Tuesday, July 31, 2007

July's last entry.

Greetings Readers

I have nothing to really get into, subject wise.

I have installed my new aerobars on my new bike. Damn Snazzy. I also added two red water bottle cages, made by profile and they look good also.

Other that than nothing noteworthy to say....

Wait. Light rail this morning. So, I was running late and I had to get on the Light Rail with my bike. All is/was well, two of us bike riders are on the same end of the light rail car. We reached a stop and this was the stop that she was getting off. So, that meant I had to move my bike and block the one of the end car's door. Then, this guy walk up to me and I see his lips moving, but as you know readers, faithful readers know, I really do not give a fuck what you are saying when I have my earphones in my ears. Basically, that means I do not want to talk to you period.

The guy is still talking, while I have Tieso playing in both ears. I look at him with my sunglasses on and say "Why don't you hold up. She is getting off, which means she goes first. You can either wait or go to the other door." I did not say loudly, but very firm with a hint of "try me motherfucker". So, as I see her out of the corner of my eye stepping down the steps I still have my eyes focused on this guy in front of me. Oh? He is about foot and a half in front of me. Looking at me and her getting down the steps. As soon as I see her get clear of the doorway, I then move out of the way and let the guy pass onto where the fuck he was in such a hurry. Oh yes, he waited for me and her to be done. He could of went the other way, but I think he was trying to save face for whatever he said.

Again, I see his mouth moving once more, but again I do not have a clue what he said while he walked by. I stood tall waiting for him to pass. I, of course, had my Iron Maiden Bandanna and "huge" biceps from working out the past three weeks so I probably looked like someone not to fuck with. Hah hah. Not to mention, I did not look away from him while this whole "situation" was going on. This was a staredown - On the last day of July. Anyway, another light rail incident.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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