver and the roads of Colorado, but I must also adhere to who will "lose" the battle between vehicle and bike.
With that - I now present my post:
Entitlement – to give (a person or a thing) a title, a right, or a claim to something; furnish with grounds for laying claim. [Webster’s Definition]
Interesting definition, I think. I was reading a blogger’s post about his/her “entitlement” to the streets of Denver. Well, let me tell you readers – no one gave this fucking blogger “entitlement” to the streets of Denver – specifically Downtown Denver. He/She took this “entitlement” upon themselves to be on the streets (of Denver, Colorado).
Pretty arrogant of that blogger if you ask me even more so since I never, ever proclaimed “entitlement” for myself – anytime on this blue planet. And believe me I am arrogant enough that should I believe in that I would proclaim that from the tallest building in Denver that I am “Entitled” to the streets of Denver. Alas, never going to happen though.
No one in my book is “entitled” to the streets of Denver. Every cyclist is granted a right to ride upon legal route(s) to bike. Otherwise, no one has the authority to give anyone the “entitlement” to roads of Denver. (well perhaps the Mayor - who knows.)
If that is the case, per the blogger who made this comment then I have the “entitlement” to post-it note a message on his/her tombstone “his/her entitlement causes his/her death.” I also have the “entitlement” to “dance” upon his/her grave and also to say, “He/she was a fuck up for believing in the word “entitlement.”
Anyone with some intelligence knows that a cyclist (for example - who weights about 150 pounds) with a bike that may or not may include carbon will lose the “battle” with a 5000-pound vehicle.
“Entitlement” in that blogger’s words will earn him/her a straight shot to an early grave in the cemetery.
I, of course, will be the first one there to say, “I told you so.” Not to mention telling the whole world about “another cyclist passes away” post and the real reason why. No remorse from this guy, not a tear would be shed and/or no "woe-is him/her story" that him/her life was extinguished before he/she got to live a full life.
To dance upon this blogger’s grave would be very inconsiderate - rude, but I would since in this blogger’s words I too can invoke the word - “entitlement” to public areas.
I take no satisfaction in this particular situation, but by all means I will make an example of a cyclist that thinks he/she has a right to ride in the streets.
I have mentioned this before and I will mention this once again. I had a co-worker who thought that she had the “right” to ride in the lane that she was in. Well readers, let me tell you she got herself fucked up. I am not saying that she is wrong, but readers you need to understand that if you have the right to the road, you must adhere to a vehicle that could possibility kill you. She did everything right, by the book, but not “bending” to the vehicle’s right of passage the outcome was ugly, to say the least.
Legal battle in general, from what I heard, could take years to resolve. Meanwhile, you could be sideline, permanently injured or physiologically scarred. Not to mention that perhaps your bike could be FU-BAR!
So readers – “entitlement”, per the blogger’s own words will earn him/her a one-way ticket to an early grave and perhaps I will be there in the future to bow my head in respect, but also say “His/Her entitlement to the road got him/her entitlement to 6 feet under the earth.”
Until the next time.
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Okay - time for me to write/comment about a blogger's right to the road on a post he/she made within the last week or two.
I am not saying he/she is wrong, but every cyclist/biker must adhere to what the consequences of one way thinking or more to the point "I'm right and your wrong" attitude. I too, have every right to be biking on the streets of Denver and the roads of Colorado, but I must also adhere to who will "lose" the battle between vehicle and bike.
With that - I now present my post:
Entitlement – to give (a person or a thing) a title, a right, or a claim to something; furnish with grounds for laying claim. [Webster’s Definition]
Interesting definition, I think. I was reading a blogger’s post about his/her “entitlement” to the streets of Denver. Well, let me tell you readers – no one gave this fucking blogger “entitlement” to the streets of Denver – specifically Downtown Denver. He/She took this “entitlement” upon themselves to be on the streets (of Denver, Colorado).
Pretty arrogant of that blogger if you ask me even more so since I never, ever proclaimed “entitlement” for myself – anytime on this blue planet. And believe me I am arrogant enough that should I believe in that I would proclaim that from the tallest building in Denver that I am “Entitled” to the streets of Denver. Alas, never going to happen though.
No one in my book is “entitled” to the streets of Denver. Every cyclist is granted a right to ride upon legal route(s) to bike. Otherwise, no one has the authority to give anyone the “entitlement” to roads of Denver. (well perhaps the Mayor - who knows.)
If that is the case, per the blogger who made this comment then I have the “entitlement” to post-it note a message on his/her tombstone “his/her entitlement causes his/her death.” I also have the “entitlement” to “dance” upon his/her grave and also to say, “He/she was a fuck up for believing in the word “entitlement.”
Anyone with some intelligence knows that a cyclist (for example - who weights about 150 pounds) with a bike that may or not may include carbon will lose the “battle” with a 5000-pound vehicle.
“Entitlement” in that blogger’s words will earn him/her a straight shot to an early grave in the cemetery.
I, of course, will be the first one there to say, “I told you so.” Not to mention telling the whole world about “another cyclist passes away” post and the real reason why. No remorse from this guy, not a tear would be shed and/or no "woe-is him/her story" that him/her life was extinguished before he/she got to live a full life.
To dance upon this blogger’s grave would be very inconsiderate - rude, but I would since in this blogger’s words I too can invoke the word - “entitlement” to public areas.
I take no satisfaction in this particular situation, but by all means I will make an example of a cyclist that thinks he/she has a right to ride in the streets.
I have mentioned this before and I will mention this once again. I had a co-worker who thought that she had the “right” to ride in the lane that she was in. Well readers, let me tell you she got herself fucked up. I am not saying that she is wrong, but readers you need to understand that if you have the right to the road, you must adhere to a vehicle that could possibility kill you. She did everything right, by the book, but not “bending” to the vehicle’s right of passage the outcome was ugly, to say the least.
Legal battle in general, from what I heard, could take years to resolve. Meanwhile, you could be sideline, permanently injured or physiologically scarred. Not to mention that perhaps your bike could be FU-BAR!
So readers – “entitlement”, per the blogger’s own words will earn him/her a one-way ticket to an early grave and perhaps I will be there in the future to bow my head in respect, but also say “His/Her entitlement to the road got him/her entitlement to 6 feet under the earth.”
Until the next time.
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Decisions, Decisions
Greetings Readers
As the post title indicates. I am not sure which photo I want to purchase. Oh yes, this is one photo that I am going to have to buy and hang this picture in the dining room near the dining table! This is a story that will go down as a classic in my running career.
This is a running story that I want to tell anyone that should want to know the background about this particular picture. As I told you readers before - I hope you laughed and/or smiled. Or perhaps shake your head in disgust/disbelief on what I did and prior to the run this past Saturday, not to mention the agony of trying to get home on my bike after I finished the Snowman Stampede - Pain and Cramps galore!
Anyway, should I be entertaining guests I want to make sure that I have a story to tell and at least get a smile. Or what the hell was Daryl thinking.
I am thinking about opening a poll, but better yet just leave a comment on which photo I should purchase - Left or right.
Sorry readers - I have some on-going topics to address, but have not had a moment to continue these. I will try tonight.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
As the post title indicates. I am not sure which photo I want to purchase. Oh yes, this is one photo that I am going to have to buy and hang this picture in the dining room near the dining table! This is a story that will go down as a classic in my running career.
This is a running story that I want to tell anyone that should want to know the background about this particular picture. As I told you readers before - I hope you laughed and/or smiled. Or perhaps shake your head in disgust/disbelief on what I did and prior to the run this past Saturday, not to mention the agony of trying to get home on my bike after I finished the Snowman Stampede - Pain and Cramps galore!
Anyway, should I be entertaining guests I want to make sure that I have a story to tell and at least get a smile. Or what the hell was Daryl thinking.
I am thinking about opening a poll, but better yet just leave a comment on which photo I should purchase - Left or right.
Sorry readers - I have some on-going topics to address, but have not had a moment to continue these. I will try tonight.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Monday, February 25, 2008
Pretty Nice Mileage for Me
Greetings Readers
Damn! I blew my average per mile - by a country mile! No shame though!
I'm laughing my ass off right now. Smiling since I know the reason why for this time as well as you faithful readers that have been reading.
Here are the results
Bib # 1854
Age 37
Chip Time 3:56:23
Clock Time 3:56:54
Overall 110
SexPl 74
DivPl 26
Hee hee. Hoo Hoo. Hah hah. Well, at least I finished the Snowman Stampede 10M/20M with my soul intacted...
And today's picture is my bib number with the logo of the T-shirt that I paid $ 45.00 on race day.
Hee hee, hoo hoo, waa waa..(manical laughing).
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Damn! I blew my average per mile - by a country mile! No shame though!
I'm laughing my ass off right now. Smiling since I know the reason why for this time as well as you faithful readers that have been reading.
Here are the results
Bib # 1854
Age 37
Chip Time 3:56:23
Clock Time 3:56:54
Overall 110
SexPl 74
DivPl 26
Hee hee. Hoo Hoo. Hah hah. Well, at least I finished the Snowman Stampede 10M/20M with my soul intacted...
And today's picture is my bib number with the logo of the T-shirt that I paid $ 45.00 on race day.
Hee hee, hoo hoo, waa waa..(manical laughing).
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Sunday, February 24, 2008
2008 Snowman Stampede 10M/20M
Greetings Readers
Pain. Let me re-visit “pain”. I told you readers that I desire pain.
I had a very rough night last night. I slept on my back and every time that I turned over on my side my thighs would wake me up. The pain. This happened about three times throughout the night.
Finally, I came awake with the morning sun shining against the northern wall of my living room. The sun was very bright. The other thing that was very bright was the pain in my thighs and I was just a bit tender in my calves.
As I told you readers I knew this morning was going to be difficult. Even more so since I elected to forgo any type of pain medication. I was, am, going to right this pain out. Let me tell you readers that I did sleep on the couch. And should any of you readers witnessed me this morning trying to get up off the couch you would have laughed your ass off. I tried, really tried, to just stand up. Nada. I could not even do this simple act of standing up from the couch. I had to bail on that option. Now, I was sitting in the middle of the couch so I decided I would use the sides of the couch to push up off from. Well I could not get to either side of the couch to this. I was too stiff to move over to the side of the couch. I tried twice and once more I had to bail on this option.
The last option, which is always the best option after a grueling run, was to roll off the couch. I rolled off the couch and fell onto my knees. In Nasmaste form, I would be doing the cat pose. The next part was the hardest – getting up onto my feet.
After 15 seconds or so there I was facing the couch on my feet and ready to take my first official steps of the day – to the bathroom. Ooh. I was stiff. You have to imagine me walking like Frankenstein to the bathroom. Thank goodness I did not have to take a dump. I might still be stuck on the “throne”
After that little trip to and from the bathroom I was starting to loosen up. Since I was starting to loosen up I decided to take a walk around my humble abode. I went to the kitchen, to the bedroom, outside the balcony and then back to the living room.
There was no way in hell that I was going to be able to do the Run the Republic today. With that in mind I decide to do my Sunday ritual. Getting dressed was a chore in itself. It was painful, but I was able to laugh and ooh when getting dressed.
And the rest is history.
Now, let me return to yesterday morning. I was not hung over, but I was not in the best physical form. Yet, I had decided to do the Snowman Stampede 10M/20M at Cherry Creek Reservoir.
As I arrived at Hobie Hill I saw a lot of people. More than I thought there would be. I signed up and had about 5 minutes to the start of the race. I elected to start at the back of the pack. I knew I was not going to be the fastest nor the way I was feeling I was going be steady.
The morning was nice – in a matter of speaking. Not really cold, a bit of a northerly wind, but the sun was shining ever so brightly. More importantly there was no snow falling and the temperature was not in the twenties.
I started out pretty good and feeling all right. I was keeping a good pace. Mile 9 - I was slowing down just a bit, but that could be everyone else was running faster since most of them probably picked the 10M run. As opposed to me who chose the 20M and had to maintain a pace that would keep me going and not get swept up by keeping pace with the 10M runners.
I was a bit sad that I reached the 10M-point and had another 10 miles to go. While everyone else was finishing up I had to keep running. I grabbed some more Gatorade, some chewy banana nut granola bar pieces and headed out for the final loop. 11, 12, 13 miles I was keeping a pretty lonely pace with basically no other runners around me. Then, that’s when the night’s drinking caught up to me – I hit the wall. I literally started to slow my pace down and eventually I started walking. I walked about 30 yards and then I knew I had to make myself start running again.
The next aid station was a relief. I grabbed some orange goo and more Gatorade and rested for about 5 minutes. I felt my strength coming back into my body and when that started to happen I knew I had to start running again. I had another lonely run down to the turn around point, which totaled about 2 ½ miles.
During those 2-½ miles, I saw many runners that passed me during before the 10-mile mark. I also some runners that I passed turn around early, before going to the turn around point. Fucking not fair, but I at least know that I ran the 20 miles as opposed to them.
I was slowly crumbling away physically, but mentally I still had the drive to keep running. Less than 3 miles to go and the end was in sight, which meant I was close to adding this event to my already impressive athletic resume.
The last two miles were the toughest. I was not even running, but I was running in a slow motion state. Or perhaps more to the point I was jogging lightly, shuffling myself to the finish line. I was at the very pack of the back, but never the less I was going to finish.
Un-officially I finished at 3:56:48. Not very good at all considering that I did the first 10 miles in 1:30:00. As you can tell the time difference on the second loop I was reduced to running on instinct. There is no shame at all I feel about my time. I know and you readers now know the story behind my performance
Pain. Let me re-visit “pain”. I told you readers that I desire pain.
I had a very rough night last night. I slept on my back and every time that I turned over on my side my thighs would wake me up. The pain. This happened about three times throughout the night.
Finally, I came awake with the morning sun shining against the northern wall of my living room. The sun was very bright. The other thing that was very bright was the pain in my thighs and I was just a bit tender in my calves.
As I told you readers I knew this morning was going to be difficult. Even more so since I elected to forgo any type of pain medication. I was, am, going to right this pain out. Let me tell you readers that I did sleep on the couch. And should any of you readers witnessed me this morning trying to get up off the couch you would have laughed your ass off. I tried, really tried, to just stand up. Nada. I could not even do this simple act of standing up from the couch. I had to bail on that option. Now, I was sitting in the middle of the couch so I decided I would use the sides of the couch to push up off from. Well I could not get to either side of the couch to this. I was too stiff to move over to the side of the couch. I tried twice and once more I had to bail on this option.
The last option, which is always the best option after a grueling run, was to roll off the couch. I rolled off the couch and fell onto my knees. In Nasmaste form, I would be doing the cat pose. The next part was the hardest – getting up onto my feet.
After 15 seconds or so there I was facing the couch on my feet and ready to take my first official steps of the day – to the bathroom. Ooh. I was stiff. You have to imagine me walking like Frankenstein to the bathroom. Thank goodness I did not have to take a dump. I might still be stuck on the “throne”
After that little trip to and from the bathroom I was starting to loosen up. Since I was starting to loosen up I decided to take a walk around my humble abode. I went to the kitchen, to the bedroom, outside the balcony and then back to the living room.
There was no way in hell that I was going to be able to do the Run the Republic today. With that in mind I decide to do my Sunday ritual. Getting dressed was a chore in itself. It was painful, but I was able to laugh and ooh when getting dressed.
And the rest is history.
Now, let me return to yesterday morning. I was not hung over, but I was not in the best physical form. Yet, I had decided to do the Snowman Stampede 10M/20M at Cherry Creek Reservoir.
As I arrived at Hobie Hill I saw a lot of people. More than I thought there would be. I signed up and had about 5 minutes to the start of the race. I elected to start at the back of the pack. I knew I was not going to be the fastest nor the way I was feeling I was going be steady.
The morning was nice – in a matter of speaking. Not really cold, a bit of a northerly wind, but the sun was shining ever so brightly. More importantly there was no snow falling and the temperature was not in the twenties.
I started out pretty good and feeling all right. I was keeping a good pace. Mile 9 - I was slowing down just a bit, but that could be everyone else was running faster since most of them probably picked the 10M run. As opposed to me who chose the 20M and had to maintain a pace that would keep me going and not get swept up by keeping pace with the 10M runners.
I was a bit sad that I reached the 10M-point and had another 10 miles to go. While everyone else was finishing up I had to keep running. I grabbed some more Gatorade, some chewy banana nut granola bar pieces and headed out for the final loop. 11, 12, 13 miles I was keeping a pretty lonely pace with basically no other runners around me. Then, that’s when the night’s drinking caught up to me – I hit the wall. I literally started to slow my pace down and eventually I started walking. I walked about 30 yards and then I knew I had to make myself start running again.
The next aid station was a relief. I grabbed some orange goo and more Gatorade and rested for about 5 minutes. I felt my strength coming back into my body and when that started to happen I knew I had to start running again. I had another lonely run down to the turn around point, which totaled about 2 ½ miles.
During those 2-½ miles, I saw many runners that passed me during before the 10-mile mark. I also some runners that I passed turn around early, before going to the turn around point. Fucking not fair, but I at least know that I ran the 20 miles as opposed to them.
I was slowly crumbling away physically, but mentally I still had the drive to keep running. Less than 3 miles to go and the end was in sight, which meant I was close to adding this event to my already impressive athletic resume.
The last two miles were the toughest. I was not even running, but I was running in a slow motion state. Or perhaps more to the point I was jogging lightly, shuffling myself to the finish line. I was at the very pack of the back, but never the less I was going to finish.
I have posted two pictures - The first one is the same shot and view that I have been taking for the past three weeks. But as you can see the sun is setting and therefore is making the picture is dark. So I had to turn around and get a decent picture of me after the Snowman Stampede.
Thinking about this more, I can make a separate Blog entry on the event. Oh, do you readers want to know the ride home after running the 20 miles?! It is a story in itself.
Oh, I almost forgot. My alarm goes off every morning at 5:05 AM. Ooh boy, I do not know how long the alarm was beeping this morning, but when I came out of my sleeping stupor I rolled off the couch and crawled on my hands and knees to the alarm clock. I then crawled back to the couch and immediately fell asleep. I remember this moment, but I do not remember how I actually felt. My mind knew that I needed to shut off that alarm no matter what.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
The Fallen Athlete
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I Must Be Getting Old
Greetings Readers
It is late Saturday Afternoon and I fucking hurt! No if, ands, or buts. Doing the Snowman Stampede at Cherry Creek Reservoir this Saturday morning and drinking the night before was a terrible combination to do a 20 mile run.
Why do I do this to myself? Why? Oh, I know! Desire. I also want to feel pain. I feed off pain. I also like pushing myself to the limits. I also want to tell my friends the "stupid" going out before a race and drinking like there was no tomorrow so I can get some sympathy. Hah hah. Made myself laugh.
Well, the Copperhook seasonal ale from Redhook was the poison last night and when I got up early this morning I was still feeling the effects of the alcohol in my body. I quickly opened a can of Coca-Cola, some water and started to make some hard boiled eggs.
After all that I needed to head to the shower and oh so nice. The nice, super hot, shower was very nice. What is going to be nicer is the shower I am going to take in a few minutes.
I am not going to tell you the story today. Perhaps there is not much to tell, but I will post the story tomorrow.
I need another hot shower, the comatose state of rest, the soft couch with me curled up in the blankets and the 32 inch tv - lights out for me. I do not think I am going to be able to do the Run the Republic stair climb tomorrow. I have this strange feeling that I am not going to be in the best shape tomorrow considering how I feel, walk, stand, and sit. Urgh!
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
It is late Saturday Afternoon and I fucking hurt! No if, ands, or buts. Doing the Snowman Stampede at Cherry Creek Reservoir this Saturday morning and drinking the night before was a terrible combination to do a 20 mile run.
Why do I do this to myself? Why? Oh, I know! Desire. I also want to feel pain. I feed off pain. I also like pushing myself to the limits. I also want to tell my friends the "stupid" going out before a race and drinking like there was no tomorrow so I can get some sympathy. Hah hah. Made myself laugh.
Well, the Copperhook seasonal ale from Redhook was the poison last night and when I got up early this morning I was still feeling the effects of the alcohol in my body. I quickly opened a can of Coca-Cola, some water and started to make some hard boiled eggs.
After all that I needed to head to the shower and oh so nice. The nice, super hot, shower was very nice. What is going to be nicer is the shower I am going to take in a few minutes.
I am not going to tell you the story today. Perhaps there is not much to tell, but I will post the story tomorrow.
I need another hot shower, the comatose state of rest, the soft couch with me curled up in the blankets and the 32 inch tv - lights out for me. I do not think I am going to be able to do the Run the Republic stair climb tomorrow. I have this strange feeling that I am not going to be in the best shape tomorrow considering how I feel, walk, stand, and sit. Urgh!
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Friday, February 22, 2008
Weekend Planned Events ?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Melissa Mollet - Light Rail Station
Greetings Readers
I know, I know - The "Nautica Incident", my post of that blogger being "Sideswiped", my first biking accessories and the Ironman Hawaii 2008 all have yet to be addressed by me. I am going to try and make a real effort tonight.
And the new topic for today - Melissa Mollet - from FOX news local here in Denver. I got up pretty early since I went to bed semi-early. I saw that there was an issue with the Light Rail on the route that I take when I do take Light Rail. But - that's not the point - I saw Melissa Mollet. I have a "TV crush" on her since she is one of the better looking (not to mention - more intelligence) than the women news reporters on local TV.
I recognzied (know) the particular Light Rail station she was at and right there in my living room I decided to go see her in real person. Not meaning to actually to meet her, but just to see her with my own eyes. I got dressed as soon as possible and got biking. And did I ever dress fast =).
While biking on the way to the Light Rail station I saw a traffic accident and I did take some pictures. Just in case one of the drivers decides to make it a "Hit and Run" and I needed to be a witness. Though - for a price! I'm nice, but not that nice! I can be bought for the right price and the right offer. Wink wink. Hey, you never know readers, my photograph(s) could be easily deleted from my digital camera and my memory could go blank unless I get paid. "Nothing going on but the rent" a phrase I heard on a movie, I think.
I did not dally too long at the scene of the accident, since I was on a mission to go see Melissa Mollet. As I was nearing the RTD Light Rail Station I could see that the TV antenna (from the mobile van) was still extended into the sky so I knew that she was there. I biked even faster knowing that time was against me in this case. As I exited the parking garage onto the loading area I saw Melissa in the distance and the TV camera at the other end of the loading area. I biked along the track sort of out of the way, but still making myself being seen on camera. After I biked past the range of the camera I turned around and then took out the camera and snapped a couple of pictures of Melissa Mollet. Granted, she is bundled up, but I could still see what I see what I like about her.
No, I am not a "stalker" but today I made it a mission to go see her in real life. She is apparently married. And I am not "taken" with her, but she is better looking than the rest of the local news caster. And a whole lot smarter/better than that Angie Austin (Channel 2 news). If you want to laugh just see Angie in action. This blonde does fit the stereotype blonde - fucking dumb - matter of fact dumber than dumb.
Side Note: Years ago - Angie was interviewing Reggie and it was a question and answer interview. Then, Reggie has said something to the effect "I like Opie Gone Bad." Angie did not miss a beat (That sentence did a fly by). Angie leans forward and in a sort of whispering voice and something to the effect "I too like when Opie goes bad" or something very similar to that. Point being - Angie did not have a fucking clue that "Opie Gone Bad" was a music group. I think, Angie thought perhaps Opie Gone Bad was a reference to the Andy Griffith Show and Ron Howard as Opie, being bad. Anyway, after Angie said that the look from Reggie was priceless. Since this was on the morning news Reggie did not correct her, but just let it go, but his look was just so priceless. I shook my head and further cemented the fact that Angie is dumb.
Another Side Note: In my opinion - Angie's whole fucking body blocks the blue screen that shows all the temperatures and days showing the temps. She goes from one side of the screen to the other side and by then the screen has changed to another graphic. But during the whole time she is being shown in front of the blue screen she takes up 1/3 of the screen. Meanwhile, we never get to the see the entire screen graphics since she/someone changes to the next screen - sunset, sunrise, highs, lows, city temps, state temps, etc. This could be a whole subject in itself. Though, I do not watch Channel 2 news anymore since Dan Daru left (with his wife Wendy) to Channel 31 FOX news and Angie taking up the 1/3 of the weather screen and her mundane comments and fake laugh.
Pictured on today's post - is Melissa Mollet with me taking the picture. Isn't she just adorable? Hah hah. I guess I can cross that off my list "of things to do before I die"
By the readers - this is my opinion and by no means I am saying that this is what is being shown to the word. I know what I see and this is how I am interrepting what I see and hear. You can watch for yourself, if you are in Colorado, and make your own judgement.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
I know, I know - The "Nautica Incident", my post of that blogger being "Sideswiped", my first biking accessories and the Ironman Hawaii 2008 all have yet to be addressed by me. I am going to try and make a real effort tonight.
And the new topic for today - Melissa Mollet - from FOX news local here in Denver. I got up pretty early since I went to bed semi-early. I saw that there was an issue with the Light Rail on the route that I take when I do take Light Rail. But - that's not the point - I saw Melissa Mollet. I have a "TV crush" on her since she is one of the better looking (not to mention - more intelligence) than the women news reporters on local TV.
I recognzied (know) the particular Light Rail station she was at and right there in my living room I decided to go see her in real person. Not meaning to actually to meet her, but just to see her with my own eyes. I got dressed as soon as possible and got biking. And did I ever dress fast =).
While biking on the way to the Light Rail station I saw a traffic accident and I did take some pictures. Just in case one of the drivers decides to make it a "Hit and Run" and I needed to be a witness. Though - for a price! I'm nice, but not that nice! I can be bought for the right price and the right offer. Wink wink. Hey, you never know readers, my photograph(s) could be easily deleted from my digital camera and my memory could go blank unless I get paid. "Nothing going on but the rent" a phrase I heard on a movie, I think.
I did not dally too long at the scene of the accident, since I was on a mission to go see Melissa Mollet. As I was nearing the RTD Light Rail Station I could see that the TV antenna (from the mobile van) was still extended into the sky so I knew that she was there. I biked even faster knowing that time was against me in this case. As I exited the parking garage onto the loading area I saw Melissa in the distance and the TV camera at the other end of the loading area. I biked along the track sort of out of the way, but still making myself being seen on camera. After I biked past the range of the camera I turned around and then took out the camera and snapped a couple of pictures of Melissa Mollet. Granted, she is bundled up, but I could still see what I see what I like about her.
No, I am not a "stalker" but today I made it a mission to go see her in real life. She is apparently married. And I am not "taken" with her, but she is better looking than the rest of the local news caster. And a whole lot smarter/better than that Angie Austin (Channel 2 news). If you want to laugh just see Angie in action. This blonde does fit the stereotype blonde - fucking dumb - matter of fact dumber than dumb.
Side Note: Years ago - Angie was interviewing Reggie and it was a question and answer interview. Then, Reggie has said something to the effect "I like Opie Gone Bad." Angie did not miss a beat (That sentence did a fly by). Angie leans forward and in a sort of whispering voice and something to the effect "I too like when Opie goes bad" or something very similar to that. Point being - Angie did not have a fucking clue that "Opie Gone Bad" was a music group. I think, Angie thought perhaps Opie Gone Bad was a reference to the Andy Griffith Show and Ron Howard as Opie, being bad. Anyway, after Angie said that the look from Reggie was priceless. Since this was on the morning news Reggie did not correct her, but just let it go, but his look was just so priceless. I shook my head and further cemented the fact that Angie is dumb.
Another Side Note: In my opinion - Angie's whole fucking body blocks the blue screen that shows all the temperatures and days showing the temps. She goes from one side of the screen to the other side and by then the screen has changed to another graphic. But during the whole time she is being shown in front of the blue screen she takes up 1/3 of the screen. Meanwhile, we never get to the see the entire screen graphics since she/someone changes to the next screen - sunset, sunrise, highs, lows, city temps, state temps, etc. This could be a whole subject in itself. Though, I do not watch Channel 2 news anymore since Dan Daru left (with his wife Wendy) to Channel 31 FOX news and Angie taking up the 1/3 of the weather screen and her mundane comments and fake laugh.
Pictured on today's post - is Melissa Mollet with me taking the picture. Isn't she just adorable? Hah hah. I guess I can cross that off my list "of things to do before I die"
By the readers - this is my opinion and by no means I am saying that this is what is being shown to the word. I know what I see and this is how I am interrepting what I see and hear. You can watch for yourself, if you are in Colorado, and make your own judgement.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Another Blogger's - "woe is me" - story

Greetings Readers
I am going to reference a posting that I did on February 9th, 2008 where I posted about some blogger who wrote - "runs me over." and he/she made the point on who should not be driving a vehicle as opposed to him/her not paying attention while riding a bike.
Anyway, I did a whole post - Almost Ran Over By A Vehicle - on the subject on what and how and why and this and that. And so on. Basically, referencing the author "that he/she almost got himself/herself fucked up for not paying attention." or "I'm a fucking idiot for not paying attention to my surroundings."
Ten days later the same author posts about being "nearly sideswiped" by all things a truck that has some "advertising". I could not fucking believe what I read this time. Another "woe is me" story and I want the reader's pity. Also, discrimination was once more used (though the author was unaware of it this time). Who the fuck does the bike rider think he is?!
So readers, I have a reason to post something good and more on this issue. Let me get my facts in order and I should have a post for you tomorrow.
Today, Fidel Castro has retired.
And tonight - the Nip / Tuck Season Finale - oh, I think, it will be good, but I am not sure if there is going to be "nice" ending or "a close" to this season of Nip / Tuck. I just do not have faith. I did get a nice bottle of Cabernet of Rodney Strong - Estate Vineyards (pictured - I think I have the right bottle pictured).
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
I am going to reference a posting that I did on February 9th, 2008 where I posted about some blogger who wrote - "runs me over." and he/she made the point on who should not be driving a vehicle as opposed to him/her not paying attention while riding a bike.
Anyway, I did a whole post - Almost Ran Over By A Vehicle - on the subject on what and how and why and this and that. And so on. Basically, referencing the author "that he/she almost got himself/herself fucked up for not paying attention." or "I'm a fucking idiot for not paying attention to my surroundings."
Ten days later the same author posts about being "nearly sideswiped" by all things a truck that has some "advertising". I could not fucking believe what I read this time. Another "woe is me" story and I want the reader's pity. Also, discrimination was once more used (though the author was unaware of it this time). Who the fuck does the bike rider think he is?!
So readers, I have a reason to post something good and more on this issue. Let me get my facts in order and I should have a post for you tomorrow.
Today, Fidel Castro has retired.
And tonight - the Nip / Tuck Season Finale - oh, I think, it will be good, but I am not sure if there is going to be "nice" ending or "a close" to this season of Nip / Tuck. I just do not have faith. I did get a nice bottle of Cabernet of Rodney Strong - Estate Vineyards (pictured - I think I have the right bottle pictured).
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Monday, February 18, 2008
President's Day Posting
Greetings Readers
And it is official - my results for the President's Day 5k. I am okay with the overall ranking, but very okay about the time I posted - per mile. I can not understand how I dropped backwards last week from two weeks ago.
Well, besides the points I made on earlier posts. 25th place overall last week - which I like. Yet, 7:51 per mile the first race of the year and then 7:58 per mile last week and I still can not fathom that difference. Urgh. 19 seconds quicker than last week and 12 seconds faster than last week. Overall, I will take and accept this time as a better than good result and will even push harder. Though I am not sure when the next 5k is schedule. There is a stair climb, 10/20 mile run, a 5 mile run, then 7k, so I guess I am going to have to look and really plan a schedule for the next three weeks or so.
Update: Sorry Readers... me and Bobbie Rae left for lunch to workout. I did most of the workout on the stairmaster so I can be ready for Sunday's event. Which is the reason for the short post -I was unable to finish the post.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
And it is official - my results for the President's Day 5k. I am okay with the overall ranking, but very okay about the time I posted - per mile. I can not understand how I dropped backwards last week from two weeks ago.
Well, besides the points I made on earlier posts. 25th place overall last week - which I like. Yet, 7:51 per mile the first race of the year and then 7:58 per mile last week and I still can not fathom that difference. Urgh. 19 seconds quicker than last week and 12 seconds faster than last week. Overall, I will take and accept this time as a better than good result and will even push harder. Though I am not sure when the next 5k is schedule. There is a stair climb, 10/20 mile run, a 5 mile run, then 7k, so I guess I am going to have to look and really plan a schedule for the next three weeks or so.
Update: Sorry Readers... me and Bobbie Rae left for lunch to workout. I did most of the workout on the stairmaster so I can be ready for Sunday's event. Which is the reason for the short post -I was unable to finish the post.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The President's Day 5k
Greetings Readers
This has now become the third week that I have started this new ritual of running a 5k in Wash Park in Denver, Colorado.
As you can see this pciture was taken in the same place as the other two pictures from the past two Sundays in Greenwood Village Area. Yet, from last week and 10 minutes later than last week it was 12 degrees cooler
Just before I left the house at 8:00 AM the snow was falling and the wind was blowing so it looked like a blizzard outside. Yet, by the time that I got outside the snow had all, but dissappeared. The wind had a bite and it was blowing pretty good in from the North.
I arrived at Wash Park just before 9AM for the President's Day 5k. Boy oh boy I was cutting time very close to not participating. I was cold, but not as cold as I was two weeks ago at the start of the Super Bowl 5k. I was feeling and hearing the wind and I knew that this wind was not going to relent by the time that we runners started the race.
The turn out of runners looked pretty good this Sunday morning that turned out for the cold and windy morning. I did not get a T-shirt since the event ran out of T-shirts by the time that I showed up to register. I placed my name and address on the clipboard and so I guess that they will mail me a T-shirt. My $ 30.00 T-shirt.
Fast forward to the end of the race. Wait - I was... er am still sore from the workout Bobbie Rae and I had on Friday. Mainly the bottom portion of my arms, my pecs and more importantly, my inner thighs. I really worked the inner and outer thigh muscles when I worked out on Friday. And I was feeling the tightness mainly in the inner thighs. Other than that I also had a slight injury to the kneecap and out right leg when I fell down on my bike while riding down the side of a grassy hill that I had no snow, but forgot that did not mean that the ground was wet and when I was riding down on the hill in the evening I forgot that the water freezes at night. Well, I hit a grassy,icy spot that had some frozen water and that was that. I fell, but I really did not fall that hard. I sort of was preparing the impact when I was going to "Kiss the Earth". I did do good, but really cursed at myself not really expecting that the grassy ground could be icy.
Back to the race, I have a time on my watch that say 24:01, but I know that may be off 15 to 30 seconds. My race number was/is # 3217 and I think I placed 37th, but I do not know. The event did not post the times and everyone was leaving right away so the awards happened quick and the next thine you know everyone was leaving. Not all of the walkers had not even finished and all of us runners had left. No sense waiting for nothing when the body was cooling off the wind still blowing pretty hard and the temperature was not even up a degree, I bet.
I did meet a runner that was from Las Vegas, New Mexico today. He was only in town for the weekend and he wanted to a longer mile race, but the only event in town was basically this 5k. And I think that you readers may know what I did ask him. Come on. "No Country for Old Men" since the movie was partially filmed/shot in that location. He said yes, the bridge, the plaza, and used some extras from the high school in the Las Vegas area.
I think, I better come clean and this is something I need to confess to you readers. I did something that I do not do. Period. I would consider this a cardinal sin, in my humble opinion and book.
This week and two weeks ago I was okay right after the 5k races. But as soon as my body cooled down and my heart rate returned to normal I got cold. Very cold. I was sitting on my gloves on the concrete barrier, with the sweat in my jacket starting to get cold. Anyway, I saw the Starbucks coffee table in the distance and I knew there was some warm/hot coffee in that dispenser. I got up and started walking to the table in the distance. There were other people there using sugar, half and half, sweetner and whatever else goes with coffee. When my turn came to at the front of the line I grabbed a paper cup and proceeded to get a cup of coffee - 3/4 of a cup full. Well, more than that 3/4 cup of coffee. A cup of hot liquid. I took my first sip of coffee since 1996 and I was immediately warmed up. I could literally feel the liquid coffee running down my throat into my stomach. The liquid along the way warmed up my upper body from the chilling cold. I only had a cup of coffee two weeks ago and today I only had one cup of coffee. I had to readers. I would not say that I was weak, but I was desperate to get warm. near the finish line in Wash Park there is no wind barrier to stand behind and basically it is just open space.
However, I want to assure to you readers that I have not acquired the taste of coffee. I did appreciate the warmth that it gave to my body, but I still could not make coffee a drink for me. Today, I put a packet of sugar in there, though there was nothing to stir the sugar into the coffee so the top half of the coffee was the same taste I had two weeks ago. But as I got to the bottom of the cup I could taste the sweetness and that was when I threw the rest of the coffee away. Yuck. I am not sure what the sugary taste did or did not do. Or perhaps I added too much. I do not know. I am going to label this "Coffee Incident" as desire, but in the total opposite direction of desire.
Once again - I a-po-gize (as someone I know says the word "apologize") for not turning out to my faithful Sunday crowd for my regular Sunday Morning Ritual. Though it did occur to me to go out before I left for Washington Park, but I did not want to get cold until I absolutely had to.
Note: I did not do the HRCA race in Highlands Ranch since apparently registration for non-Highland ranch residents closed at noon on Friday. That was/is Fucked up. Well, to look at it from my point of view - I saved $ 35.00 dollars.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
This has now become the third week that I have started this new ritual of running a 5k in Wash Park in Denver, Colorado.
As you can see this pciture was taken in the same place as the other two pictures from the past two Sundays in Greenwood Village Area. Yet, from last week and 10 minutes later than last week it was 12 degrees cooler
Just before I left the house at 8:00 AM the snow was falling and the wind was blowing so it looked like a blizzard outside. Yet, by the time that I got outside the snow had all, but dissappeared. The wind had a bite and it was blowing pretty good in from the North.
I arrived at Wash Park just before 9AM for the President's Day 5k. Boy oh boy I was cutting time very close to not participating. I was cold, but not as cold as I was two weeks ago at the start of the Super Bowl 5k. I was feeling and hearing the wind and I knew that this wind was not going to relent by the time that we runners started the race.
The turn out of runners looked pretty good this Sunday morning that turned out for the cold and windy morning. I did not get a T-shirt since the event ran out of T-shirts by the time that I showed up to register. I placed my name and address on the clipboard and so I guess that they will mail me a T-shirt. My $ 30.00 T-shirt.
Fast forward to the end of the race. Wait - I was... er am still sore from the workout Bobbie Rae and I had on Friday. Mainly the bottom portion of my arms, my pecs and more importantly, my inner thighs. I really worked the inner and outer thigh muscles when I worked out on Friday. And I was feeling the tightness mainly in the inner thighs. Other than that I also had a slight injury to the kneecap and out right leg when I fell down on my bike while riding down the side of a grassy hill that I had no snow, but forgot that did not mean that the ground was wet and when I was riding down on the hill in the evening I forgot that the water freezes at night. Well, I hit a grassy,icy spot that had some frozen water and that was that. I fell, but I really did not fall that hard. I sort of was preparing the impact when I was going to "Kiss the Earth". I did do good, but really cursed at myself not really expecting that the grassy ground could be icy.
I did meet a runner that was from Las Vegas, New Mexico today. He was only in town for the weekend and he wanted to a longer mile race, but the only event in town was basically this 5k. And I think that you readers may know what I did ask him. Come on. "No Country for Old Men" since the movie was partially filmed/shot in that location. He said yes, the bridge, the plaza, and used some extras from the high school in the Las Vegas area.
I think, I better come clean and this is something I need to confess to you readers. I did something that I do not do. Period. I would consider this a cardinal sin, in my humble opinion and book.
This week and two weeks ago I was okay right after the 5k races. But as soon as my body cooled down and my heart rate returned to normal I got cold. Very cold. I was sitting on my gloves on the concrete barrier, with the sweat in my jacket starting to get cold. Anyway, I saw the Starbucks coffee table in the distance and I knew there was some warm/hot coffee in that dispenser. I got up and started walking to the table in the distance. There were other people there using sugar, half and half, sweetner and whatever else goes with coffee. When my turn came to at the front of the line I grabbed a paper cup and proceeded to get a cup of coffee - 3/4 of a cup full. Well, more than that 3/4 cup of coffee. A cup of hot liquid. I took my first sip of coffee since 1996 and I was immediately warmed up. I could literally feel the liquid coffee running down my throat into my stomach. The liquid along the way warmed up my upper body from the chilling cold. I only had a cup of coffee two weeks ago and today I only had one cup of coffee. I had to readers. I would not say that I was weak, but I was desperate to get warm. near the finish line in Wash Park there is no wind barrier to stand behind and basically it is just open space.
However, I want to assure to you readers that I have not acquired the taste of coffee. I did appreciate the warmth that it gave to my body, but I still could not make coffee a drink for me. Today, I put a packet of sugar in there, though there was nothing to stir the sugar into the coffee so the top half of the coffee was the same taste I had two weeks ago. But as I got to the bottom of the cup I could taste the sweetness and that was when I threw the rest of the coffee away. Yuck. I am not sure what the sugary taste did or did not do. Or perhaps I added too much. I do not know. I am going to label this "Coffee Incident" as desire, but in the total opposite direction of desire.
Once again - I a-po-gize (as someone I know says the word "apologize") for not turning out to my faithful Sunday crowd for my regular Sunday Morning Ritual. Though it did occur to me to go out before I left for Washington Park, but I did not want to get cold until I absolutely had to.
Note: I did not do the HRCA race in Highlands Ranch since apparently registration for non-Highland ranch residents closed at noon on Friday. That was/is Fucked up. Well, to look at it from my point of view - I saved $ 35.00 dollars.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Me & My Bike Odometers
Greetings Readers
That is just a picture of two of the 17 bike odometers that I have mounted on my bikes. Most of my bikes have two odometers, but a couple of my bikes have only one odometer.
I need to have two odometers. Mainly to accurately maintain and measure my mileage. I have been burned too many times in the beginning of my cycling career by having just one odometer. The magnet gets turned around, slips, rubs or something else. From some point in the past I knew that I had to invest into 2 bike odometers on each bike. The other need for having two odometers is being analytical (anal) about the odometers. Being perfect and accurate as possible.
Since the first time I placed on two odometers I have been proudly doing it. I have had no total failure with both, but definitely had failure with the left odometer. Which is the case on all my bikes. I can not figure out why. Could it be something with being a right handed person? Or else it is just odds? I do not know.
This particular picture was taken earlier this week. As you can see the odometer on the right is the first one that I put on the bike. Currently at 7,405.1 miles. I would say that is accurate within 100 miles since being on the bike. No battery changes and this has all been done in three years... well four this year. The left odometer was put on 300 or 400 miles later. I did not have the money to buy both odometers at the time so I had to wait until the following payday.
Excess? Nope. I do have a set plan and route I do and yes I know the route down to the tenth of the mile. But, perhaps that one day I decided to go off the beaten path. That's where I set the odometer to measure the distance from that point and to where ever I end up. So, the next time should I go that additional route I will know the exact mile I will be adding to my bike route.
Also, should I reach where ever I am going I sometimes get the urge to set another odometer to start the mileage from that point. I know from that point I am going home and I will be going home the easiest way. Not necessarily the quickest way, but the easiest way.
By the way readers, I only buy the odometers that can have two mileage counters going. And yes I do prefer Cat's eye and will only buy with the wires(cables). I have had heard some stories about the wireless and I do not want to go that route nor would I have such uncertainity with going wireless. I know some of you readers/cyclist would swear up and down going wireless, but I will not. I also have to say that I buy the odometers made for mountain bikes. To me, I think, they are made much more stronger, made to last.
I think that is really about all I can say about bike odometers. Wait! Fuck yeah - I get such a rush when I see that odometer roll into the 90 miles range and I am about to hit the century mark. Seeing that one hundred is just so cool. Even better when I write the mileage in my Sports Illustrated Swimsuit yearly planner.
And such a fucking thrill. Woo Hoo!
I guess I better do my first century ride this month then.
Last words - The Riches - Premieres March 18. I do not have a clue on how the situation at the end of the last season will get resolved. I just do not know.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
That is just a picture of two of the 17 bike odometers that I have mounted on my bikes. Most of my bikes have two odometers, but a couple of my bikes have only one odometer.
I need to have two odometers. Mainly to accurately maintain and measure my mileage. I have been burned too many times in the beginning of my cycling career by having just one odometer. The magnet gets turned around, slips, rubs or something else. From some point in the past I knew that I had to invest into 2 bike odometers on each bike. The other need for having two odometers is being analytical (anal) about the odometers. Being perfect and accurate as possible.
Since the first time I placed on two odometers I have been proudly doing it. I have had no total failure with both, but definitely had failure with the left odometer. Which is the case on all my bikes. I can not figure out why. Could it be something with being a right handed person? Or else it is just odds? I do not know.
This particular picture was taken earlier this week. As you can see the odometer on the right is the first one that I put on the bike. Currently at 7,405.1 miles. I would say that is accurate within 100 miles since being on the bike. No battery changes and this has all been done in three years... well four this year. The left odometer was put on 300 or 400 miles later. I did not have the money to buy both odometers at the time so I had to wait until the following payday.
Excess? Nope. I do have a set plan and route I do and yes I know the route down to the tenth of the mile. But, perhaps that one day I decided to go off the beaten path. That's where I set the odometer to measure the distance from that point and to where ever I end up. So, the next time should I go that additional route I will know the exact mile I will be adding to my bike route.
Also, should I reach where ever I am going I sometimes get the urge to set another odometer to start the mileage from that point. I know from that point I am going home and I will be going home the easiest way. Not necessarily the quickest way, but the easiest way.
By the way readers, I only buy the odometers that can have two mileage counters going. And yes I do prefer Cat's eye and will only buy with the wires(cables). I have had heard some stories about the wireless and I do not want to go that route nor would I have such uncertainity with going wireless. I know some of you readers/cyclist would swear up and down going wireless, but I will not. I also have to say that I buy the odometers made for mountain bikes. To me, I think, they are made much more stronger, made to last.
I think that is really about all I can say about bike odometers. Wait! Fuck yeah - I get such a rush when I see that odometer roll into the 90 miles range and I am about to hit the century mark. Seeing that one hundred is just so cool. Even better when I write the mileage in my Sports Illustrated Swimsuit yearly planner.
And such a fucking thrill. Woo Hoo!
I guess I better do my first century ride this month then.
Last words - The Riches - Premieres March 18. I do not have a clue on how the situation at the end of the last season will get resolved. I just do not know.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Friday, February 15, 2008
Time for the Weekend
Greetings Readers
Here is a picture of the first six pack of Copperhook beer that I bought in the new year 2008. This is far the best, but Winterhook is just so close in second place. And even a tight third place is ESB and Blackhook is fourth. Yet, I still can not decided confidently. Anyway, I put my first bottle in the freezer to get the microbrew icy cold and when I pulled it out 20 minutes later it was oh so smooth
I have to say that today was the first time in about three weeks or so that I have been to "the CAC" (Colorado Athletic Club). I was unsure on how to workout today. Yet. Today was the 15th so that meant I was able to take a friend to the club for free. I took my co-worker who also works out, but at the 24 hour fitness club. And that would be "Bobbie Rae" I might have told you readers, but Bobbie Rae can only afford the 24hour fitness club, and definitely not "the CAC".
I was not really motivated when we were going to the club, but I did say that I would take Bobbie Rae to the CAC on the 15th of the month, each month I have the membership. I forgot my workout log book so I was just going by instinct. I did okay on some, but others I was sort of struggling. Yet, I felt on other machines I know I was doing better (at least reps and not struggling). Bobbie Rae did some treadmill then did some machines. I just focused on the machine work.
Finally Friday. I have been feeling kind of wierd. Not sure how to tell you readers. I would not say moody, but just different.
I with that I am going to end this post and see what will be in store for tomorrow.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Here is a picture of the first six pack of Copperhook beer that I bought in the new year 2008. This is far the best, but Winterhook is just so close in second place. And even a tight third place is ESB and Blackhook is fourth. Yet, I still can not decided confidently. Anyway, I put my first bottle in the freezer to get the microbrew icy cold and when I pulled it out 20 minutes later it was oh so smooth
I have to say that today was the first time in about three weeks or so that I have been to "the CAC" (Colorado Athletic Club). I was unsure on how to workout today. Yet. Today was the 15th so that meant I was able to take a friend to the club for free. I took my co-worker who also works out, but at the 24 hour fitness club. And that would be "Bobbie Rae" I might have told you readers, but Bobbie Rae can only afford the 24hour fitness club, and definitely not "the CAC".
I was not really motivated when we were going to the club, but I did say that I would take Bobbie Rae to the CAC on the 15th of the month, each month I have the membership. I forgot my workout log book so I was just going by instinct. I did okay on some, but others I was sort of struggling. Yet, I felt on other machines I know I was doing better (at least reps and not struggling). Bobbie Rae did some treadmill then did some machines. I just focused on the machine work.
Finally Friday. I have been feeling kind of wierd. Not sure how to tell you readers. I would not say moody, but just different.
I with that I am going to end this post and see what will be in store for tomorrow.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day
Greetings Readers
I guess the good thing about not having a Valentine is actually worrying about what to get her. Albeit - Candy, clothing(there lack of), dinner, jewelry, etc. I have money in my pocket (not to mention that savings account, IRA account and 401k. Hah hah. Yet, on the downside Mr. C will not be "getting any". Be as it will. There is always tomorrow. Now, I can let this holiday lie dormant for another year.
There was a bunch of new snow (5 inches or so) on the ground this morning and guess who decided to "Kiss the Earth" this morning. Oh yes, I went down, but luckily I did not fall down in front of the whole world. It is funny - I fell and the first thing was I got up and looked around to see if anyone saw me. Nope. Nada. Zilch. I was smiling, but said "Shit" and brushed off the snow of my overcoat.
Just announced the new trailer for the Indiana Jones movie this may. I like. The first part of the trailer recaps the first three movies and Indy did. Then, the second part of the trailer does show the new movie. I like. And yes, I laughed when.... well let me say when he was swinging in some sort of warehouse and the aftermath. That's "Doctor Jones" for you. And me! I think the link is and then locate the link for the trailer.
I did not ride my bike this morning, nor could I since I do not have my mountain bike anymore. Today is a day that I really wished I did have a mountain bike. The road bike would not have worked for me due to my biking route and where I know that riding on my road bike would be futile.
Nope - I did not consider running to work this morning just due to the heavy accumulating of snow and I would not be able to see the ground and what may be hiding beneath the new snow.
I did see a smoking transformer box at the I-25 and Arapahoe intersection.
I am almost done with reading the book "No Country for Old Men" It is a good book and the movie did follow the book to almost a tee. Some difference and some left out of the movie. The book was enjoyable, but not the style of when the characters are speaking. The author does not use quotes nor really reference regularly who talking during a conversation.
And lastly - I went to the liqour store last night and lo and behold my favorite beer was in the cooler. It is a seasonal brand and I am thinking it was still too early for this "Spring" microbrew to be released. Yet - there it was and I immediately picked up a six pack without looking any further. Oh, a heavenly taste it was last night. What? Oh it is made by Redhook and the microbrew beer is called Copperhook.
By the way readers - Redhook is definitely a microbrew beer that you would want to try. Nothing exotic like strawberry, Chocolate, etc. But you will find distinct taste between the different variety of Redhooks available - Winterhook, ESB, Blackhook (or was that Black Porter), Blonde, and I am sure there is a couple more. ESB was my first and I still love my first. I love winterhook, but the window is slowly closing until next season.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
I guess the good thing about not having a Valentine is actually worrying about what to get her. Albeit - Candy, clothing(there lack of), dinner, jewelry, etc. I have money in my pocket (not to mention that savings account, IRA account and 401k. Hah hah. Yet, on the downside Mr. C will not be "getting any". Be as it will. There is always tomorrow. Now, I can let this holiday lie dormant for another year.
There was a bunch of new snow (5 inches or so) on the ground this morning and guess who decided to "Kiss the Earth" this morning. Oh yes, I went down, but luckily I did not fall down in front of the whole world. It is funny - I fell and the first thing was I got up and looked around to see if anyone saw me. Nope. Nada. Zilch. I was smiling, but said "Shit" and brushed off the snow of my overcoat.
Just announced the new trailer for the Indiana Jones movie this may. I like. The first part of the trailer recaps the first three movies and Indy did. Then, the second part of the trailer does show the new movie. I like. And yes, I laughed when.... well let me say when he was swinging in some sort of warehouse and the aftermath. That's "Doctor Jones" for you. And me! I think the link is and then locate the link for the trailer.
I did not ride my bike this morning, nor could I since I do not have my mountain bike anymore. Today is a day that I really wished I did have a mountain bike. The road bike would not have worked for me due to my biking route and where I know that riding on my road bike would be futile.
Nope - I did not consider running to work this morning just due to the heavy accumulating of snow and I would not be able to see the ground and what may be hiding beneath the new snow.
I did see a smoking transformer box at the I-25 and Arapahoe intersection.
I am almost done with reading the book "No Country for Old Men" It is a good book and the movie did follow the book to almost a tee. Some difference and some left out of the movie. The book was enjoyable, but not the style of when the characters are speaking. The author does not use quotes nor really reference regularly who talking during a conversation.
And lastly - I went to the liqour store last night and lo and behold my favorite beer was in the cooler. It is a seasonal brand and I am thinking it was still too early for this "Spring" microbrew to be released. Yet - there it was and I immediately picked up a six pack without looking any further. Oh, a heavenly taste it was last night. What? Oh it is made by Redhook and the microbrew beer is called Copperhook.
By the way readers - Redhook is definitely a microbrew beer that you would want to try. Nothing exotic like strawberry, Chocolate, etc. But you will find distinct taste between the different variety of Redhooks available - Winterhook, ESB, Blackhook (or was that Black Porter), Blonde, and I am sure there is a couple more. ESB was my first and I still love my first. I love winterhook, but the window is slowly closing until next season.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Wednesday's Quick Topics
Greetings Readers
I got busy yesterday. I really do not have that much time to really to get into a topic fully for today's blog.
I want mention that a beagle won "the Best of Show" at the Westminster Dog Show in New York City. I am not mad, nor happy, just indifferent. I am not a judge nor would I have any clue to determine what the "best" dog would have been that night. Yes - pictured on today's blog is the "best of show" winner.
Nip/Tuck - My gosh what a season. And the season finale is next Tuesday. I am going to have to buy a nice thirty dollar Cabernet for that night. Nothing really special, per se, but we may be... Oops, I do not want to give anything away nor do I want to tell you readers what I saw on the commerical for next week. Oh, an up and down season, but better than last season to a certain degree.
I think that the weather may have broken the 60 degree mark today. Very warm and I oh so love wearing my bandanna on my head (as opposed to my stocking cap), my fingerless biking gloves (as opposed to my thinsulate gloves) and my biking shorts (as opposed to my tight long biking pants) and wearing one bandanna (as opposed to 3 bandannas on my body). I just dis-like wearing so much clothing. I want to be as near naked as I can be. Only kidding. But I am sure that readers understand that I want to show off those well defined (and spectacular) thighs! Oh Baby!
Coming up this weekend I have scheduled myself for one running event, but I want to do two. One on Saturday and one on Sunday. The one on Saturday - HRCA Fat Saturday 5k -is located in the Highlands ranch Area and Sunday's event - PACE President's Day 5k - is held where the past two weeks of running events I have been in - Wash Park.
The time to find a "Valentine" to woo is about over for me. I did not find one.... well I did not act upon the two that I was thinking about. I do not think I will either. Not a problem. Of course, there was nothing I said I needed to find a valentine, but I was trying. But, I was not doing a desperate search for someone. I did pick up a card so just in case I get some crazy thoughts in the morning or if something should come up before I go to bed tonight. You never know readers.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
I got busy yesterday. I really do not have that much time to really to get into a topic fully for today's blog.
I want mention that a beagle won "the Best of Show" at the Westminster Dog Show in New York City. I am not mad, nor happy, just indifferent. I am not a judge nor would I have any clue to determine what the "best" dog would have been that night. Yes - pictured on today's blog is the "best of show" winner.
Nip/Tuck - My gosh what a season. And the season finale is next Tuesday. I am going to have to buy a nice thirty dollar Cabernet for that night. Nothing really special, per se, but we may be... Oops, I do not want to give anything away nor do I want to tell you readers what I saw on the commerical for next week. Oh, an up and down season, but better than last season to a certain degree.
I think that the weather may have broken the 60 degree mark today. Very warm and I oh so love wearing my bandanna on my head (as opposed to my stocking cap), my fingerless biking gloves (as opposed to my thinsulate gloves) and my biking shorts (as opposed to my tight long biking pants) and wearing one bandanna (as opposed to 3 bandannas on my body). I just dis-like wearing so much clothing. I want to be as near naked as I can be. Only kidding. But I am sure that readers understand that I want to show off those well defined (and spectacular) thighs! Oh Baby!
Coming up this weekend I have scheduled myself for one running event, but I want to do two. One on Saturday and one on Sunday. The one on Saturday - HRCA Fat Saturday 5k -is located in the Highlands ranch Area and Sunday's event - PACE President's Day 5k - is held where the past two weeks of running events I have been in - Wash Park.
The time to find a "Valentine" to woo is about over for me. I did not find one.... well I did not act upon the two that I was thinking about. I do not think I will either. Not a problem. Of course, there was nothing I said I needed to find a valentine, but I was trying. But, I was not doing a desperate search for someone. I did pick up a card so just in case I get some crazy thoughts in the morning or if something should come up before I go to bed tonight. You never know readers.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Monday, February 11, 2008
Monday's Incoherent Musings
Greetings Readers
What's in my bike bag?
I have been seeing and reading this from various blogs that I have stumbled across on.
Well, perhaps I should cave in and tell you readers what I have, but I am not going to do this on this particular post.
As I posted on Feb 2, 2008 - I talked about "You're gonna new a bigger boat." I just found out that Roy Scheider past away at the age of 75 yesterday. I am shocked readers. How ironic that I wrote about him just so recently. Not to mention that I have seen him in five movies in the past two weeks. He will be missed and never fogotten.
TCM - 31 days of Oscar was pretty darn good last night - Nightmare before Christmas, Lord of the Rings - Return of the King, Silence of the Lambs & Seven.
Alright readers. I cuss. Period. I was reading on a blog that was just recently posted and I see that this person would spell "F&*%er" as opposed to actually spelling it out. I have only substituted symbols for letters once, because the word would be caught in some filtering program. Otherwise, I have spelled out my cuss word. Does not mean a thing. Yet. What I want to state is that yes I write my cuss words out and apparently I do a lot writing cuss words. I make no apologies.
And it is official - my results for the Valentine's Day 5k. I am pretty pleased with the ranking, but not pleased about the time I posted. I can not understand how I dropped backwards. Well, besides the points I made yesterday. 25th place overall. Yet, 7:51 per mile. Urgh. 7 seconds slower than last week.
Okay three days left before Valentine's Day. And I do not have a Confirmed Valentine in mind. There are possibly two, but haven't kept in touch with both of them.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
What's in my bike bag?
I have been seeing and reading this from various blogs that I have stumbled across on.
Well, perhaps I should cave in and tell you readers what I have, but I am not going to do this on this particular post.
As I posted on Feb 2, 2008 - I talked about "You're gonna new a bigger boat." I just found out that Roy Scheider past away at the age of 75 yesterday. I am shocked readers. How ironic that I wrote about him just so recently. Not to mention that I have seen him in five movies in the past two weeks. He will be missed and never fogotten.
TCM - 31 days of Oscar was pretty darn good last night - Nightmare before Christmas, Lord of the Rings - Return of the King, Silence of the Lambs & Seven.
Alright readers. I cuss. Period. I was reading on a blog that was just recently posted and I see that this person would spell "F&*%er" as opposed to actually spelling it out. I have only substituted symbols for letters once, because the word would be caught in some filtering program. Otherwise, I have spelled out my cuss word. Does not mean a thing. Yet. What I want to state is that yes I write my cuss words out and apparently I do a lot writing cuss words. I make no apologies.
And it is official - my results for the Valentine's Day 5k. I am pretty pleased with the ranking, but not pleased about the time I posted. I can not understand how I dropped backwards. Well, besides the points I made yesterday. 25th place overall. Yet, 7:51 per mile. Urgh. 7 seconds slower than last week.
Okay three days left before Valentine's Day. And I do not have a Confirmed Valentine in mind. There are possibly two, but haven't kept in touch with both of them.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The Valentine's Day 5k
Greetings Readers
As you can see from the blog picture the temperature this Sunday is 8 degrees higher at the same time last Sunday (plus or minus 10 minutes). I could already tell the difference from being outside in the twenties as opposed to the teens last week. If you are seasoned athlete or perhaps just outside during these times of cold weather then you to know that there is big difference between the twenties and teens. Also, I had no thoughts of turning around and going back home.
Today was the Valentine's Day 5k in Washington Park (aka Wash Park for short) here in Denver, Colorado. This 5k event benefits the Kipture Primary School Building & library Foundation. My racing number was 2514.
"This non-profit foundation was created in 2003. This rural school, located near Kapsabet, Kneya was built in the 1940's, teaches without the benefit of a library, school kitchen or electricity. Over 400 students attend the school and prepare for high school in site of these adverse conditions. The foundation is currently focused on raising $ 10,000 in install window glass in the classrooms and to refinish several roofs on the classrooms. The kitchen is now completed as well as the library. A generator now provides power."
I sported a different jacket this time since I knew the weather was going to be in the twenties. The other jacket that I use has a bit of insulation so I use that when the weather is cold or if I have to ride in the dark. Pretty reflective that green and black adidas with white stripes on the jacket. I also wore a different pair of sneakers.
I do not think that there were as many people as last week, but I can not be sure. I saw a lot more running shorts and non-jackets, which indicates that the weather is warmer. I just know that I was warmer.
Once more let me fast forward to the end of the race. I think that my un-official time is 7:58 per mile - if I can remember from memory I think 24:40 was my time. I can not remember my time from last Sunday, but I think I am eight seconds slower. I think I know the reason why. As I mentioned there were not a lot of people and I think I did not have a lot of people in my time bracket, which meant I had no one to set a pace with. I had a couple of people in front of me, but I could quite close the distance until the very end of the race when I was just one second behind the runner I was trying to catch. Fucking A! I almost caught him at the end. If only I had started out just a bit earlier. I was running like I wanted to win, but as with other runners he too was running what he had left at the end of the race.
I always account for that, but perhaps I just misjudged him. I saw him lose his "pacer" towards the three mile mark and that was when I knew he was running out of gas. When I see that from any runner that is when I set a maniacial pace in order to get some places from others. I do want to place higher than other people and towards the end of any race I will kick on the jets and run. Run baby run. I was just so close.
A second. Just one second is what seperated me from 19th place to 18th place on the men's bracket. Age bracket I do not have a clue until they ( post the official results later on Sunday.
I did start out slow since I was trying to pace myself with a couple of runners I thought were keeping the same pace, but it was not to be. I lost them at the half mile mark and not to mention I lost some time keeping pace with them.
Also the other factor that I was losing my bike/racing belt. Apparently, I must be losing weight/fat around the waist. As I was completing the last mile my racing/biking belt was starting to slip/fall below my waist. Several times I slowed down to pull up my racing belt. Finally, I took off my thinsulate gloves and slipped them in between my belt and body and sure enough that did the trick, but I only had a half mile or so left and I lost many precious seconds fiddling with my bike/racing belt falling below my waist.
As I turned the final corner I looked behind me and saw that no one was even near me so I had a straight shot to the finish line and the only person I had to worry about was right in front of me. I tried, but there is no try. I did make move, but did not quite catch him at the end. Yoda would be bowing his head in sadness for me.
Or. perhaps it was the eight degrees difference from last week that made me eight seconds slower.
Once more I had a breakfast made for a King. Basically, I cooked the rest of the Jimmy Dean Hot Sausage (cooked perfectly), made more hash browns (browned perfectly with onions), made scrambled eggs (with onions also), I made the rest of the biscuits (but threw them away) and to top that off I had two pieces of pork chops (only ate one). I had one of the drinks that was given away at the Valentine's Day 5k race. Yummy. I can not remember the name but it is half and half - half lemonade and half tea (some organic brand). After I finished that little sample bottle I had myself a can of Vanilla Coca-Cola. As you can see - a meal for a King and a Queen. Too bad I do not have a Queen, which I am searching for. Please sumbit application if you are interested.
The other picture on this post is of me in probably almost the same spot I took last week of myself. I needed to get a picture of me and my racing number with the Mount Evans in the background. And yes readers that is my winter bike. By the way, I think I really like my recent pair of Oakleys. Don't you.
My Ipod - My running Ipod - I think, I need to generate a play list for a 5k. I did play a playlist, but that is used for biking. I think I need to have more beats per minute in my playlist.
Again, I apologize for not continuing the "Nautica Incident."
Once more readers, please forgive me if you did not see me doing my Sunday ritual. I had to run once more this Sunday morning I want to see my name for everyone to see.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
As you can see from the blog picture the temperature this Sunday is 8 degrees higher at the same time last Sunday (plus or minus 10 minutes). I could already tell the difference from being outside in the twenties as opposed to the teens last week. If you are seasoned athlete or perhaps just outside during these times of cold weather then you to know that there is big difference between the twenties and teens. Also, I had no thoughts of turning around and going back home.
Today was the Valentine's Day 5k in Washington Park (aka Wash Park for short) here in Denver, Colorado. This 5k event benefits the Kipture Primary School Building & library Foundation. My racing number was 2514.
"This non-profit foundation was created in 2003. This rural school, located near Kapsabet, Kneya was built in the 1940's, teaches without the benefit of a library, school kitchen or electricity. Over 400 students attend the school and prepare for high school in site of these adverse conditions. The foundation is currently focused on raising $ 10,000 in install window glass in the classrooms and to refinish several roofs on the classrooms. The kitchen is now completed as well as the library. A generator now provides power."
I sported a different jacket this time since I knew the weather was going to be in the twenties. The other jacket that I use has a bit of insulation so I use that when the weather is cold or if I have to ride in the dark. Pretty reflective that green and black adidas with white stripes on the jacket. I also wore a different pair of sneakers.
I do not think that there were as many people as last week, but I can not be sure. I saw a lot more running shorts and non-jackets, which indicates that the weather is warmer. I just know that I was warmer.
Once more let me fast forward to the end of the race. I think that my un-official time is 7:58 per mile - if I can remember from memory I think 24:40 was my time. I can not remember my time from last Sunday, but I think I am eight seconds slower. I think I know the reason why. As I mentioned there were not a lot of people and I think I did not have a lot of people in my time bracket, which meant I had no one to set a pace with. I had a couple of people in front of me, but I could quite close the distance until the very end of the race when I was just one second behind the runner I was trying to catch. Fucking A! I almost caught him at the end. If only I had started out just a bit earlier. I was running like I wanted to win, but as with other runners he too was running what he had left at the end of the race.
I always account for that, but perhaps I just misjudged him. I saw him lose his "pacer" towards the three mile mark and that was when I knew he was running out of gas. When I see that from any runner that is when I set a maniacial pace in order to get some places from others. I do want to place higher than other people and towards the end of any race I will kick on the jets and run. Run baby run. I was just so close.
A second. Just one second is what seperated me from 19th place to 18th place on the men's bracket. Age bracket I do not have a clue until they ( post the official results later on Sunday.
I did start out slow since I was trying to pace myself with a couple of runners I thought were keeping the same pace, but it was not to be. I lost them at the half mile mark and not to mention I lost some time keeping pace with them.
Also the other factor that I was losing my bike/racing belt. Apparently, I must be losing weight/fat around the waist. As I was completing the last mile my racing/biking belt was starting to slip/fall below my waist. Several times I slowed down to pull up my racing belt. Finally, I took off my thinsulate gloves and slipped them in between my belt and body and sure enough that did the trick, but I only had a half mile or so left and I lost many precious seconds fiddling with my bike/racing belt falling below my waist.
As I turned the final corner I looked behind me and saw that no one was even near me so I had a straight shot to the finish line and the only person I had to worry about was right in front of me. I tried, but there is no try. I did make move, but did not quite catch him at the end. Yoda would be bowing his head in sadness for me.
Or. perhaps it was the eight degrees difference from last week that made me eight seconds slower.
Once more I had a breakfast made for a King. Basically, I cooked the rest of the Jimmy Dean Hot Sausage (cooked perfectly), made more hash browns (browned perfectly with onions), made scrambled eggs (with onions also), I made the rest of the biscuits (but threw them away) and to top that off I had two pieces of pork chops (only ate one). I had one of the drinks that was given away at the Valentine's Day 5k race. Yummy. I can not remember the name but it is half and half - half lemonade and half tea (some organic brand). After I finished that little sample bottle I had myself a can of Vanilla Coca-Cola. As you can see - a meal for a King and a Queen. Too bad I do not have a Queen, which I am searching for. Please sumbit application if you are interested.
My Ipod - My running Ipod - I think, I need to generate a play list for a 5k. I did play a playlist, but that is used for biking. I think I need to have more beats per minute in my playlist.
Again, I apologize for not continuing the "Nautica Incident."
Once more readers, please forgive me if you did not see me doing my Sunday ritual. I had to run once more this Sunday morning I want to see my name for everyone to see.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Almost Ran Over By A Vehicle
Greetings Readers
I know that I need to continue the "Nautica Incident", but I need to address something I read on a blog that I have been frequenting.
Some cyclist/bike rider almost got hit or in his/her words - "runs me over"
Interesting. I do not know this author nor do I even think about him/her. Yet, I have to say that the author should of have written "that he/she almost got himself/herself fucked up for not paying attention." or "I'm a fucking idiot for not paying attention to my surroundings."
Sorry readers I have no remorse for these and other riders/cyclist saying they almost got hit. Coming from me, who has gotten hit probably somewhere between 10 and 20 times by some sort of vehicle, it comes downs to the riders/cyclist fault. Period.
Here are just a few reasons why I think cyclist make some statements about almost getting hit/run over/killed.
1. The bike rider/cyclist knows they have the right of way, therefore they are right.
2. Not paying attention.
3. Not scanning his/her surroundings.
4. Thinking he/she is an "immortal" or a "biking god".
These are just some of the "reasons". Yes, I/you may have the right of way on the street, but there is no fucking way that I am going to stand my ground and play "chicken" with a three thousand plus pound vehicle. I weight about 140 and my bikes generally weight about 25 pounds. Do you know who is going to lose the battle of "I have the right of way?" Me. I am made out of flesh and bone. My bikes are either made of carbon and/or allumux alloy (however you spell it) material. And the vehicle is made out of steel, metal, fiberglass. Do the math.
Did you know that I did have a nickname years back during those vehicle "hits?" - Grease Spot Charley.
Anyway, there is really no other points I can make about who is right or wrong in the "I have the right of way" From personal experience - you learn to give the vehicles the right of way.
Not paying attention. Readers, I am almost always aware of what is ahead of me. In back of me, well that unfortunately could be downfall. I am looking at the road, I am looking at the next intersection, I am looking at people who are walking, running, standing, etc. that perhaps I will be entering their life for the seconds I ride by. I expect the unexpected. Moreso, since most of time I have my earphones on with the music playing.
Which leads me to scanning your surroundings. Be aware of alleys, side streets, walkways, tall shrubs, blind corners, hills, etc. This is where the most cause of riders saying they almost got hit by a car. Well, let me honest readers, this is where the riders were not paying attention or knowing that the vehicle does not have the right of way, therefore that vehicle must stop and let him/her go by.
Any rider could say "if I was a bit slower riding." Well, if you had been paying attention then there would not be this statement from you saying you almost got it. Sure it is a nice story to tell your friends, buddies, bloggers, but in fact you nearly got yourself fucked up for not thinking/watching.
Wait! Oh yes. I curse, yell, spit and pull the infamous middle finger when the vehicle does not heed since I have the right of way. So what. That gets the adrenaline pumping in my body, gets me mad at the world, but also I know that I been granted another day to be on the bike. Other times I smile and laugh at the vehicle. That even more infuriates the vehicle's driver to an even more pissed off state, which in turn, just makes my day much more happier.
In the final sentence in this blog the author then writes that the driver perhaps should not have been in the road at all due to the age and look of the driver. Discrimination at its highest readers. Who is author to say who belongs and does not belong on the road. Readers, the author is perhaps looking for "I feel for you" in this post, but this post would of never happened (been wrote) if only he/she just paid attention.
I know, I know. Perhaps it was at night. Perhaps trees were blocking the view of the driver. Or some unknown reason the vehicle pulled out of a driveway. Regardless, the author must adhere to what may come to pass if you are not paying attention.
In closing, yes there is a bit of "I am better than you" attitude in this post, but that is only from someone else saying they almost got hit and making the story all about the driver and placing all fault on this old man. Yet, I can admit I have stories such as the author where I do talk to my friends where I almost got hit by a vehicle. Then, I say or give reason(s) why it was most likely my fault. My friends love to hear stories about me and my bike adventures and I do milk them for all they are worth, but I will not be one-sided. I too must take some sort of responsibility - regardless.
Onto another topic - the weather - Woo Hoo! 47 degrees, so far! Little wind! Woo Hoo!
And I snapped this picture yesterday morning. I saw my biking shadow and thought to myself - I look damn good in silhouette.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
I know that I need to continue the "Nautica Incident", but I need to address something I read on a blog that I have been frequenting.
Some cyclist/bike rider almost got hit or in his/her words - "runs me over"
Interesting. I do not know this author nor do I even think about him/her. Yet, I have to say that the author should of have written "that he/she almost got himself/herself fucked up for not paying attention." or "I'm a fucking idiot for not paying attention to my surroundings."
Sorry readers I have no remorse for these and other riders/cyclist saying they almost got hit. Coming from me, who has gotten hit probably somewhere between 10 and 20 times by some sort of vehicle, it comes downs to the riders/cyclist fault. Period.
Here are just a few reasons why I think cyclist make some statements about almost getting hit/run over/killed.
1. The bike rider/cyclist knows they have the right of way, therefore they are right.
2. Not paying attention.
3. Not scanning his/her surroundings.
4. Thinking he/she is an "immortal" or a "biking god".
These are just some of the "reasons". Yes, I/you may have the right of way on the street, but there is no fucking way that I am going to stand my ground and play "chicken" with a three thousand plus pound vehicle. I weight about 140 and my bikes generally weight about 25 pounds. Do you know who is going to lose the battle of "I have the right of way?" Me. I am made out of flesh and bone. My bikes are either made of carbon and/or allumux alloy (however you spell it) material. And the vehicle is made out of steel, metal, fiberglass. Do the math.
Did you know that I did have a nickname years back during those vehicle "hits?" - Grease Spot Charley.
Anyway, there is really no other points I can make about who is right or wrong in the "I have the right of way" From personal experience - you learn to give the vehicles the right of way.
Not paying attention. Readers, I am almost always aware of what is ahead of me. In back of me, well that unfortunately could be downfall. I am looking at the road, I am looking at the next intersection, I am looking at people who are walking, running, standing, etc. that perhaps I will be entering their life for the seconds I ride by. I expect the unexpected. Moreso, since most of time I have my earphones on with the music playing.
Which leads me to scanning your surroundings. Be aware of alleys, side streets, walkways, tall shrubs, blind corners, hills, etc. This is where the most cause of riders saying they almost got hit by a car. Well, let me honest readers, this is where the riders were not paying attention or knowing that the vehicle does not have the right of way, therefore that vehicle must stop and let him/her go by.
Any rider could say "if I was a bit slower riding." Well, if you had been paying attention then there would not be this statement from you saying you almost got it. Sure it is a nice story to tell your friends, buddies, bloggers, but in fact you nearly got yourself fucked up for not thinking/watching.
Wait! Oh yes. I curse, yell, spit and pull the infamous middle finger when the vehicle does not heed since I have the right of way. So what. That gets the adrenaline pumping in my body, gets me mad at the world, but also I know that I been granted another day to be on the bike. Other times I smile and laugh at the vehicle. That even more infuriates the vehicle's driver to an even more pissed off state, which in turn, just makes my day much more happier.
In the final sentence in this blog the author then writes that the driver perhaps should not have been in the road at all due to the age and look of the driver. Discrimination at its highest readers. Who is author to say who belongs and does not belong on the road. Readers, the author is perhaps looking for "I feel for you" in this post, but this post would of never happened (been wrote) if only he/she just paid attention.
I know, I know. Perhaps it was at night. Perhaps trees were blocking the view of the driver. Or some unknown reason the vehicle pulled out of a driveway. Regardless, the author must adhere to what may come to pass if you are not paying attention.
In closing, yes there is a bit of "I am better than you" attitude in this post, but that is only from someone else saying they almost got hit and making the story all about the driver and placing all fault on this old man. Yet, I can admit I have stories such as the author where I do talk to my friends where I almost got hit by a vehicle. Then, I say or give reason(s) why it was most likely my fault. My friends love to hear stories about me and my bike adventures and I do milk them for all they are worth, but I will not be one-sided. I too must take some sort of responsibility - regardless.
Onto another topic - the weather - Woo Hoo! 47 degrees, so far! Little wind! Woo Hoo!
And I snapped this picture yesterday morning. I saw my biking shadow and thought to myself - I look damn good in silhouette.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Friday, February 08, 2008
I'm Too Busy to Post, Sorry
Greetings Readers
Sorry - no posting for today. Busy, busy and busy.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Sorry - no posting for today. Busy, busy and busy.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Happy Chinese New Year 2008

Greetings Readers
(continued)... Rat.
Happy New Year. That's Happy Chinese New Year. The year of the rat and also the start of the 12 year cycle of the chinese calender.
The Chinese New Year is just any other day, but yet I feel a sort of connection to the day. Probably because I have almost the complete sets of USPS stamps that were issued for the 12 year Chinese Calendar. I think, I missing the year of the dog and rabbit. And that is the real reason why I celebrate the start of the Chinese New Year. Not to mention there is this restaurant that is located down the road that has the Annual Chinese New Year tradition and I love going and celebrating when I can at that restaurant.
Thank goodness I was unable to ride yesterday since the winds that were blowing in the Denver area were "ugly" to say the least. Straight hard, blow wind. Crosswinds, when the structures made that possible. Blowing snow and boy it hurt my face and eyes when I saw the wind blow snow everywhere. The, the snow that melted during the day well all that water had turned to a sheet of ice by the time I made my way home. I had to walk about 2 miles last night and that was long, cold walk. I had my Natalie Merchant stocking cap, my long thick overcoat and two scarfs. Still, with my hands in my pocket the cold wind was freezing my hands and coins in my overcoat pocket. My hands were tingling when they moved on their own or if brushed up against my body/coat. I could not run nor could I wait for a bus since the bus route only has the bus running once an hour and I missed that time frame by five minutes, I bet.
And that was the evening trip home from work.
Oh yes. the underwear. I have a few Nautica Competition underwear brand that I wear every now and then. I love them or I desire them when one catches my eye. Anyway, I love the brand, since you know that I am a name brand wh-re. Secondly, they look good, I think, on me. And third, the women that have bestowed their eyes upon them like them too. Oh yes.
Anyway, I met this woman, girl, a while back and well the last time I remember I had them on when I saw her last. Since then I was doing laundry about two weeks ago when I discovered that I am missing/could not find that one unique, particular pair of Nautica underwear I love.
Yes. Sure did. I tore my humble abode apart. I checked the laundry bin, the laundry machine, the dryer, behind & under the machines. I checked the couch and even pulled off all the pillows and pads and did not see any Nautica underwear stuffed between the cushions. I checked my bad and pulled off all the blankets to make sure that the Underwear was not caught up somewhere in the blankets.
Nothing. Next, I checked my all my clothes and yes there are a lot of clothes. I pulled off every button down dress shirt and checked each sleeve to make sure that the underwear did not get stuck in the sleeve. I did the same with the pants. Nothing. Then, I did not want to but, but had to. I had to check all my tshirt and misc shirts to make sure that I did not fold any of those shirts with the underwear in them. And there are about seven times the amount of "just" shirts as opposed to dress button down shirts. Oh it sucked, but I had to be sure. In my case, I had to find this pair of underwear.
And before all this I did check my underwear. And yes I have a lot of underwear all types and shapes and colors. You name it I probably got. So, I had to dump all the underwear in the middle of the floor and start from there. Making about 15 plus piles of underwear on the floor. I checked the socks drawer, just to be safe.
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Next, was the towel closet. I had inherited a lot of towels from my parents and I do have a lot. So, I took each and every towel and re-washed each towel. One - that makes sure that I checked each towel before washing and two I re-checked the towels that came out of the dryer to make sure I missed nothing since I had to fold the towels before putting away. Next, was the bed and pillow case covers.
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. For about a week and a half I was searching and searching and leaving no place untouched in my humble abode. By the end of the week and a half - I knew they were gone. Just not here. And I kept thinking when was the last time I wore and tookoff. Now, the looking was an obsession. I needed to know where they are.
This Nautica underwear is not just an ordinary pair of underwear. This baby cost me a pretty penny, if I remember correctly, about 38.00 dollars. It was not like the Walmart 3 pack bikini briefs for 8.oo dollars I buy every now and then. Sort of close to Jockey's price, but not really - quality wise - yes.
Oh, I got to go, but at least that gives you part of the back story. To be continued.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
(continued)... Rat.
Happy New Year. That's Happy Chinese New Year. The year of the rat and also the start of the 12 year cycle of the chinese calender.
The Chinese New Year is just any other day, but yet I feel a sort of connection to the day. Probably because I have almost the complete sets of USPS stamps that were issued for the 12 year Chinese Calendar. I think, I missing the year of the dog and rabbit. And that is the real reason why I celebrate the start of the Chinese New Year. Not to mention there is this restaurant that is located down the road that has the Annual Chinese New Year tradition and I love going and celebrating when I can at that restaurant.
Thank goodness I was unable to ride yesterday since the winds that were blowing in the Denver area were "ugly" to say the least. Straight hard, blow wind. Crosswinds, when the structures made that possible. Blowing snow and boy it hurt my face and eyes when I saw the wind blow snow everywhere. The, the snow that melted during the day well all that water had turned to a sheet of ice by the time I made my way home. I had to walk about 2 miles last night and that was long, cold walk. I had my Natalie Merchant stocking cap, my long thick overcoat and two scarfs. Still, with my hands in my pocket the cold wind was freezing my hands and coins in my overcoat pocket. My hands were tingling when they moved on their own or if brushed up against my body/coat. I could not run nor could I wait for a bus since the bus route only has the bus running once an hour and I missed that time frame by five minutes, I bet.
And that was the evening trip home from work.
Oh yes. the underwear. I have a few Nautica Competition underwear brand that I wear every now and then. I love them or I desire them when one catches my eye. Anyway, I love the brand, since you know that I am a name brand wh-re. Secondly, they look good, I think, on me. And third, the women that have bestowed their eyes upon them like them too. Oh yes.
Anyway, I met this woman, girl, a while back and well the last time I remember I had them on when I saw her last. Since then I was doing laundry about two weeks ago when I discovered that I am missing/could not find that one unique, particular pair of Nautica underwear I love.
Yes. Sure did. I tore my humble abode apart. I checked the laundry bin, the laundry machine, the dryer, behind & under the machines. I checked the couch and even pulled off all the pillows and pads and did not see any Nautica underwear stuffed between the cushions. I checked my bad and pulled off all the blankets to make sure that the Underwear was not caught up somewhere in the blankets.
Nothing. Next, I checked my all my clothes and yes there are a lot of clothes. I pulled off every button down dress shirt and checked each sleeve to make sure that the underwear did not get stuck in the sleeve. I did the same with the pants. Nothing. Then, I did not want to but, but had to. I had to check all my tshirt and misc shirts to make sure that I did not fold any of those shirts with the underwear in them. And there are about seven times the amount of "just" shirts as opposed to dress button down shirts. Oh it sucked, but I had to be sure. In my case, I had to find this pair of underwear.
And before all this I did check my underwear. And yes I have a lot of underwear all types and shapes and colors. You name it I probably got. So, I had to dump all the underwear in the middle of the floor and start from there. Making about 15 plus piles of underwear on the floor. I checked the socks drawer, just to be safe.
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Next, was the towel closet. I had inherited a lot of towels from my parents and I do have a lot. So, I took each and every towel and re-washed each towel. One - that makes sure that I checked each towel before washing and two I re-checked the towels that came out of the dryer to make sure I missed nothing since I had to fold the towels before putting away. Next, was the bed and pillow case covers.
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. For about a week and a half I was searching and searching and leaving no place untouched in my humble abode. By the end of the week and a half - I knew they were gone. Just not here. And I kept thinking when was the last time I wore and tookoff. Now, the looking was an obsession. I needed to know where they are.
This Nautica underwear is not just an ordinary pair of underwear. This baby cost me a pretty penny, if I remember correctly, about 38.00 dollars. It was not like the Walmart 3 pack bikini briefs for 8.oo dollars I buy every now and then. Sort of close to Jockey's price, but not really - quality wise - yes.
Oh, I got to go, but at least that gives you part of the back story. To be continued.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
The Day After Super Tuesday

Greetings Readers
I have decided to "dump" the mountain bike, minus the wheels and bike seat. Nothing is really salvagable, in my view. Granted, I know nothing about Mountains Bikes, but I figure I might just keep only those items and let go of the rest I have enough shit of the road bike accessories strewn all over my humble abode.
I don't have anything to post. I just went straight home and sort of chilled out in front of the tv and computer. I did not want to cook so I reheated and ate the last of the steak I grilled this weekend with whatever rice was left. I opened a bottle of Rodney Strong Merlot and watched TCM - 31 days of Oscar.
Readers - Did I tell you I think someone "swiped" one of my favorite, favorite underwear? Yes? No? I better check my previous postings. Anyway, there is a story that is on-going and what should I do. Oh, this was an expensive piece of underwear by Nautica. Not only was it expensive it looked pretty fucking good on me. Perhaps that's a topic for tomorrow. And I will give you the 4-1-1 on the dilemma I have This will be known as the "Nautica Incident".
Don't forget tomorrow - The Beginning of the Chinese New Year. The year of the... (to be continued).
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
I have decided to "dump" the mountain bike, minus the wheels and bike seat. Nothing is really salvagable, in my view. Granted, I know nothing about Mountains Bikes, but I figure I might just keep only those items and let go of the rest I have enough shit of the road bike accessories strewn all over my humble abode.
I don't have anything to post. I just went straight home and sort of chilled out in front of the tv and computer. I did not want to cook so I reheated and ate the last of the steak I grilled this weekend with whatever rice was left. I opened a bottle of Rodney Strong Merlot and watched TCM - 31 days of Oscar.
Readers - Did I tell you I think someone "swiped" one of my favorite, favorite underwear? Yes? No? I better check my previous postings. Anyway, there is a story that is on-going and what should I do. Oh, this was an expensive piece of underwear by Nautica. Not only was it expensive it looked pretty fucking good on me. Perhaps that's a topic for tomorrow. And I will give you the 4-1-1 on the dilemma I have This will be known as the "Nautica Incident".
Don't forget tomorrow - The Beginning of the Chinese New Year. The year of the... (to be continued).
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
A Bike Tour and A Bike's Demise

Greetings Readers
I forgot to mention to you readers in this past Sunday's paper the Annual Ride the Rockies was announced. For 333.00 and automatically lottery system, 2000 riders will be chosen to participate in the Ride the Rockies 2008.
The starting point is Durango, Colorado and eventually gets to Breckenridge, Colorado. Not a bad route and there is the speck in the back of my brain that I want to do the Ride the Rockies. Probably not the reason(s) you think they might be though. What? What is that reason? Well, I would like to add those mountain passes to my biking resume as conquering. Because you know it is all about bragging, boasting and what not - when it comes to my illustrious biking career.
The deadline is February 22, 2008 and $ 333.00 to submit application for lottery. Pictured is the biking route for the Ride the Rockies.
Well, the snow was stilling falling this morning when I woke up. All in all I think there is about 2 to 3 inches on the ground when I stepped outside to go to work. Not too cold outside, but just a slight bite to the ears. I thought about taking a picture, but there was not a picture, I deemed, a picture. No sense shooting a picture if it not worthy.
Sad news for me - My "garage sale" Mountain Bike - well my $ 25.00 mountain bike, I think, will soon be garbage. Apparently, I have done something and basically it is going to cost about $ 100.00 to $ 250.00 dollars to fix. And I can not justify spending that much money on a bike I bought for $ 25.00. Also, I can not fix this myself. It is sad since with all this new snow I wanted to ride to work on the mountain bike this morning and that was when I noticed the extent of the damage I did about two weeks ago. I did not bother checking closely since that day was very cold and I was happy and just wanted to get home as soon as possible.
There is a story, but I am not going divulge to you readers. Anyway, I may have to consider buying a mountain bike since I sort of did enjoy using the bike when I could not use my road bike. Who knows though.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
I forgot to mention to you readers in this past Sunday's paper the Annual Ride the Rockies was announced. For 333.00 and automatically lottery system, 2000 riders will be chosen to participate in the Ride the Rockies 2008.
The starting point is Durango, Colorado and eventually gets to Breckenridge, Colorado. Not a bad route and there is the speck in the back of my brain that I want to do the Ride the Rockies. Probably not the reason(s) you think they might be though. What? What is that reason? Well, I would like to add those mountain passes to my biking resume as conquering. Because you know it is all about bragging, boasting and what not - when it comes to my illustrious biking career.
The deadline is February 22, 2008 and $ 333.00 to submit application for lottery. Pictured is the biking route for the Ride the Rockies.
Well, the snow was stilling falling this morning when I woke up. All in all I think there is about 2 to 3 inches on the ground when I stepped outside to go to work. Not too cold outside, but just a slight bite to the ears. I thought about taking a picture, but there was not a picture, I deemed, a picture. No sense shooting a picture if it not worthy.
Sad news for me - My "garage sale" Mountain Bike - well my $ 25.00 mountain bike, I think, will soon be garbage. Apparently, I have done something and basically it is going to cost about $ 100.00 to $ 250.00 dollars to fix. And I can not justify spending that much money on a bike I bought for $ 25.00. Also, I can not fix this myself. It is sad since with all this new snow I wanted to ride to work on the mountain bike this morning and that was when I noticed the extent of the damage I did about two weeks ago. I did not bother checking closely since that day was very cold and I was happy and just wanted to get home as soon as possible.
There is a story, but I am not going divulge to you readers. Anyway, I may have to consider buying a mountain bike since I sort of did enjoy using the bike when I could not use my road bike. Who knows though.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Monday, February 04, 2008
There Will Be Blood
Greetings Readers
I guess I need to tell you readers the rest of my Sunday. After coming home from the Super Bowl 5k I made myself a breakfast - fit for a King. Not that I would know what a Breakfast meal would comprise of for a King.
I made some Hash Browns, Biscuits, Fried Eggs and Jimmy Dean Hot Sausage. Everything was good, but after taking the first bite that was all I wanted to eat. Screw the rest of the meal I wanted only the Jimmy Dean Hot Sausages. I made them perfect yesterday morning. Nice and soft, with just a bit of crunch on the outside. I made four or five and yes readers I ate all five of them. I finished one egg, some hash brown and one biscuit. And to top that off a nice can of Vanilla Coca-Cola.
Fast forward - in the evening I decided to go see the movie "There Will Be Blood" with Daniel Day-Lewis and I also had decided to see the movie at a new movie theatre that was built in the Denver Tech Center (DTC). The Landmark Theatre, which is related to the Esquire and Mayan theatre chain. It was a very nice theatre and nice ambiance.
Free popcorn and fountain drink with the purchase of your ticket. Granted, the bargain shows are 9.00 and the non-bargain shows are 12.00, which still in my opinion is better than paying bargain price at a theatre and then buying popcorn and a drink which could easily cost you 15.00 to 20.00 dollars. In my opinion this was a very good deal.
I almost forgot to mention pay an extra 2.00 dollars and you can sit in the VIP section. I almost did, but I wanted to see the other seats first before I see what I may pay for. VIP in a movie theatre may not be all that.
Now, I knew nothing of the movie except Daniel Day-Lewis was the main character. Daniel Day-Lewis is an outstanding actor. He plays the spectrum and I will basically see any movie that he stars in. I did not see any trailers since I had no tv. I did not read anything about the movie since I read no paper (except the Sunday Paper). And more importantly, I think the movie went mainstream after opening in the small theatres. Of course the 8 nominations for an Academy Award probably helped the movie to open in larger theatres.
Long story short I just did not want to go to the 1 theatre it was playing at here in Denver so I have been waiting and waiting and I finally saw in the paper that the movie is now playing at 10 to 15 theatres when I looked in the paper yesterday.
"There Will Be Blood" was a very good movie, but in my opinion, the movie will not outdo "No Country For Old Men" for Best Picture. Though Best Actor would have to go to Daniel.
I am not going to give any specific information on the movie in case you readers go see the movie. The clothing, sets, and period the movie took placed in was perfect. Excellent. In the movie credits I see that this movie was shot in Texas.
Alright, one thing, I think it was about 5 to 10 minutes before the first word of dialogue was uttered. Not impressive nor even close to "2001: A Space Odyssey", but was a pretty good try to no dialogue. The music score was heavy (as opposed to "No Country For Old Men") and fit the scenes very well.
Okay - I lied - skip this paragraph if you do not want any information about one scene in the movie. I am not giving away anything, but just telling you readers the scene that I loved. If there was part of the movie I liked it was the church scene when Daniel was getting "Baptized" Daniel was perfect to a T not to mention that he took in all accounts of why he was doing this and who was doing this and he was not going to forget this. Wow.
The Piano score in the movie fit perfectly and offset the harsh music score of "uh-oh, something bad is gonna happen" scenes.
And here are the official results of yesterday's race at Washington Park - Denver, Colorado
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
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