Monday, September 10, 2007

Riding in the Drizzling Rain

Greetings Readers

Today's morning ride was met with steady drizzle on the way to work. It was a light drizzle, but the drizzle quickly soaked my outfit to my skin. All in all, I still enjoyed the ride. I did not even bother with the sunglasses this morning. The morning ride in the rain was something I wanted to see.

The morning's starting temperature was 47 degrees and it is only suppose to get into the 60's today. A sure drastic change for us Coloradans. Fall has cometh. I even had to close my bedroom window to about an inch open. Yes, I was cold last night. I almost had two put two comforters on me earlier this morning. No cold, but being just a bit warm would of have been nice.

I wished a former co-worker a happy b-day. No, not an excuse to just say/write something to her. I figure every now and then it is sometimes "nice" to hear from someone you have not heard from in a while. Nope, not a old flame, but someone I had thought about in the very beginning when we sort of worked together, but in the end it was just acquaintances in my view. Nothing more. I was friends with her, but kept my distance. Yes, by choice. Nope readers, there is nothing more to tell you about her. Well, nothing that you think you know =).

Tomorrow is the anniversary of the United States, so to speak. If you do not live in America then you probably do not know. Tomorrow is the day the World Trade Centers fell. I will not talk about the day nor get into that topic tomorrow. I will however watch the VCR recording I made of the day - not all 4 tapes though. I of course remember where I was and I actually saw the second plane crash into the second tower on TV. That image just blows me away.

Anyway, I think we have recovered as a Nation. If there are scheduled events so be it, but... Never mind, I will let it be.

Pictured on my post today is Lindsay Davenport. I am really glad to see her picture gracing the news. Apparently, she is competing in a tournament(s) so she can get into the Bejing Olympics. That's my girl - Davenport. Welcome Back - if it matters - I missed you and you playing on the courts!

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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