Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The First Ride

Greetings People

Sorry Readers - I forgot to post yesterday....

Note: I am taking some time off and I do not think I will post, but that will depend on how I feel. I guess we will see.

Greetings People

Well, this morning me and Rebecca went out for our first ride this morning. Wow. She can ride like the wind blows. Or how Daryl likes to ride most days - no mercy. We took the long way into work this morning so I know that we both would be safe from the road.

I slept like a baby last night. I watched the "Deadliest Season" then the next thing you know it is 6:00 AM. I made it through the day yesterday, but towards the end of the afternoon I was starting to get tired.

There is sort of a lot going on in the world and I do not want to mention in my blog, but somehow I want to remember this later down the road. Sorry readers.

The first thing I want to tell you readers, in case that you have not heard. We now know the father of the Late Anna Nicole Smith. I guess this was announced yesterday.

The next thing that I want to mention that has grabbed my attention was "Imus" and the very short comment he made about some woman's basketball team. No need for me to quote, please go search the internet and you will find out or you can turn on the tv and see what is what. Of course, you have everybody and their grandmother's having an opinion on this.

Me? I am not sure. Yes, I do agree it was not the thing to utter. Was it wrong? Yes. Bad? No, in my opinion. Remember my opinion readers. In this day and age, well let us say present day-now. We have people saying this sort of thing everyday. Perhaps not at work, but elsewhere. What was said was not as bad as the "N" word that was used by Michael Richards recently. Again, in my opinion. The "N" word is as sacred as the "F" word in my view. A word that should not be uttered anywhere where one could offend another. Not included friends/family of course.

I do not agree or disagree with the suspension of Imus for two weeks. I could care less. What I do care about is Jesse Jackson and a little bit of Al Sharpton. Jeeze Louise readers - one thing that these two get up all over is a fuck up over "something" and then all of a sudden Jesse is calling for someone's head. I hate to say this, but pure bullshit. I heard Jesse on MSNBC Wednesday morning/Tuesday night talking about how Imus needs to be fired, MSNBC needs to hire a Black host. and then blah this, blah that. Jesse brings up all the other "white" hosts on MSNBC.

Anyway, there is really no point

until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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