Monday, February 12, 2007

Centennial, CO can see the ground! Boo-yah !

Greetings People

Well, there I was walking home pretty early for a Friday evening and noticed, really noticed, that I could see the ground. True Earth. It was an amazing sight to see and if you carefully look you can still see the green of the grass. I think that with all the snow and ice that had covered the ground it protected the grass from freezing and turning completely brown. You can also see the sidewalks, not to mention to actually use the sidewalks.

For the first time this year, 2007, I took out my "winter" road bike and road Heidi to the store, to Target, to the Movie Theatre, to the Library and to Office Max. As you can see I was pretty productive that morning. Not only did I have a smile, my mood was so good and not to mention everyone else I saw that day. I think that the general populace was happy with the sunny skies, the warm weather and the fact that the snow is really starting to disappear. I did not have a bad mood arise all day yesterday. I even bought some New York Strip Steaks that morning so I could grill them for Dinner. Which I did later that day and also made two baked potatoes.

The movie that I saw in the movie theatre was "Hannibal's Rising" and that was the first movie I have seen in the movie theatre this year. Not to mention it has been over 8 months, I think, that I saw a movie in a theatre. The movie was not bad, but it was not good. The ending was totally mediocre and the story was there, but not relevant. Yes, we faithful readers and followers know the story, but the movie just did not have "it" I saw the movie because, in my personal humble opinion, Hannibal is such a character that I love. You could and say that he is evil, but that is being so simple with words. He, after all, is a doctor and he is very intelligent. I enjoy seeing Anthony Hopkins playing the role and that is all I can see when I try to imagine what Hannabal looks like. He played the role to a T. The movie was so-so, but did nothing to really warrant the "Rising". One might say "Beginning" since that would be the conception of Hannabal Lector. The movie ended abruptly, and I would say not right, but thinking about it - is because I wanted to know more of why the movie ended on the note. I do not know.

I saw OWGE this morning I was able to get a picture of the two of us. So perhaps when I get the role developed I will share the "Orange Eskimo" with you all. Then again that would defeat the purpose of me not naming her and keeping her known as the Orange Eskimo. She was wondering if I was going to be sending any Valentine's Day to anyone. I said no, but then I mentioned I might try and go see my Qdoba girl this Wednesday with a card and hope she is working. I asked her what she is going to do. She is going to buy a phone for her husband since he lost the one he had. My Orange Eskimo is just too funny. Yes, she remembered that I loved that one Qdoba girl in Englewood.

Gosh readers, I go without thinking about the Qdoba girl for months and then all of a sudden she has re-appeared in my life. Go figure.

What's that? Why not list the person's real name? Because I like to keep some of the people I know secret. However, I might talk about someone I knew and I would hate for some of my friends to develop different views of the person(s) we may know. I always have my personal views and they probably are very different from the people I know. I also would like to keep any people from finding out that I might have had a "crush" on a certain person(s). I would hate for that person to get the "20 questions" regarding what ever they ask. Then, the opposite part of that is that I could bad mouth and talk trash about a person whom I just loathe. You see readers that is why to keep my friend's name a secret.

I bought a spindle of 100 DVD/R+ and 50 CD/R- and then some empty cases for storage. My little abode is a mess not to mention in front of the TV and computer. I have been recording, burning, transferring CD, DVD to this and that. I am really enjoying my new found hobby. Yes, hobby. No. You are not going to see me peddling my wares on some street corner. Hah hah. I burned a DVD on my DVD external drive and it worked! Woo hoo!

31 days of Oscar - A few more movies I saw this past weekend - Starship Troopers and 2001: A Space Odyssey. I enjoyed the past week and a half so far of the movies I have watched. Although the next two days I will be taking a break from my regular shows and will be watching the Westminster Dog Show. This is an event that I enjoy to watch - to see the dogs prance around. What? Oh, I love the Pekingese Dog, since that has been my favorite pet that I have had to date. It was also the only one I could not be there to see pass away.

I guess I am starting once more to having a small base of people who know me. I can go into Office Depot, Office Max and Best Buy and there they are. Hey buddy, how are you? How is the new DVD player working? the Flash Drive? These people seem to go out of there way to say hi and what's up when they see me in the store. Then again, I could be totally wrong. There is this one young girl at one of the Office's and she is said to me that she is going to keep trying to sign me up for some kind of plan. I do not know what to say. Kinda cute, but sort of young for me to go after. It is not wrong, but it not right - I hope some of you readers know that sort of situation.

Now, that pretty much sums up the past few days. So with that I better let you readers go.

until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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