Thursday, April 26, 2007

Number 99

Greetings readers

I am not sure if you care or not about "99". I do not think that I care, but it is sort of an amazing thing. 99 is the number of blogs have been posted to this blog. I guess this is the last of the double digit blogs for me on this particular blog. I hope that I have kept you readers entertained and informed perhaps on some level.

Of course, you may be thinking this guy had 99 fucked up things to say and there is no end in sight. Which I have to agree - I do not see an ending, so far. I am not hear for you to pass judgement on me, I am here on blogging since I have come to be comfortable about blogging. As you can see in the beginning I did not know how to start, but then in the last five months I started to get into a rhythm. A good thing.

Which brings me to my next topic, I think, LaMont and M & M's.

La Mont had something yesterday and really provoked me thinking about what was talked about last night between. I am not sure what to call this or even how to start. But I think this "issue" is something I am going to write about. The working title that I have been throwing around since yesterday evening is "What is up with his Damn M & M's". It is not an isolated case, but something that is probably unique. However, on a lower level than me LaMont is still guilty of the same thing with me and my M & M's.

Anyway, this is a topic that I am going to write about - and soon. It is funny, but also not. You could bring up so many things about me, or you readers. I have not stop thinking about this so I am going to write about this as soon as I organize some thoughts.

Oh news from yesterday, Rosie announced she is leaving the View, Adam Baldwin rant is still in the news, Brittney and Lindsay both out of rehab, Richard Gere in trouble with India, and in closing I have no news to report on the VA Shootings. Can you believe that?! I have been able to avoid the news regarding that. I do care, but in this current year somehow news reporting and gotten to an high time about who can report first, more and the breaking news to us viewers. At least this event, in my opinion, will overshadow the Columbine incident. Woo Hoo. At least we, meaning Colorado, will not have the "braggers" about we are known for the worse tragedy in education history.

Let me tell you readers out of state from Colorado. People come out of the woodwork. Saying this, saying that, remember-never forget, give us money, he/she was a hero, etc. I will be looking forward to next year when the focus will really be off Columbine and onto VA Tech. Of course, we are going to hear something to the effect - It was a real tragedy about VA, but don't forget Columbine. P.S. give us more money for the memorial that has not been built yet.

I will tell you readers right now. No one really cares anymore, except the community. If someone really did care, then the Columbine Memorial would have been completed already. I think I saw a picture, an overhead picture of the sight, and it is a picture of dirt here and there. Basically, all that has been done is Landscaping. Get the fuck out of here! Hah hah. If they are really complaining about that - start a volunteer program to get the landscaping done. This could be irrelevant since I really do not know nor care. Save the Memorial money for the actual Memorial.

Although, the community near Columbine did get in a uproar last week or was it two weeks ago about a statue of a fallen soldier from Iraq. It was a statue of a Soldier holding a machine gun with his Gulf war uniform on. Long story short, from what I remember from the news, is the community, some or few (who knows) do not want a "machine gun statue" so near the Columbine site. In my opinion, they are upset that there is a statue/Memorial and the Columbine Memorial has not even been started. Who knows readers. Perhaps I might do some research on this so I can get the facts on this case. I think I have something that is now starting to get interesting to me.

From The Blogs: Group Protests Statue for Soldier Killed in Action
Hero's Statue: Should It be Built?

by DavidM
A group of parents in Littleton has expressed concern about a statue that is going to be built in honor of Danny Dietz.
He was a Navy SEAL who died in Afghanistan while saving the lives of his other team members, the U.S. military said. He received the Navy Cross for his actions.
The parents group says the statue depicts Dietz clutching an automatic rifle. It will be built in Berry Park, which is within a few blocks of three schools and two playgrounds. The group says the statue glorifies violence.
Dietz' family members say they are upset about the uproar. So are the people who raised $42,000 for the statue.What do you think? Should it be built? Should its design and/or location be changed?

You see readers, sometimes I do not want to write about something, but as the words start flowing I start to see a path or two that I want to run down and see where they end up.

time for me to bring this blog to a close

until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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