Monday, February 26, 2007

Taco Bell incident in Lonetree, CO

Greetings People

I was chuckling and had a self-righteous smile all Friday afternoon. My elevated mood was in all probability not the intention you would presume from me nor would you consider a possibility. The good mood was not because of an anecdote, nor a kiss, but Karma. Or conceivably – justice was dispensed. Who the fuck knows, but I just could not suppress reflecting about the incident after our lunch run on the last Friday of February. And I also have to confess that this was just too hilarious. There is ying and yang in the world. Or in one fundamental word – Balance.

LaMont and myself decided to go to “the bell”. “The bell” is also commonly known as Taco Bell. On our drive to the Bell we conversed the customary guy topics. Then, I mentioned I was going to burn a CD and call the CD - the Lamont “Oops I did it again” Remix. Hah hah.

Britney Spears. And yes, I do possess a Britney Spears CD from back in the day for me to produce the “Oops I did again” Remix a reality. Yes readers, to reiterate, I do own the “oops!…I did it again” CD in my extensive CD collection, or if you prefer, I own a CD by Britney Spears. Anyway, I digress.

There was LaMont trash talking Britney Spears and myself for owning a Britney Spears CD. This and that and why the fuck would I own a Britney Spears CD or even admit to owning a Britney CD. You loyal readers understand the chronicles of my fixation with a particular part of Britney’s anatomy. Or if you are a new reader to my existence that is inquisitive in nature and require an explanation to why I own a Britney Spears CD, then you will need to read the other blogs that I have posted on and you will then comprehend why I “love” that part of Britney Spears. LaMont was attempting to make me feel like a total “un-guy” for owning a Britney Spears CD. Sorry readers, this manner of tactic was not going to work with me.

You faithful readers know that I have two pictures of Britney Spears on my “touring” bike helmet and I flaunt around to the universe that I have Britney Spears on my bike helmet. What the fuck is someone going to express, mind you that just words, is going to make me feel less than a guy about me owning a Britney Spears CD.

LaMont could gibber all he wanted about Britney. I was not going to alter my view on her or get embarrassed for admitting this fact. Although with recent events in the past two years my admiration for her has fallen wayside. I saw the infamous photos on the Internet of her night with Paris, but readers the sight was not like winning the lottery. There was no excitement or thrill, but I viewed the photos as another ordinary photo – nothing I have not seen before.

I again digress from the yarn at hand.

We arrived at Taco Bell and decided to go inside and order since the drive thru line was lined up with customers.

This is the point where the afternoon truly commenced. There was an empty parking spot as Lamont pulled into the Taco Bell parking lot and the parking space had LaMont’s name all over it. As LaMont was pulling into the parking space a man walked into the parking space toward his vehicle, which was in the space adjacent to the empty parking space.

This man walked into the parking spot without any acknowledgement to us. This man did not raise a hand and give the “universal sign” of saying sorry or thanks. He walked with a “stupid” stupor and the demeanor of a slightly overweight married husband driving a Subaru Forester.

A Subaru Forester. What? Why of course I know the color – sort of a Jay-z Blue color. What was that? Yes of course he was white – who else would drive a Forester. My married friends that I know of do not even drive anything remotely like a Forester. One drives a Cherokee, another an F-series truck, another A3 BMW, etc. Of these, one is Hispanic, one white and the other black.

I do observe things with such detail when the occasion calls for remembering later. Such as it is right now with me revealing my experiences to you readers. While Lamont and myself were waiting for the man to get into his vehicle, a brief topic ensued. The subject matter was about this man getting in the car. I unhesitatingly mentioned that this man should have done something to acknowledge us. I was not seeking an apology, yet I felt this man should have recognized. However readers, I too would have of stood by for the man, as LaMont was doing, to get into his vehicle. No readers, I would not have given him an unfavorable look or flipped him off, but sure as shit my frame of mind would transform. And not for the better.

Not five seconds after LaMont and me got out of the car; I did not give the “Forester” man another thought. I still had to abide to the standards of being a guest in LaMont’s vehicle and that meant me not taking matters, I deemed “rude”, into my own hands. I am permitted to express my opinions, but I am not allowed to act upon my opinions. Nor would I coerce my guest to share my convictions.

Inside Taco Bell was where the afternoon’s events transpired and inspired this blog. And the sad part of this event – I was not even aware that it happened. LOL.

Sorry readers, I am laughing once more uncontrollably thinking about what had happened which I was not even conscious that was playing out in front of LaMont.

So, Lamont got in line, but the line appeared to me that he was waiting in an area for people waiting to pick up their order. I got a smile when this became evident to me and I said something to the effect that the line is over here. LaMont smiled his “fuck you” smile and sauntered over to where I was standing. I was foremost in line and was waiting for my opportunity to order. Mind you, I was not waiting for the next person to assist me.

Yet readers, there is more to the story than you expect.

There is this one girl that I have noticed previously that works at this Taco Bell. Today, she was working the drive thru window, as she has in the past several times that I have seen her at Taco Bell. Anyway, I am going to confess to you readers she has the “ass” that I think is all so close, in my opinion, of a perfect ass. An ass that I have not seen since I worked down near the Cherry Creek Mall. That part of the body is something I do not hold as something I “require” in a woman. Yet, when I happen to look around and see an “ass” that will… well gets my attention, it is hard not to check out that part of the body.

I just hope I was not too obvious, but it was pretty hard for me not to look since the cashier lady is in front of the drive thru girl. The drive thru girl is about the same height as me, young, and does wear a bit more makeup than she should, but is a person that I could date.

With that foundation of the story laid down for you readers, you see I was sort of pre-occupied with me being next in line for ordering and looking at… well you know. Oh, LaMont also had to point out a lady outside the drive thru window who, according to him, was a looker. You see readers I was multi-tasking and with two of the three tasks including women of a man’s desire; I neglected to notice another cash register lady. Well, let me rephrase that – the other Latino or Hispanic cash register person.

So, I was looking at what I should not be and walked up the counter to the first cash register lady that usually “waits” on me and ordered my five tacos.

Fast-forward an hour, LaMont mentioned that the “second” cash register lady had apparently gave me the “who the fuck are you” look all the time we were in Taco Bell. According to LaMont, her gaze was the look of pure hatred. I do not even have an inkling why I would get such a look. Nor was I aware of this gaze was even taking place in Taco Bell. He even said that I was getting “the look” from the second register lady while he was giving his order to the second cash register lady. Wow.

Returning (re-wind) back to Taco Bell, an hour earlier. I was waiting for my order and also trying to position myself to get a better look at the woman outside the drive thru window. From the angle of where I first was made aware of her I could not see whom this woman was that LaMont had mentioned. I also neglected to notice that LaMont was not really waiting next to me for our orders to come up. I presumed he was getting napkins and stuff, but after the fact I found out he was trying to distance himself from me.

My order came up since I heard “229” and “5 tacos” and then about a minute later LaMont’s order came up. We then left Taco Bell. We were not even three feet outside the door when LaMont mentioned that the second cash register lady was giving me “the look”. I said what look? He said something to the tune of – oh fuck man, you pissed off the other cash register lady by going to the other cash register lady. I laughed, but I was like - so what. I did nothing wrong, one may say I was on my best behavior. For a change.

Oh readers, that is a whole other subject of its own, but I can address that particular fast food topic another time.

Anyway, I did not notice the other lady and apparently I had a negative impression on her. But my faithful readers know that I have a tendency to have that sort of impact on people. I would laugh, but in all seriousness it is true. However, on this particular Taco Bell experience I was not aware of pissing the other lady off. Would I say sorry to her? No. I did not interact with her nor did I give this lady the attention she may be looking for. If my presence ruffled her “feathers” well that’s tough – roll with the punches and get over it.

Readers, I am not into the habit nor am I going to start to acknowledge everyone in this particular Taco Bell. I was hungry, I wanted my order and that’s that. I was not in there to make friends with everyone, even with the sun shining on this particular warm and windy Friday. OK. OK. The young girl would be someone I would not mind to get to know, but that is something only in passing for me. Also, it is just shallow thinking for me when I have to admire a woman by her body alone.

Back at work I was eating my lunch, enjoying my tacos while working. I then had to go visit someone and when I came back to my desk there was LaMont with the look of… well it was not a happy look.

“What?” I asked

“I got sour cream in my taco. When I opened my tacos I saw tomatoes and knew something was wrong and then I saw the sour cream. I fucking hate sour cream.”

I was laughing, but a controlled laughter. It was funny.

“It’s Karma,” I said with a huge smile

“Karma? Fuck you. You pissed her off and I am paying for your insolence to her.”

“It’s not my fault that you did not check your order before you left the counter.”

LaMont was mad, but I was still trying to keep my laughter in check. I did not want to make Lamont any more pissed off that his lunch got fucked up.

Then, what sealed the deal for me was LaMont was scraping the sour cream from his taco with a spoon complaining away. I swear the “tears of laughter” were about to start coming from me really soon. There was LaMont scraping the sour cream out from his taco with such determination. I had already eaten three tacos and I had to offer my other two tacos to him, or to trade. I did feel bad, but it is really his own fault for not checking his order. Yes, he can blame me for his fucked up order, but the blame is all on his shoulders. I started to feel bad, but still laughing silently making it hard to breathe normally once more.

Someone one walked by and saw what was happening and asked what’s going on. I said there was sour cream in LaMont’s taco. Yep, LaMont does not like sour cream he said. Matter of fact, I have a friend when he takes a woman on a date and if she does not eat sour cream or guacamole he would not date her again. I said if woman I were dating was to eat sour cream or guacamole I would not date her again since I would not have that stuff in my humble abode. Meanwhile from LaMont “I can’t believe I am fucking paying for you being rude to that other cashier lady” I started to laugh once more.

Thinking about this event while I was writing this blog – it is justice. For trying to make me feel bad about owning a Britney Spears CD. It is also Karma – we readers do not know LaMont, but he is not as squeaky clean as we would like to think. I am sure that he has his moments for having Karma to wield its vindication that Friday afternoon.

All in all, I offered to give my remaining tacos to him. I did feel bad for what happened, but I do not take any responsibility for what happened. I just did not want his Friday to end on a bad note. Throughout the afternoon I had to make sure we could still laugh and smile about happened. I had to say “Karma” with a smile and also mention I have been laughing off and on all afternoon. LaMont said I better look behind my back while riding – “Karma” will be behind you in a green jeep Cherokee, with nice rims looking for you. Hah hah.

I said “Welcome to my world”

Tomorrow I will re-cap Sunday's Run the Register 2007 event.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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