Thursday, February 01, 2007

My new SONY DVD Recorder

Greetings People

Well, I have nothing really to blog about.

I did purchase a new DVR player last night and got the DVR hooked up a little bit last night. I am telling you people I have some "old school" equipment. You know the equipment that does not have the digital links, optical link, s-video, the whatever you call the 3 different color breakout (purple,blue, green?), etc. I still use the co-axial cables, The three color (red, yellow and white) cable to hook up all the equipment. So, I have cables running here and there and had to re-route some cables in order to get the equipment working harmoniously.

I am proud to say that I got the picture running correctly through all machines. However, the sound I am a bit "stumped" and was getting at the end of my rope last night so I called it a night and then decided to watch "The Exorcist" on AMC last night just to get my mind off of trying to continue my re-wiring process. It worked. I can not believe how old that movie is and how is still get a little frighten of some parts of the movie. Perhaps that is because I got scared when I was younger and sub-consciously my brain had not forgotten how scared I was at that time in my life. And the music score - the infamous theme to the Exorcist - wow.

I know that there is another version that has been released in the past five years or so with some scenes that were not included in the original version of the movie. The part that I only saw a glimpse of was when there was advertising about the "updated" version with Reagen walking up or down on the stairs in a "crab like" position. Kinda creepy to think about and again that part was only shown for a second, if not less.

So, the weather was only 8 degrees this morning and now I think 18 degrees. Still darn cold, but no wind.

Anyway, getting back to the DVR. I am pretty happy, but I have yet to record anything on a DVD R+/R-/RW. Too many formats to choose from. This is only the tip of the iceberg. I have brought in my manual to work, which I plan to take to the store with me when I buy my first DVD to record to. There are DVD+RW with different logos, which I am sure are different in its own way. then RW2, DVD+R DL, DVD R R4.7, VR mode, Video Mode, 8x, 6x, 16x speeds guidelines - I can not use some under a certain speed, unless a certain version 2.0 or version 2.1 with CPRM. And so forth.

Getting myself caught up with the "advanced" world sure does show how behind the times I have been.

It is kinda of amazing though that I have not spending the money on any of my bikes. I think that the reason why is that I can not ride any of them. Therefore, why should I buy something for them when the snow and ice are present and I am unable to ride. Again, that is probably my thought process and I could be wrong. Although before purchasing the DVR last night I did thought about spending my money on a one rim, that costs a lot more than I should spend. Hah hah.

I am not excited about the superbowl this weekend, but if I had to choose then I would pick the Bears. The Bears since they have done some amazing stuff this past season, from the clips that I saw on ESPN.

Boy oh boy, did you see how many blogs I did for the month of January. I almost equaled the total I did all last year. I guess I do have something to say to the world. Most have not been pretty, but thoughts that I shared to the people who have happened to come across my blog by accident or by me sending my link.

Readers, note - I am going to re-visit a topic that needs to be address. Sorry, no hints, but I expect something in the next week. I started thinking about this about two days ago and I can not get this out of my mind.

until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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