Monday, February 19, 2007

It's Official - My Running has started for 2007

Greetings People

What can I say. I have not been humbled nor do I have an excuse, but the time is pretty ugly for my first 5k of the year. Granted, it has been eight weeks since I have truly ran or rode (any training) excersises.

I participated in my first event this year and that is the President's Day 5K, which was held in Washington Park in Denver, Colorado

So, my official time for 2007

8:41 per mile - 26.59 total

and My official time for 2004

7:43 per mile - 23.57 total

58 seconds slower and I was truly shocked. I guess not doing anything sure does show. I am not mad nor disappointed, but I do now have a mission and that mission is to knock that time down in the next 5k I participate in.

Today, I feel good. Legs are a little wobbly, but nothing too bad.

This coming weekend I have two events that I am interested in - The Snowman Stampede or Run the Register. Hmmmmm. Two unique events and I am not trained for either. These are pretty fucked up options I have decided for myself. I guess we will see. I have 6 days of recovery and training to decide. =) This is going to be a pretty interesting week to start off running officially. I can not back down from either since I have declared myself official.

31 days of Oscar - a few more movies to add that I watched - Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind, MIB, and Paint Your Wagon. It was the first time that I saw Paint Your Wagon with Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin. Not your typical Western nor the Western you thought you would get when you team these two actors together for a movie. Overall, a good movie, but pretty long to watch.

Amazing race has started - but it is the All-Stars and to me that is not interesting at all. However, since it is Amazing Race and I have an on going bet with the show - It's On!

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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