Greetings Readers
My brother was surprised when I told him that was his bike in my bedroom when he came up on vacation with my parents.
Flashback - My parents and I had to tell “a lie” to my brother that he could not bring up his bike since I was going to have a lot to bring down in our Father’s Toyota Tundra. My brother does love his bike, but more importantly he did not want to borrow / use any of my bikes since he has a tendency to get into accidents whenever he rides one of my bikes.
Yes, Readers he has ruin one of my bikes completely and damaged a couple of others slightly, in a manner of speaking.
So, I understand why he asked and perhaps pleaded with my parents to take his bike up to Denver, Colorado.
Present – My brother was on vacation at the same time as my parents were, but he wanted to be mobile. Meaning, that he was going to stay with his old friends and go bike riding wherever he had planned to go riding.
I told him that the bike was nothing fancy, but the bike was my gift to him. He liked the disc brakes, but did not like that there was not shocks under the seat post.
Again, my brother loved/liked the bike, but just like me he complained about the things that were not on the bike. It was funny – basically looking at myself in the mirror. I too would be happy to get a nice gift, but complain that it does not have this or that. No Readers, my feelings were not hurt. I really thought that it was comical that he said that and I thought that I would have done the same thing.
Yet, what I stressed to him to him was this was an extra bike to use for anything, so he could keep his other bike in good condition and from being stolen.
He whole-heartedly agreed with my logic. I am sure that he is going to understand how good it is going to be to have an extra bike to use in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Happy Birthday in Colorado
Greetings Readers
Unlike last year when I typed “Happy Birthday” to my father I was able to enjoy the day with my father as well as my mother and brother this year.
We, as a family, decided to go to Claim Jumpers for my father’s birthday dinner. Ok. Ok, my father chose the restaurant, but it was his special day, therefore he gets to chose where he wants to eat.
That’s the way our family operates (MO). If it is your birthday you get to choose the place to eat. Though if there is a very good reason not to eat there then those opinion(s) will be taken into consideration.
We arrived at the time that we wanted and saw it was not that busy, but a bit busy.
After being seated my father and I decided against ordering ribs since I barbequed ribs the day before. However, my brother ordered a full rack and that was okay by all of us. My mother was unsure and thought about ordering a salad entrée, but then it was my brother or perhaps myself suggest that she order the seafood grill shrimp – or was that scallops. Needless to say she did and ate the entire thing. My father and I ordered a top sirloin steak – 12 oz. I would have ordered a larger steak that was $ 29.99, but I was unable to contribute to the dinner that much since I was on a budget. Meaning, I would not be here to make the payment for living where I am at since I would be on vacation. Also, I did not have a chance to save up since this whole vacation came together at the last moment, so to speak. So with mother paying for most of the meal I had to order an entrée reasonably. Common courtesy in our family.
One might say that I should have order the $ 29.99 steak, since I have brought gifts throughout the year when I visit, but in my mind that does not count. I would feel guilty for ordering a meal that expensive and not able to contribute half. Even though my brother was able to pay my half.
I do not know what the norm is for a family birthday spending is, but in our family we spend anywhere from $ 100.00 to $ 200.00 on a birthday dinner for a party of four. That is normal for us and not unusual. We order new things at some times, but other times we order what we want and enjoy the dinner on our special day. After all, there are only four days of the year that we do this for us. As a family we love to eat out and when there is a special occasion we chose a nice place to eat.
Thinking back, my brother and I pick a “new” appetizer to try and then talk over with our parents to see if they are game to try. Well, at Claim Jumpers we tried the Shrimp Taquitos and we have to agree that they tasted very good. Crunchy outside, hot shrimp and a nice flavor. Too bad that we only got to try one a piece. We each chose the dinner that we wanted to eat. And at the end of our meal I asked our waiter if there is anything special for a birthday, which I pointed to my Dad.
“Yes, I can bring a desert.” He replied.
“Please, do not bring any singers, please.” I said
“Not a problem” the waiter responds.
Minutes later we got a mint flavored desert, which was actually very, very good. Four spoons were brought and we devoured the entire desert in no time.
And that was then end of a very nice dinner at Claim Jumpers, though our waiter had many tables to attention to, but we overlooked that issue. He did what he could and did not really ignore us, but left us alone.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Unlike last year when I typed “Happy Birthday” to my father I was able to enjoy the day with my father as well as my mother and brother this year.
We, as a family, decided to go to Claim Jumpers for my father’s birthday dinner. Ok. Ok, my father chose the restaurant, but it was his special day, therefore he gets to chose where he wants to eat.
That’s the way our family operates (MO). If it is your birthday you get to choose the place to eat. Though if there is a very good reason not to eat there then those opinion(s) will be taken into consideration.
We arrived at the time that we wanted and saw it was not that busy, but a bit busy.
After being seated my father and I decided against ordering ribs since I barbequed ribs the day before. However, my brother ordered a full rack and that was okay by all of us. My mother was unsure and thought about ordering a salad entrée, but then it was my brother or perhaps myself suggest that she order the seafood grill shrimp – or was that scallops. Needless to say she did and ate the entire thing. My father and I ordered a top sirloin steak – 12 oz. I would have ordered a larger steak that was $ 29.99, but I was unable to contribute to the dinner that much since I was on a budget. Meaning, I would not be here to make the payment for living where I am at since I would be on vacation. Also, I did not have a chance to save up since this whole vacation came together at the last moment, so to speak. So with mother paying for most of the meal I had to order an entrée reasonably. Common courtesy in our family.
One might say that I should have order the $ 29.99 steak, since I have brought gifts throughout the year when I visit, but in my mind that does not count. I would feel guilty for ordering a meal that expensive and not able to contribute half. Even though my brother was able to pay my half.
I do not know what the norm is for a family birthday spending is, but in our family we spend anywhere from $ 100.00 to $ 200.00 on a birthday dinner for a party of four. That is normal for us and not unusual. We order new things at some times, but other times we order what we want and enjoy the dinner on our special day. After all, there are only four days of the year that we do this for us. As a family we love to eat out and when there is a special occasion we chose a nice place to eat.
Thinking back, my brother and I pick a “new” appetizer to try and then talk over with our parents to see if they are game to try. Well, at Claim Jumpers we tried the Shrimp Taquitos and we have to agree that they tasted very good. Crunchy outside, hot shrimp and a nice flavor. Too bad that we only got to try one a piece. We each chose the dinner that we wanted to eat. And at the end of our meal I asked our waiter if there is anything special for a birthday, which I pointed to my Dad.
“Yes, I can bring a desert.” He replied.
“Please, do not bring any singers, please.” I said
“Not a problem” the waiter responds.
Minutes later we got a mint flavored desert, which was actually very, very good. Four spoons were brought and we devoured the entire desert in no time.
And that was then end of a very nice dinner at Claim Jumpers, though our waiter had many tables to attention to, but we overlooked that issue. He did what he could and did not really ignore us, but left us alone.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
More Coca-Cola Points
Greetings Readers
I have another bag full of Coca-Cola points – Caps and cardboard points from the 12 /24 packs of Coca-Cola. These points are all courtesy of my parents and my brother.
I know that I have posted that I am upset, irate, pissed off – basically do not care about the Coca-Cola my coke rewards program. Yet, my immediate family knew from the past that I participate in the program and knew that I was collecting points.
Collecting points may or may not be a hassle, but this is something they are doing for me in exchange for the things I bring them when I visit them in New Mexico. It may not be equal in cost of what I bring to them, but that does not matter. I do care about the points and will not turn down “free” points.
I did not tell them about the new point system and my feelings. I want them to continue to collect points for me regardless of my feelings. If collecting points makes them feel like they are helping me out so be it. I will happily take that in exchange for the gifts I purchase for my parents and family throughout the year.
I have recently bitched and complained (on my blog) about the change in the Coca-Cola rewards program, but when I got that gallon Zip lock bag full of Coca-Cola points I cannot complain or bitch. I did take the bag of points with a “very Thank you much.”
I will redeem and from there I will see what I could do on the program. After all I have all year (well, about 6 months to monitor the prizes available) to see what I can redeem my points for. I doubt that the Flat Screen TV will be an option, but you never know. I am sure that at the end of summer, beginning of Fall I will take a look at the points I have redeemed and see what options I have.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
I have another bag full of Coca-Cola points – Caps and cardboard points from the 12 /24 packs of Coca-Cola. These points are all courtesy of my parents and my brother.
I know that I have posted that I am upset, irate, pissed off – basically do not care about the Coca-Cola my coke rewards program. Yet, my immediate family knew from the past that I participate in the program and knew that I was collecting points.
Collecting points may or may not be a hassle, but this is something they are doing for me in exchange for the things I bring them when I visit them in New Mexico. It may not be equal in cost of what I bring to them, but that does not matter. I do care about the points and will not turn down “free” points.
I did not tell them about the new point system and my feelings. I want them to continue to collect points for me regardless of my feelings. If collecting points makes them feel like they are helping me out so be it. I will happily take that in exchange for the gifts I purchase for my parents and family throughout the year.
I have recently bitched and complained (on my blog) about the change in the Coca-Cola rewards program, but when I got that gallon Zip lock bag full of Coca-Cola points I cannot complain or bitch. I did take the bag of points with a “very Thank you much.”
I will redeem and from there I will see what I could do on the program. After all I have all year (well, about 6 months to monitor the prizes available) to see what I can redeem my points for. I doubt that the Flat Screen TV will be an option, but you never know. I am sure that at the end of summer, beginning of Fall I will take a look at the points I have redeemed and see what options I have.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Where's George
Greetings Readers
I have seen that stamped on various Washington’s for the past ten years, I bet.
I never gave a second thought about going to that website stamped on the one dollar bill.
Then, I saw that word Dollar on the back of the dollar I had acquired.
Graffiti like writing.
Then, I thought about isn’t it like a crime, or a Federal crime to deface money.
Well, I did some research on the net and I see that it is. Yet, that would depend on what defacing did to the money.
The bottom line is that if anyone defaces money to the point that the currency has to be taken out of circulation – that is a crime.
So, some of us kids (children) when we were young that may or may not put that penny on the train tracks to get that penny flat – you committed a crime.
Apparently, in my research there was a machine at a carnival that stretched a penny out, meaning deformed the penny, and if I remember correctly that machine had to stop doing this to pennies provided by the customers since it rendered the penny out of circulation.
I saw many bills that were deformed by someone. Most of the bills were deformed by defacing the person who was pictured on the bill. Some of the artwork looked good. Others looked like a pre-schoolers deformed the bill. Some had many colors; others had one color scheme.
Anyway, I decided to post and comment on this dollar that had the words “” stamped on the dollar bill.
Readers, perhaps in a year we can see where this particular dollar has been since I had it. Then again, there could be a lot of other people who could care less where George is.
Anyway, you Readers can see the serial number of the one-dollar bill so you can check anytime you want.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
I have seen that stamped on various Washington’s for the past ten years, I bet.
I never gave a second thought about going to that website stamped on the one dollar bill.
Then, I saw that word Dollar on the back of the dollar I had acquired.
Graffiti like writing.
Then, I thought about isn’t it like a crime, or a Federal crime to deface money.
Well, I did some research on the net and I see that it is. Yet, that would depend on what defacing did to the money.
The bottom line is that if anyone defaces money to the point that the currency has to be taken out of circulation – that is a crime.
So, some of us kids (children) when we were young that may or may not put that penny on the train tracks to get that penny flat – you committed a crime.
Apparently, in my research there was a machine at a carnival that stretched a penny out, meaning deformed the penny, and if I remember correctly that machine had to stop doing this to pennies provided by the customers since it rendered the penny out of circulation.
I saw many bills that were deformed by someone. Most of the bills were deformed by defacing the person who was pictured on the bill. Some of the artwork looked good. Others looked like a pre-schoolers deformed the bill. Some had many colors; others had one color scheme.
Anyway, I decided to post and comment on this dollar that had the words “” stamped on the dollar bill.
Readers, perhaps in a year we can see where this particular dollar has been since I had it. Then again, there could be a lot of other people who could care less where George is.
Anyway, you Readers can see the serial number of the one-dollar bill so you can check anytime you want.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Monday, March 23, 2009
My Bike Almost was Stolen
Saturday, March 21, 2009
My 21st Birthday Present

Greetings Readers
I was cleaning up the humble abode and I was cleaning up a particular book shelf - dusting, pledging and what not.
I completely forgotten about this item once I had put this on the shelf once more back in the past.
What is it?.
This was the birthday gift that my mother gave to me on my 21st birthday. A customize glass beer mug with my initials and "21" etched on the side of the glass mug.
I have never used the mug for any type of drink. Just never occurred to me to use. I do not think this is an unusual gift. I do not think it is weird. or odd. I am very fond of this gift. Matter of fact, since I think my parents are going to be coming down to Denver hopefully by the end of the month I think I am going to show this to my mother and ask "Do you remember this?" I am betting that she probably remembers, but does not think that I still have this particular.
Is there a reason for this gift? Perhaps? but I have not asked nor do I really need to know. i think this was a nice gift and little did I know to this day that I would still have this gift. Unbroken and not given away. Matter of fact, I am curious how much this mug holds - so I am thinking that I am going to find out how much beer this mug holds.
I think this was the only gift that I received on my 21st birthday. Though, that does not tell how my 21st birthday went. Fucked up. I was working at Bennigan's on the night before my birthday and when the clock struck 12:00 midnight - my co-workers and manager said I am done working. Go have your first drink at the bar. Needless to say, that was my official drink when I turned 21st - the drink was Jack Daniels. Go figure. At that time Jack Daniels meant nothing like it does to me now. Yet, little did I know how much I would enjoy the Single barrel Jack Daniels in this time of my life.
Hmmm... My 21st birthday. Now, that is a story to tell - well of what I can remember of that entire day. Perhaps I will indulge you Readers later down the road.
Note: I put my Oakley sunglasses in the shot to give you Readers some indication of how big and tall that glass mug is.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
I was cleaning up the humble abode and I was cleaning up a particular book shelf - dusting, pledging and what not.
I completely forgotten about this item once I had put this on the shelf once more back in the past.
What is it?.
This was the birthday gift that my mother gave to me on my 21st birthday. A customize glass beer mug with my initials and "21" etched on the side of the glass mug.
I have never used the mug for any type of drink. Just never occurred to me to use. I do not think this is an unusual gift. I do not think it is weird. or odd. I am very fond of this gift. Matter of fact, since I think my parents are going to be coming down to Denver hopefully by the end of the month I think I am going to show this to my mother and ask "Do you remember this?" I am betting that she probably remembers, but does not think that I still have this particular.
Is there a reason for this gift? Perhaps? but I have not asked nor do I really need to know. i think this was a nice gift and little did I know to this day that I would still have this gift. Unbroken and not given away. Matter of fact, I am curious how much this mug holds - so I am thinking that I am going to find out how much beer this mug holds.
I think this was the only gift that I received on my 21st birthday. Though, that does not tell how my 21st birthday went. Fucked up. I was working at Bennigan's on the night before my birthday and when the clock struck 12:00 midnight - my co-workers and manager said I am done working. Go have your first drink at the bar. Needless to say, that was my official drink when I turned 21st - the drink was Jack Daniels. Go figure. At that time Jack Daniels meant nothing like it does to me now. Yet, little did I know how much I would enjoy the Single barrel Jack Daniels in this time of my life.

Note: I put my Oakley sunglasses in the shot to give you Readers some indication of how big and tall that glass mug is.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Last Day of Winter
Greetings Readers
Welcome to the last official day of Winter. The first day of Spring is here tomorrow, yet with all the beautiful weather this year it seems Spring is already here. The grass is turning green in spots, the trees are starting to bloom and I can hear the birds outside my living room window. Those birds come by every year to have their babies nearby.
I was so anxious this past Sunday night to see the next episode of Breaking Bad.
I did not have a clue what was going to happen. Matter of fact, I went to the website to see if I can see or learn anything new.
Readers, I can not believe how addicted I am to the AMC series Breaking Bad.
With the start of episode I see that Jesse’s car is bouncing. Meaning, that Jesse has a low rider bouncing kit installed on his car.
I had no clue what was to come, but I knew that this was going to be bad for Walt and Jesse.
I saw was shown, but I did not see how what happened to what we viewers are being shown. Car window shards falling off the car, empty bullet casings on the ground and the only sound that can be heard is Jesse’s car hydraulics going up and down.
And what about Uncle Tio and his bell. That is just too much. "Ding" Then, the scene goes black. Uncle Tio.
Now, I can not wait for the next following week on how that episode is going to play out from the ending of this episode. I did watch a preview of the next episode and I see that Badger is back. Badger was a character that we met in the first season.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Welcome to the last official day of Winter. The first day of Spring is here tomorrow, yet with all the beautiful weather this year it seems Spring is already here. The grass is turning green in spots, the trees are starting to bloom and I can hear the birds outside my living room window. Those birds come by every year to have their babies nearby.
I was so anxious this past Sunday night to see the next episode of Breaking Bad.
I did not have a clue what was going to happen. Matter of fact, I went to the website to see if I can see or learn anything new.
Readers, I can not believe how addicted I am to the AMC series Breaking Bad.
With the start of episode I see that Jesse’s car is bouncing. Meaning, that Jesse has a low rider bouncing kit installed on his car.
I had no clue what was to come, but I knew that this was going to be bad for Walt and Jesse.
I saw was shown, but I did not see how what happened to what we viewers are being shown. Car window shards falling off the car, empty bullet casings on the ground and the only sound that can be heard is Jesse’s car hydraulics going up and down.
And what about Uncle Tio and his bell. That is just too much. "Ding" Then, the scene goes black. Uncle Tio.
Now, I can not wait for the next following week on how that episode is going to play out from the ending of this episode. I did watch a preview of the next episode and I see that Badger is back. Badger was a character that we met in the first season.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A Helping Hand Extended by me
Greetings Readers
In another year of bike commuting to home from work I was just leisurely riding home since I had Andrea and the HED. wheels.
Since I was going home there was not a real clear thought of anything except biking home. I was not in a hurry and I really did not have a straight path that I was determine to take home. Readers, unfortunately or fortunately in my case I take a different route home every day of full a full week. Meaning, that I do not take the same path I rode that week to and from home twice.
Paranoid? Perhaps. Better safe than sorry. After all, I am sure that I have pissed off many drivers. Also, I would hate for that person who called me “rudest person ever known” to take me out of the world. There are a lot of people out in the world that have some serious, more serious issue, than me that wish the worst for me. Whether it is by their own hands or fate.
I know that I pissed off many people in my riding and writing. They do not agree with my views. Yet, more often than not, they do not like my comments or views.
Yet, I digress in another topic for another time.
So, there I was riding home and this time around I was taking the bike path home as far as I could.
That was when I saw in the distance a mountain biker walking his bike towards my direction.
I was going slowly since… well, no reason to go fast.
I closed the gap between us pretty fast and then
“What do you need?” I asked. Readers, I bet the person who called me the rudest person ever known would have asked “Is there a problem?”
When in fact asking that question is the fucking stupidest question to ask a biker walking their bike. After all any biker walking his/her bike indicates that something is wrong. Whether it is a flat tire, bent rim, or walking up hill – there is a problem. No fucking doubt.
“I need a bike pump.”
“Well, I got a hand pump.”
The rider looks at me and then says. “I am almost home. I am about another half mile or so.”
“Ok. But if you need to use not a problem”
Readers, at this point I have offered twice my services and assistance.
Whereas the person who called me “the rudest person ever known” would have offered once to help and then ride off into the distance without looking back. Matter of fact, that person would complain about how his help was refused. He would be thinking to himself how rude it was to refuse his help and then complain riding off into the distance most likely calling that rider with a flat tire a curse word (i.e. a mother fucker). Pure speculation on my part, but again to this blogger this would be right up his alley. That person would complain how he had to stop to help a fellow biker and got rejected. If that blogger did not get rejected then that blogger would be complaining about how he had to give up a bike tire patch and loan his bike pump to the rider with a flat tire. Going further, that blogger would be complaining on how that rider would leave on a bike ride without a bike pump and tire patches. Further yet, that blogger would complain on how he gave away a bike patch. A bike patch that probably cost less than .35 cents to him. Fucking get over it! You can always get another bike patch kit for less than $ 2.50.
“Last chance. I am not hurry to get home and if you need I have everything to help you out I bet,” I state.
The rider looks at me and then off in the distance. About five seconds later he says, “That’s ok, but thank you.”
I say, “You’re welcome” while still straddling my bike making no indication to ride off. I wanted to leave the option to him give him one more chance before I leave.
“By the way - Nice wheels.” He says another five seconds or so later.
“Thank you.” I reply. He does not have a clue on how much that comment meant to me.
Let me say that I even went slower riding home. I had a huge smile on my face. Tis the little things in life that put a smile on my face. About eight months later I am still getting comments on my, in my ex-co-workers words – “just so awesome” wheels.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
In another year of bike commuting to home from work I was just leisurely riding home since I had Andrea and the HED. wheels.
Since I was going home there was not a real clear thought of anything except biking home. I was not in a hurry and I really did not have a straight path that I was determine to take home. Readers, unfortunately or fortunately in my case I take a different route home every day of full a full week. Meaning, that I do not take the same path I rode that week to and from home twice.
Paranoid? Perhaps. Better safe than sorry. After all, I am sure that I have pissed off many drivers. Also, I would hate for that person who called me “rudest person ever known” to take me out of the world. There are a lot of people out in the world that have some serious, more serious issue, than me that wish the worst for me. Whether it is by their own hands or fate.
I know that I pissed off many people in my riding and writing. They do not agree with my views. Yet, more often than not, they do not like my comments or views.
Yet, I digress in another topic for another time.
So, there I was riding home and this time around I was taking the bike path home as far as I could.
That was when I saw in the distance a mountain biker walking his bike towards my direction.
I was going slowly since… well, no reason to go fast.
I closed the gap between us pretty fast and then
“What do you need?” I asked. Readers, I bet the person who called me the rudest person ever known would have asked “Is there a problem?”
When in fact asking that question is the fucking stupidest question to ask a biker walking their bike. After all any biker walking his/her bike indicates that something is wrong. Whether it is a flat tire, bent rim, or walking up hill – there is a problem. No fucking doubt.
“I need a bike pump.”
“Well, I got a hand pump.”
The rider looks at me and then says. “I am almost home. I am about another half mile or so.”
“Ok. But if you need to use not a problem”
Readers, at this point I have offered twice my services and assistance.
Whereas the person who called me “the rudest person ever known” would have offered once to help and then ride off into the distance without looking back. Matter of fact, that person would complain about how his help was refused. He would be thinking to himself how rude it was to refuse his help and then complain riding off into the distance most likely calling that rider with a flat tire a curse word (i.e. a mother fucker). Pure speculation on my part, but again to this blogger this would be right up his alley. That person would complain how he had to stop to help a fellow biker and got rejected. If that blogger did not get rejected then that blogger would be complaining about how he had to give up a bike tire patch and loan his bike pump to the rider with a flat tire. Going further, that blogger would be complaining on how that rider would leave on a bike ride without a bike pump and tire patches. Further yet, that blogger would complain on how he gave away a bike patch. A bike patch that probably cost less than .35 cents to him. Fucking get over it! You can always get another bike patch kit for less than $ 2.50.
“Last chance. I am not hurry to get home and if you need I have everything to help you out I bet,” I state.
The rider looks at me and then off in the distance. About five seconds later he says, “That’s ok, but thank you.”
I say, “You’re welcome” while still straddling my bike making no indication to ride off. I wanted to leave the option to him give him one more chance before I leave.
“By the way - Nice wheels.” He says another five seconds or so later.
“Thank you.” I reply. He does not have a clue on how much that comment meant to me.
Let me say that I even went slower riding home. I had a huge smile on my face. Tis the little things in life that put a smile on my face. About eight months later I am still getting comments on my, in my ex-co-workers words – “just so awesome” wheels.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Monday, March 16, 2009
Runnin of the Green 7k - 2009

Greetings Readers
I woke up this morning and I was still unsure that if I wanted to run the 2009 Runnin' of the Green (a.k.a. 2009 Running of the Green) today. For the past week, I have been working late and wanted some down time for myself. No Readers, playing my new video game was not the reason why, but yes it had a part of not wanting to run on Sunday.
Anyway for the past week, I have been able to ride Andrea and show off the HED rims all this week. This was great - since I got the HED rims last year and now it the beginning of the new year and now I can show the HED rims all I want. Well, depending on the weather though.
Four of the five past business days I have been leaving work well after 7 PM. I would get home drained and not wanting to cook. So, I would heat up a can of Chicken Noodle soup, eat ,watch a bit of TV, then call it a evening.
By Friday, I was saying no to running of the Runnin of the Green. Yet, then I saw the forecast weather and they all agreed 60's and a bit of wind.
Excellent really. No rain or snow is always good, since I do like be outside after the Runnin' of the Green and drink. Nothing says Runnin' of the Green like drinking afterwards and meeting new people and listening to live music.
Saturday I was still unsure, but I did stop by the bank to withdraw the registration fee and a bit of drinking money just in case I wanted to run.
I relaxed Saturday and thought perhaps I might do the run, but again not sure.
Now, back to the beginning of Sunday morning. I woke up early and was still unsure. I saw the weather Sunday Morning and they promised sun with a bit of a wind blowing from the West.
Alright. Alright. I decided get ready and I was going leave early this morning. Unlike last year when I had to ride like a madman to the Light Rail Station since the Local bus was not coming.
I decided to ride the bus, so I started walking and jogging to the Arapahoe Light Station. A nice morning and a slight breeze. I stayed out of the shadows since the morning air was a bit cool.
Eventually, I made it to the Light Rail Station and looked at my watch. How could have time went by that quickly. I waited for the next Light Rail and sure enough it was going to Union Station.
About 30 Minutes or so later I was looking at my watch and seeing that 10:15 was nearly here. It appears that it was going to be another foot race to the start line to register, sign up, pay and get the number pinned to my Southpark Jersey I wore today.
Sure enough by the time I got the bib pinned the back of the pack was starting to move. I had arrived just in time for the back of the pack to get moving to the starting line.
I took a few pictures of the start line. It was sunny, it was a beautiful morning in Downtown Denver, and I have to say that I was excited that I changed my mind to run the Runnin' of the Green.
I knew that I was not going to be running for time - at all. I only have done one official running race to date and I have not been running at all on my own time. Whether it be after work, during my lunch break, during the weekend or any official running event. I did get a bit sick the past month and that did change my mind on running on some other official running events. Just let the body rest and get better.
So, I had no problem worrying about time. This time around it was about the T-shirt and the beer afterwards. I knew that the time was not going to be last. Little did I know that morning I would be having a time I care not to see - ever.
I saw a lot of runners and they too saw me. Well, let me say that they saw my Southpark Bike Jersey. Many nice comments and smiles.
Not much else I can say about the Runnin' of the Green. I did okay, never felt winded and I did not sprint to the finish line this year. Kind of crowded this time around - meaning it was crowded with runners throughout the course. Apparently, I found out later that this Runnin' of the Green was the largest amount of runners to date in this event. That was nice to hear.
The finish line came and then I was on my own. I knew a few friends that were doing the Runnin of the Green, and I knew where they were going to be meeting. However, I did not know how long they were going to wait. Since I started in back of the pack and I knew that my friends started at the front of the pack there might a big time difference between the time they cross the finish line and the time that I cross the finish line.
I walked around the area and even stood up on a platform to take in the view of seeing any of my friends in the crowd of spectators and runners alike in the streets of Downtown Denver.
Needless to say, I spent about 15 minutes walking here and there, but no such luck. Oh well, time to head over to the area with music and beer. And just enjoy the morning drinking beer in the sun. After about 15 minutes or so I decided to make one last sweep of the area that my friends were going to meet and I saw Julio.
Julio was with another person I did not recognize. And this time Julio was able to run the 2009 Runnin' of the Green this year as opposed to last year when he was sidelined with a foot injury and decided against running in order for his foot to get better later that year.
"Julio?" I asked
Well, Julio also looked for others and did not see any of our mutual friends. He did introduce me to his friend... let me give her an alias - Katherine.
Julio, Katherine and I hung out for about 15 minutes together. We talked about our running and a bit of this and that and then we all parted ways. I was no mood to leave myself so I said goodbye to Julio and Katherine and that was the official start of my day.
I did get a few post pictures in the same place I get my picture taken every year at the Runnin' of the Green (Running of the Green) in Downtown Denver.
Overall, I was happy that I did run and get out and enjoy another beautiful day in Denver, Colorado.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
I woke up this morning and I was still unsure that if I wanted to run the 2009 Runnin' of the Green (a.k.a. 2009 Running of the Green) today. For the past week, I have been working late and wanted some down time for myself. No Readers, playing my new video game was not the reason why, but yes it had a part of not wanting to run on Sunday.
Anyway for the past week, I have been able to ride Andrea and show off the HED rims all this week. This was great - since I got the HED rims last year and now it the beginning of the new year and now I can show the HED rims all I want. Well, depending on the weather though.
Four of the five past business days I have been leaving work well after 7 PM. I would get home drained and not wanting to cook. So, I would heat up a can of Chicken Noodle soup, eat ,watch a bit of TV, then call it a evening.
By Friday, I was saying no to running of the Runnin of the Green. Yet, then I saw the forecast weather and they all agreed 60's and a bit of wind.
Excellent really. No rain or snow is always good, since I do like be outside after the Runnin' of the Green and drink. Nothing says Runnin' of the Green like drinking afterwards and meeting new people and listening to live music.
Saturday I was still unsure, but I did stop by the bank to withdraw the registration fee and a bit of drinking money just in case I wanted to run.
I relaxed Saturday and thought perhaps I might do the run, but again not sure.

Alright. Alright. I decided get ready and I was going leave early this morning. Unlike last year when I had to ride like a madman to the Light Rail Station since the Local bus was not coming.
I decided to ride the bus, so I started walking and jogging to the Arapahoe Light Station. A nice morning and a slight breeze. I stayed out of the shadows since the morning air was a bit cool.
Eventually, I made it to the Light Rail Station and looked at my watch. How could have time went by that quickly. I waited for the next Light Rail and sure enough it was going to Union Station.
About 30 Minutes or so later I was looking at my watch and seeing that 10:15 was nearly here. It appears that it was going to be another foot race to the start line to register, sign up, pay and get the number pinned to my Southpark Jersey I wore today.
Sure enough by the time I got the bib pinned the back of the pack was starting to move. I had arrived just in time for the back of the pack to get moving to the starting line.
I took a few pictures of the start line. It was sunny, it was a beautiful morning in Downtown Denver, and I have to say that I was excited that I changed my mind to run the Runnin' of the Green.
I knew that I was not going to be running for time - at all. I only have done one official running race to date and I have not been running at all on my own time. Whether it be after work, during my lunch break, during the weekend or any official running event. I did get a bit sick the past month and that did change my mind on running on some other official running events. Just let the body rest and get better.
So, I had no problem worrying about time. This time around it was about the T-shirt and the beer afterwards. I knew that the time was not going to be last. Little did I know that morning I would be having a time I care not to see - ever.

Not much else I can say about the Runnin' of the Green. I did okay, never felt winded and I did not sprint to the finish line this year. Kind of crowded this time around - meaning it was crowded with runners throughout the course. Apparently, I found out later that this Runnin' of the Green was the largest amount of runners to date in this event. That was nice to hear.
The finish line came and then I was on my own. I knew a few friends that were doing the Runnin of the Green, and I knew where they were going to be meeting. However, I did not know how long they were going to wait. Since I started in back of the pack and I knew that my friends started at the front of the pack there might a big time difference between the time they cross the finish line and the time that I cross the finish line.
I walked around the area and even stood up on a platform to take in the view of seeing any of my friends in the crowd of spectators and runners alike in the streets of Downtown Denver.
Needless to say, I spent about 15 minutes walking here and there, but no such luck. Oh well, time to head over to the area with music and beer. And just enjoy the morning drinking beer in the sun. After about 15 minutes or so I decided to make one last sweep of the area that my friends were going to meet and I saw Julio.
Julio was with another person I did not recognize. And this time Julio was able to run the 2009 Runnin' of the Green this year as opposed to last year when he was sidelined with a foot injury and decided against running in order for his foot to get better later that year.
"Julio?" I asked
Well, Julio also looked for others and did not see any of our mutual friends. He did introduce me to his friend... let me give her an alias - Katherine.

I did get a few post pictures in the same place I get my picture taken every year at the Runnin' of the Green (Running of the Green) in Downtown Denver.
Overall, I was happy that I did run and get out and enjoy another beautiful day in Denver, Colorado.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Saturday, March 14, 2009
A Change in Coca-Cola rewards program

Greetings Readers
Well, I know that I mentioned late last year that I was excited about the Coca-Cola (a.k.a. mycokerewards) program got re-newed for another year. I was excited to hear that even though I had redeemed almost all my points about mid year in 2008 since I knew that the possibility of getting a nice reward at the end of the 2008 was not looking good.
Well, about a month ago Coca-Cola decided to reveal that a new entering point system was going to be introduced. Basically, Coca-Cola said that us consumers would be able to enter unlimited points during one week time frame up to a certain point limit. Back then, we Coca-Cola reward members could enter 10 codes a day. 10 codes - whether it be 10 points, 3 points, 25 points or whatever points you have to redeem that day to be entered.
Meaning that if I had ten 12-pack Coca-Cola codes to redeem I would get 100 points for that day (10 x 10 = 100 points). So, if I did that for 7 days I would have redeemed 700 points (100 x 7 = 700 points). Pretty darn good! Going further with that example let us do a year (700 x 52 = 36,400 points a year)
Now, Coca-Cola has restricted us Coca-Cola reward members with a limit of 125 points per week. Starting Monday and ending Sunday night. This FUCKING sucks. With this new point entering system 125 points per week for 52 weeks... (125 x 52 = 6500 points a year.) look at the fucking difference in points. This point system affects us die hard point entering fanatics. We never abused the system, we just took advantage of entering points each day. now, with the limit of points per week we are being forced against our will. Basically, being punished.
Not to mention the prize tiers. The fucking Prizes suck and the different type of rewards are 3/4 smaller than what it used to be. Online magazine subscription, free coke, donate points and now nothing over 2,000 points is available to redeem against.
I hate to say this, but my Coca-Cola drinking has changed from one month ago. I now find myself buying Dr. Pepper. After all, that is my second most favorite drink and I think that is also a Texas thang. Also, I am not buying 12 packs of Coca-Cola like I have been the past two years. I would be buying 12 pack after 12 pack just for the points. And to drink, but I bought Coca-Cola almost every day.
Currently, I have two 12 packs of Dr. Pepper at my desk. When I want one I put a few in the refrigerator to get cold and have later. At home I do not have any Coca-Cola in my fridge. Amazing, but true shit. Now, it is Sun Tea.
To Coca-Cola - Thank you - I have stopped the insanity of me trying to buy as much Coca-Cola from you as I could to redeem points each day. With the restrictions you have now put in place I have no desire to buy like I have been doing. There is no logic. And no desire if you can not offer prizes to reflect the new point system.
I am still sticking it to Coca-Cola when I can. By paying in Nickels when and should I buy a drink from the vending machines at work.
With the change in the program there is no desire to drink Coca-cola to get points to enter on the website. Currently, I have about 1700 points in my account, but all I have to choose from the website are Fucking Shitty Prizes. And yes let me say it again - Fucking shitty prizes.
And yes, I am currently liking the taste of Dr. Pepper once more.
By the way, this was a nice Coca-Cola prize that was offered last year before the changes Coca-Cola made this year. A nice, but small backpack made specifically for a lap-top. I have used the back pack a few times, but there is just not enough room to put anything in there except a lap top and paper, with pens and small assorted stuff you may be able to put in there.
I have to admit that there is not enough room to even put a six pack of beer in the back pack easily. I can force and stuff the six pack into the back pack, but then it tough trying to zip the back pack close. With that being said you can kind of get an idea of how small the back pack is. And that is the pictured on today's blog post.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Well, I know that I mentioned late last year that I was excited about the Coca-Cola (a.k.a. mycokerewards) program got re-newed for another year. I was excited to hear that even though I had redeemed almost all my points about mid year in 2008 since I knew that the possibility of getting a nice reward at the end of the 2008 was not looking good.
Well, about a month ago Coca-Cola decided to reveal that a new entering point system was going to be introduced. Basically, Coca-Cola said that us consumers would be able to enter unlimited points during one week time frame up to a certain point limit. Back then, we Coca-Cola reward members could enter 10 codes a day. 10 codes - whether it be 10 points, 3 points, 25 points or whatever points you have to redeem that day to be entered.
Meaning that if I had ten 12-pack Coca-Cola codes to redeem I would get 100 points for that day (10 x 10 = 100 points). So, if I did that for 7 days I would have redeemed 700 points (100 x 7 = 700 points). Pretty darn good! Going further with that example let us do a year (700 x 52 = 36,400 points a year)
Now, Coca-Cola has restricted us Coca-Cola reward members with a limit of 125 points per week. Starting Monday and ending Sunday night. This FUCKING sucks. With this new point entering system 125 points per week for 52 weeks... (125 x 52 = 6500 points a year.) look at the fucking difference in points. This point system affects us die hard point entering fanatics. We never abused the system, we just took advantage of entering points each day. now, with the limit of points per week we are being forced against our will. Basically, being punished.
Not to mention the prize tiers. The fucking Prizes suck and the different type of rewards are 3/4 smaller than what it used to be. Online magazine subscription, free coke, donate points and now nothing over 2,000 points is available to redeem against.
I hate to say this, but my Coca-Cola drinking has changed from one month ago. I now find myself buying Dr. Pepper. After all, that is my second most favorite drink and I think that is also a Texas thang. Also, I am not buying 12 packs of Coca-Cola like I have been the past two years. I would be buying 12 pack after 12 pack just for the points. And to drink, but I bought Coca-Cola almost every day.
Currently, I have two 12 packs of Dr. Pepper at my desk. When I want one I put a few in the refrigerator to get cold and have later. At home I do not have any Coca-Cola in my fridge. Amazing, but true shit. Now, it is Sun Tea.
To Coca-Cola - Thank you - I have stopped the insanity of me trying to buy as much Coca-Cola from you as I could to redeem points each day. With the restrictions you have now put in place I have no desire to buy like I have been doing. There is no logic. And no desire if you can not offer prizes to reflect the new point system.
I am still sticking it to Coca-Cola when I can. By paying in Nickels when and should I buy a drink from the vending machines at work.
With the change in the program there is no desire to drink Coca-cola to get points to enter on the website. Currently, I have about 1700 points in my account, but all I have to choose from the website are Fucking Shitty Prizes. And yes let me say it again - Fucking shitty prizes.
And yes, I am currently liking the taste of Dr. Pepper once more.
By the way, this was a nice Coca-Cola prize that was offered last year before the changes Coca-Cola made this year. A nice, but small backpack made specifically for a lap-top. I have used the back pack a few times, but there is just not enough room to put anything in there except a lap top and paper, with pens and small assorted stuff you may be able to put in there.
I have to admit that there is not enough room to even put a six pack of beer in the back pack easily. I can force and stuff the six pack into the back pack, but then it tough trying to zip the back pack close. With that being said you can kind of get an idea of how small the back pack is. And that is the pictured on today's blog post.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Friday, March 13, 2009
Resident Evil 5
Greetings Readers
I would have to say that I have been waiting for about two years for this game to be released onto PS3. I would also admit that this would have been the reason to buy a Playstation 3 now, if I had not bought the PS3 last year.
After all, dropping $ 400.00 bones for a Playstation 3 was just not right. I was no hurry to buy the console when it first came out. So, I waited and waited. No games that I was interested were scheduled when the PS3 was released. Although the graphics were spectacular on the games I saw.
So, last year was when I bought the PS3 and the reason was Grand Theft Auto 4 was going to be released on PS3. Being a die-hard Grand Theft Auto gamer since GTA 3 came out years ago I knew that there was going to be no debate when GTA4 came out and whether or not I was going to buy PS3.
So, almost a year later - finally Resident Evil 5. I loved Resident 4, and also that was the first time ever I played that franchise chain of game of the Resident Evils. Long story short I was blown away on Resident Evil 4. I never knew a game like that existed. Matter of fact, I never knew a game could get me addicted so quickly. I bought the game on the Gamecube console, which I heard was the best, and from that point on I loved every moment of the game.
Now, Resident Evil 5 was scheduled for Release today. Well, actually it did release and matter of fact at certain stores you could pick up a copy after midnight.
I thought about doing that, but I changed my mind.
So, I reserved the Collector's Edition of Resident Evil 5. Why not - is my thinking. After all the standard game is going to be about $ 60.00 and the Collector's edition is going to be about $ 90.00. Only a $ 30.00 difference, which in my view is not that much, since I know that the Collector's edition will have some collectible stuff.
And there was - A messenger bag (kinda small), a patch, a necklace, a figurine, a bonus disc, and the game comes in steel case as opposed to a plastic case. Very nice.
Obviously, some people got to play the game before release and of some of those people some were game reviewers. Matter of fact, out of those game reviewers one of the reviewers is a black person. And boy oh boy, he was like Al Sharpton. Racist this. Racist that. Blah blah blah. I just could not believe.... well I actually can, but not from this particular reviewer. I guess he may have wanted to beat Al Sharpton before he started to chant "Apologize"
Now, myself being a Native American Indian, I do not give a fuck if Native American Indians are in a video game and portrayed as the antagonist. Whether getting beat up, killed, the bad guy, the weak, etc, it is just a game. There is a game and then there is reality.
That being said. When Resident Evil 4 came out, which was supposedly set in some European county - something perhaps like Romanian - not one European shouted racism of being the bad guy being hunted by the white man. And apparently, the previous 3 Resident Evils had white bad guys being hunted by the white man/woman. The white people did not complain "racism."
It is a video game. And this time around the Resident Evil background was going to be set in some fictional region in Africa. I am going to be the typical stereotyper, but to me Africa has the largest black population in the world and from what I know - whether it be by news, tv, books, magazines, movies - blacks are predominantly shown as the country's citizens. I know I would not see a town of Asians, Indians, Native American Indians, White people (well, perhaps in South Africa maybe - I don't know) Jewish people, Latinos - that would not be right from what I know and have seen. If the game is going to be set in Africa I expect to see a isolated village/town in the middle of nowhere with black people and from there that would depend on what the story line of the game is about is going to happen to that town or around that town.
Anyway, I do not think that this is an issue nor do I think the black reviewer is right/wrong.
However, I do think this was an opportunity to make news first on a topic of racism that may or may not be in the game. That depends on your point of view.
I think, I am getting tired of hearing someone saying that someone said "buckwheat" "nappy" "my brotha" at some topic and then someone else says "racism" then "fire him/her" then "injustice" and "I want an apology." I am not saying it was not wrong or right, but any chance to make news there is someone to say it first and then it does not end.
Readers, I am only touching the tip of the iceberg on Racism on this blogpost. By no means is this blog post sum up my views or feelings. There are alot of things to mention, point out, but I only referenced to what I thought I needed to for this particular post. And I writing about Resident Evil 5, the black reviewer and his opinions about the game, which in my opinion, is not racism.
Readers? If any of you Readers played Resident Evil 5 - do you think the game is racist?
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
I would have to say that I have been waiting for about two years for this game to be released onto PS3. I would also admit that this would have been the reason to buy a Playstation 3 now, if I had not bought the PS3 last year.
After all, dropping $ 400.00 bones for a Playstation 3 was just not right. I was no hurry to buy the console when it first came out. So, I waited and waited. No games that I was interested were scheduled when the PS3 was released. Although the graphics were spectacular on the games I saw.
So, last year was when I bought the PS3 and the reason was Grand Theft Auto 4 was going to be released on PS3. Being a die-hard Grand Theft Auto gamer since GTA 3 came out years ago I knew that there was going to be no debate when GTA4 came out and whether or not I was going to buy PS3.
So, almost a year later - finally Resident Evil 5. I loved Resident 4, and also that was the first time ever I played that franchise chain of game of the Resident Evils. Long story short I was blown away on Resident Evil 4. I never knew a game like that existed. Matter of fact, I never knew a game could get me addicted so quickly. I bought the game on the Gamecube console, which I heard was the best, and from that point on I loved every moment of the game.
Now, Resident Evil 5 was scheduled for Release today. Well, actually it did release and matter of fact at certain stores you could pick up a copy after midnight.
I thought about doing that, but I changed my mind.
So, I reserved the Collector's Edition of Resident Evil 5. Why not - is my thinking. After all the standard game is going to be about $ 60.00 and the Collector's edition is going to be about $ 90.00. Only a $ 30.00 difference, which in my view is not that much, since I know that the Collector's edition will have some collectible stuff.

Obviously, some people got to play the game before release and of some of those people some were game reviewers. Matter of fact, out of those game reviewers one of the reviewers is a black person. And boy oh boy, he was like Al Sharpton. Racist this. Racist that. Blah blah blah. I just could not believe.... well I actually can, but not from this particular reviewer. I guess he may have wanted to beat Al Sharpton before he started to chant "Apologize"
Now, myself being a Native American Indian, I do not give a fuck if Native American Indians are in a video game and portrayed as the antagonist. Whether getting beat up, killed, the bad guy, the weak, etc, it is just a game. There is a game and then there is reality.
That being said. When Resident Evil 4 came out, which was supposedly set in some European county - something perhaps like Romanian - not one European shouted racism of being the bad guy being hunted by the white man. And apparently, the previous 3 Resident Evils had white bad guys being hunted by the white man/woman. The white people did not complain "racism."
It is a video game. And this time around the Resident Evil background was going to be set in some fictional region in Africa. I am going to be the typical stereotyper, but to me Africa has the largest black population in the world and from what I know - whether it be by news, tv, books, magazines, movies - blacks are predominantly shown as the country's citizens. I know I would not see a town of Asians, Indians, Native American Indians, White people (well, perhaps in South Africa maybe - I don't know) Jewish people, Latinos - that would not be right from what I know and have seen. If the game is going to be set in Africa I expect to see a isolated village/town in the middle of nowhere with black people and from there that would depend on what the story line of the game is about is going to happen to that town or around that town.
Anyway, I do not think that this is an issue nor do I think the black reviewer is right/wrong.
However, I do think this was an opportunity to make news first on a topic of racism that may or may not be in the game. That depends on your point of view.
I think, I am getting tired of hearing someone saying that someone said "buckwheat" "nappy" "my brotha" at some topic and then someone else says "racism" then "fire him/her" then "injustice" and "I want an apology." I am not saying it was not wrong or right, but any chance to make news there is someone to say it first and then it does not end.
Readers, I am only touching the tip of the iceberg on Racism on this blogpost. By no means is this blog post sum up my views or feelings. There are alot of things to mention, point out, but I only referenced to what I thought I needed to for this particular post. And I writing about Resident Evil 5, the black reviewer and his opinions about the game, which in my opinion, is not racism.
Readers? If any of you Readers played Resident Evil 5 - do you think the game is racist?
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
New Water Bottles 2009

Greetings Readers
So, with my training and a new year it is time once again to purchase new water bottles for this year's 2009 biking season.
I think, that I mentioned for the first time to you faithful Readers last year that I purchase new water bottles at the beginning of each year.
Many reason are as follows. Since I hardly use water in my water bottles the liquids that I use get ingrained into the water bottles throughout the year.
Meaning, I can taste what I used the previous time. 99 percent of the time I do not use bleach in any of my water bottles for cleaning. Just liquid soap and hot water and then shake up the water bottle for a few and then use a scrubber that can fit through the opening of the water bottle so I can clean inside the water bottle. After that is done I then put the water bottle(s) into the dish washer for the rest of my sanitizing of my water bottle(s). I know that there are probably many of you bikers who use bleach, well some bleach in their water bottles and hey that is okay by me. But for me to do that - I don't. Period.
And unfortunately some liquids stain the water bottles throughout the year so there is that pink, blue, green hue that you can sort of see when you look at that supposedly clean water bottle. Again, I could care less if that does not matter to you, but it does matter to me when they are my water bottle.
Again, towards the end of the year the bottles of mine are definitely looking used. Used up. Black scuff marks from being dropped, pulled and pushed into the water bottle cage on the bike. Again, fine by me if you like that look of your water bottles look like that at the end of the year. Matter of fact, that shows that you are a hard core rider. Yet, again at the beginning of the new year you really should invest in new water bottles - for all the above reasons I have listed so far
Also, sometimes I prepare the day before a ride so I freeze some of the liquid I plan to consume for my bike ride the next day in the water bottle. That what - the liquid stays colder on my ride from the frozen liquid. If it not frozen, meaning that you pour your liquid into the water bottle it will warm up faster than the frozen liquid you did the night before. With this, somehow the liquid and the smell get ingrained into the water bottle over time.
So, I have a picture of the water bottles I bought this past Sunday after my ride and then I have a picture of all the water bottles in my freezer ready for use for my next bike ride. What is that Readers? No, going to and from work I do not need a water bottle, in my opinion of course. Then again, there are times I should have brought a water bottle. The distance is short and there is water when I get to work and home.
What was that other question? Why don't I use any of those water bottles from my biking events that are usually provided when I register for a long bike ride? Well, I like keeping those collectible, in my opinion, water bottles on display. After all they usually have the event's name and year of what I rode in. All different colors, shapes and sizes - yet they are just so unique to use at all. So, that is why I buy water bottles I know that I am going to use and eventually throw away after a year's use.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
So, with my training and a new year it is time once again to purchase new water bottles for this year's 2009 biking season.
I think, that I mentioned for the first time to you faithful Readers last year that I purchase new water bottles at the beginning of each year.
Many reason are as follows. Since I hardly use water in my water bottles the liquids that I use get ingrained into the water bottles throughout the year.
Meaning, I can taste what I used the previous time. 99 percent of the time I do not use bleach in any of my water bottles for cleaning. Just liquid soap and hot water and then shake up the water bottle for a few and then use a scrubber that can fit through the opening of the water bottle so I can clean inside the water bottle. After that is done I then put the water bottle(s) into the dish washer for the rest of my sanitizing of my water bottle(s). I know that there are probably many of you bikers who use bleach, well some bleach in their water bottles and hey that is okay by me. But for me to do that - I don't. Period.
And unfortunately some liquids stain the water bottles throughout the year so there is that pink, blue, green hue that you can sort of see when you look at that supposedly clean water bottle. Again, I could care less if that does not matter to you, but it does matter to me when they are my water bottle.
Again, towards the end of the year the bottles of mine are definitely looking used. Used up. Black scuff marks from being dropped, pulled and pushed into the water bottle cage on the bike. Again, fine by me if you like that look of your water bottles look like that at the end of the year. Matter of fact, that shows that you are a hard core rider. Yet, again at the beginning of the new year you really should invest in new water bottles - for all the above reasons I have listed so far
Also, sometimes I prepare the day before a ride so I freeze some of the liquid I plan to consume for my bike ride the next day in the water bottle. That what - the liquid stays colder on my ride from the frozen liquid. If it not frozen, meaning that you pour your liquid into the water bottle it will warm up faster than the frozen liquid you did the night before. With this, somehow the liquid and the smell get ingrained into the water bottle over time.
So, I have a picture of the water bottles I bought this past Sunday after my ride and then I have a picture of all the water bottles in my freezer ready for use for my next bike ride. What is that Readers? No, going to and from work I do not need a water bottle, in my opinion of course. Then again, there are times I should have brought a water bottle. The distance is short and there is water when I get to work and home.

Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Monday, March 09, 2009
Breaking Bad - Season 2 Premiere
Greetings Readers
I have been anxiously waiting for the Season two premiere of Breaking Bad.
I was a bit disappointed that the show had to re-show the ending of last season's ending so that wasted about 10 minutes of the hour long show.
Otherwise, it started out as it has in the past. You see an ending event, perhaps, as in this case the view is of Walt's backyard. Sunny, clear, the camera pans to the swimming pool and in the distance you can hear sirens of an police car, fire truck, ambulance ? We just don't know. The camera eventually goes into the pool and focuses on a plastic eyeball and you can still hear the sirens from under the water when the camera submerges into the swimming pool. The camera then locks onto a pink teddy bear which slowly turns to the camera. When the Teddy bear turns around you can see the other half that was not shown is burnt (perhaps burnt from fire?).
Then, the scene cuts to commerical. We faithful watchers know that is usually the ending of the episode's last scene. I thought to myself "oh no." and now I really anxious to watch the season premiere of Season 2.
I am not going to give any more details on what happened in the show, but I will sum up the end. So, when the hour was almost up the last scene showed Tuco, with Walt and Jesse in Jesse's car driving away from Walt's home at night, which is what is pictured on this blog's post.
Hmmm. I am thinking that opening scene of the Pink Teddy bear is going to be last scene of this season's Breaking Bad. I fear the worst for Walt and his family, but I think Walt or his family will not be killed off at the end of the season two. This is pure speculation on my part and I am only drawing this conclusion since they did not show that beginning scene at the end of Episode 1 of Season 2 Breaking Bad.
All in all, it was a very good start to Breaking Bad, minus the re-cap of Season 1 in the beginning of the show. A Dark kind of Funny and serious at times and I think that is what really draws me into the show. Not to mention that the first scene of the show usually pertains to what is to come in that episode. Usually.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
I have been anxiously waiting for the Season two premiere of Breaking Bad.
I was a bit disappointed that the show had to re-show the ending of last season's ending so that wasted about 10 minutes of the hour long show.
Otherwise, it started out as it has in the past. You see an ending event, perhaps, as in this case the view is of Walt's backyard. Sunny, clear, the camera pans to the swimming pool and in the distance you can hear sirens of an police car, fire truck, ambulance ? We just don't know. The camera eventually goes into the pool and focuses on a plastic eyeball and you can still hear the sirens from under the water when the camera submerges into the swimming pool. The camera then locks onto a pink teddy bear which slowly turns to the camera. When the Teddy bear turns around you can see the other half that was not shown is burnt (perhaps burnt from fire?).
Then, the scene cuts to commerical. We faithful watchers know that is usually the ending of the episode's last scene. I thought to myself "oh no." and now I really anxious to watch the season premiere of Season 2.
Hmmm. I am thinking that opening scene of the Pink Teddy bear is going to be last scene of this season's Breaking Bad. I fear the worst for Walt and his family, but I think Walt or his family will not be killed off at the end of the season two. This is pure speculation on my part and I am only drawing this conclusion since they did not show that beginning scene at the end of Episode 1 of Season 2 Breaking Bad.
All in all, it was a very good start to Breaking Bad, minus the re-cap of Season 1 in the beginning of the show. A Dark kind of Funny and serious at times and I think that is what really draws me into the show. Not to mention that the first scene of the show usually pertains to what is to come in that episode. Usually.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Sunday, March 08, 2009
2009 Cherry Creek Reservoir

Greetings Readers
I guess, I would have to say that this is the first day of my training for the Ride the Rockies
Although, I will not confirm that. Damn Straight!
I was totally expecting bad weather today, but somehow the day looked great and more importantly the temperature was pretty darn warmer than I expected. Once again - fucked up weather reports from Crystal Eggers and Angie Austin.
With that being said I decided to head out to Cherry Creek Reservoir and see what is happening out there. I have not been out to Cherry Creek Reservoir since last year and have no clue how the road/riding conditions are out there.
I decided to take the HED rims and Andrea and see out of shape I am.
I have to admit that winter has taken its toll on me and I was pretty out of shape going around the Reservoir. There was some head wind depending on which way I was riding inside the state park.
I knew that I was not going to be able to work on speed, since I have not been worried about my speed for the past 5 months. I decided to work on speed sprints through out the park on my circle.
I felt winded and slow throughout the 44 miles I covered in Cherry Creek State Park. I got passed by many riders (I estimate about 15 riders total) and I passed a riders few. Again, I was not looking to ride the fastest out there. I wanted to get the feel for riding out at the Reservoir since it has been a while. I did get the comments "Tight" and "Very nice wheel set" and the looks of other riders. There was some wind out on my course I road, but I would have to say that it was veru manageable, compared to last week when I was almost blown over. I have to admit after last week's wind I am now less fearful of the wind I thought was tough to ride in before last week. I now have more confidence and less worry on what the wind will do to my rims and me while riding.
I wore the Ipod, but I really did not listen to the Ipod, just the world and the occassional "nice rims" comment.
Climbing the little hills were not like last year, which means I am out of shape, so that is something I will need to work on. And I was still about to keep riding in the largest gear so that was good.
And that was that at Cherry Creek Reservoir this past Sunday.
Later on, I stopped by the Arapahoe Marketplace to get my post Coca-Cola drink and I saw the regular homeless person sitting on a nearby bench.
I got myself a Coca-Cola and then I thought why not. I took out another dollar bill and then point at the Coke Machine and guy nodded yes. So, I pushed the Coca-Cola button, got the Coca-Cola and then gave to him. He said "Thank you"
And there you have Readers - According to one blogger "that I am the rudest person ever known" - However, would the rudest person ever known do that for a homeless person? I know almost for a fact the blogger who called me the "rudest person ever known" would not do that if the positions were reversed. Gosh willing, the blogger would complain about why they would even contemplate on giving a Coca-Cola to a homeless person sitting on that bench on a Sunday. Matter of fact, I am also willing to assume that the blogger would complain about giving a Coca-Cola after the fact of giving the homeless person a Coca-Cola. Pure speculation on my part, but I only go by what I read in the past by that blogger.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
I guess, I would have to say that this is the first day of my training for the Ride the Rockies
Although, I will not confirm that. Damn Straight!
I was totally expecting bad weather today, but somehow the day looked great and more importantly the temperature was pretty darn warmer than I expected. Once again - fucked up weather reports from Crystal Eggers and Angie Austin.
With that being said I decided to head out to Cherry Creek Reservoir and see what is happening out there. I have not been out to Cherry Creek Reservoir since last year and have no clue how the road/riding conditions are out there.
I decided to take the HED rims and Andrea and see out of shape I am.
I have to admit that winter has taken its toll on me and I was pretty out of shape going around the Reservoir. There was some head wind depending on which way I was riding inside the state park.
I knew that I was not going to be able to work on speed, since I have not been worried about my speed for the past 5 months. I decided to work on speed sprints through out the park on my circle.
I felt winded and slow throughout the 44 miles I covered in Cherry Creek State Park. I got passed by many riders (I estimate about 15 riders total) and I passed a riders few. Again, I was not looking to ride the fastest out there. I wanted to get the feel for riding out at the Reservoir since it has been a while. I did get the comments "Tight" and "Very nice wheel set" and the looks of other riders. There was some wind out on my course I road, but I would have to say that it was veru manageable, compared to last week when I was almost blown over. I have to admit after last week's wind I am now less fearful of the wind I thought was tough to ride in before last week. I now have more confidence and less worry on what the wind will do to my rims and me while riding.
I wore the Ipod, but I really did not listen to the Ipod, just the world and the occassional "nice rims" comment.
Climbing the little hills were not like last year, which means I am out of shape, so that is something I will need to work on. And I was still about to keep riding in the largest gear so that was good.
And that was that at Cherry Creek Reservoir this past Sunday.

I got myself a Coca-Cola and then I thought why not. I took out another dollar bill and then point at the Coke Machine and guy nodded yes. So, I pushed the Coca-Cola button, got the Coca-Cola and then gave to him. He said "Thank you"
And there you have Readers - According to one blogger "that I am the rudest person ever known" - However, would the rudest person ever known do that for a homeless person? I know almost for a fact the blogger who called me the "rudest person ever known" would not do that if the positions were reversed. Gosh willing, the blogger would complain about why they would even contemplate on giving a Coca-Cola to a homeless person sitting on that bench on a Sunday. Matter of fact, I am also willing to assume that the blogger would complain about giving a Coca-Cola after the fact of giving the homeless person a Coca-Cola. Pure speculation on my part, but I only go by what I read in the past by that blogger.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Casualties of Sticking it to the Man

Greetings Readers
Casualties. There are always an innocent bystander(s)
My faithful Readers will remember me "Sticking it to the Man" from a while ago.
Long story short - I was "bent" that the Coca-Cola machine price of a 16 oz of Coca-Cola went up from $ 1.00 to $ 1.25. I was "bent", and I guess I still have a little "bentness" about the price increase. Again, for the record, the price of a Coca-Cola increased 25% percent. 25 percent % is a lot, even though it is low expense.
I have made the necessary changes in my life to counter that increase and have been bringing in Coca-Cola from the grocery store or Gas stations on route to work.
However, there are days that I do have to buy Coca-Coca from the Coke machine since I may have run out of Coca-Cola or just did not have the time to stop at the store that morning before work.
Anyway, that is the back story. Fast forward to this past week. I spent my allowance for the week and when that happens I try not to charge or go to the bank for more money. If I mismanaged my allowance I need to "pay" for spending it all so quickly.
Hence, that is what happened. I have told you Readers that I have three empty bottles of 1.75 L Absolute Vodka Bottles on my mantle where I put my pennies, nickels and dimes from my many purchases. Well, I try not to go to the change bottles, but when I spend my allowance there is really only one choice to go to. The jars. I decided to empty some dimes from the dimes bottle and use that for anything I may need - example - Coca-Cola.
Now, I was standing in front of the Coca-Cola machine with my zip lock bag of dimes. I started to drop the dimes into the coin slot and I heard the familiar coin noise going through the machine. Then, I heard the dime actually hit the bottom of the coin container in the machine. Clink! Clink after Clink. Hmmmm.
I put in $ 1.25 pushed the button for a regular Coca-Cola and then got my Coca-Cola. I put the bottle of Coca-Cola on the counter behind me and then started to put in some more of my dimes into the Coke Machine. Clink! Clink! I reached $1.30 and then briefly paused and then pushed the coin return knob. I heard the Coke machine return my money to me in the coin return slot. Clank. Clank. Clank. 5 Clanks I heard. That meant I got 5 quarters in return. hmmmm.
Minutes later and all my dimes gone I had all quarters in change. Pretty cool I thought to myself. I just unloaded about 39 dimes and got 15 quarters back.
I went home that night and could not let that go. I saw all the nickels in the nickel bottle and thought to myself - why not.
I emptied the entire bottle of nickels into a zip lock bag - and there was a lot.
The following morning I got to work early since I was going to do the same thing again. This time I needed some personal time, as opposed to company time, to feed in the nickels into the Coke Machine.
Thirty minutes later and $ 15.00 dollars in quarters I decided that I had better start work. I was about 2/3 through the zip lock bag and decided I could finish up at lunch or make myself take a break in the afternoon.
The afternoon break was when I went back to the Coke Machine. I started feeding the Coke machine the rest of the nickels that I had remaining in the zip lock bag. It was not about $ 3.75 later that the machine was dispensing dimes back to me.
I had taken all the quarters from the machine. Damn, but good. Well..... Hey, it takes two nickels for every dime I thought to myself quickly.
With that mentality I thought of further sticking it to the man. I am going to dispense the rest of the nickels and get back dimes instead.
Oh yes Readers, shallow and probably not going to matter to the Coca-Cola person, but there was a certain satisfaction by getting rid of all the nickels I had and supposedly filling up the coin container inside the Coke Machine. I heard the "Clink" two days ago, but soon I could heard the familiar sound of coin hitting coin inside in the Coke machine. I was filling up that coin container inside the Coke Machine.
Well, I was done. Mission is accomplished, for now.
But I had all these dimes. Hmmm. There are always innocent Casualties. In this case the Pepsi Machine. I loved seeing the bag of quarters I got in return from the Coke machine and like the dog with a bone that sees his/her reflection in a pool of water - I wanted more.
I started dropping my dimes into the Pepsi machine and soon hit $ 1.30,which at that point I hit the coin return knob again and soon heard that familiar sound of "Clank" in the coin return slot.
Minutes later I was at my desk with a zip lock bag full of quarters and one dime left over. I dumped out the zip lock bag of quarters and started counting out 4 at a time and lining up in a row on my desk.
$ 25.00 dollars worth of quarters.... well actually nickels since that is what I started with. Wow. I was amazed that I had that many nickels.
A friend came by and wondered what's going on. I told him/her flat out what I did. No shame. He/she said remarked well how do you feel about the next person who puts in two $ 1.00 bills and gets dimes in return since you took all the quarters. I responded - innocent casualties on the war on sticking it to the man. He/she smiles and shakes their head in disbelief -
"Oh you are something else. And you know that Coca-Cola person that who is going to empty that coin container in the Coke Machine will probably get upset."
"Probably, but you forgot about the big stink I raised about the 25% percent increase last year. Well, I finally am able to get back in the only way I can and that is feed that Coke Machine full of nickels and take all the quarters in return."
"That Coke person is not even responsible for the increase, it is Coca-Cola and you targeting him/her."
"I don't make up the rules. I take them as far as I could. In the grand scheme of things I deposited my nickels and then changed my mind on getting a bottle of Coca-Cola and pushed the coin return for my money"
"What 20 times?!"
"Yeah." me smiling "And that is the story I am sticking to."
"Mr. Charley you are something else."
Now, I have all these quarters and they are just beckoning to be spent. Now, what can I spend my new found wealth on...
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Casualties. There are always an innocent bystander(s)
My faithful Readers will remember me "Sticking it to the Man" from a while ago.
Long story short - I was "bent" that the Coca-Cola machine price of a 16 oz of Coca-Cola went up from $ 1.00 to $ 1.25. I was "bent", and I guess I still have a little "bentness" about the price increase. Again, for the record, the price of a Coca-Cola increased 25% percent. 25 percent % is a lot, even though it is low expense.
I have made the necessary changes in my life to counter that increase and have been bringing in Coca-Cola from the grocery store or Gas stations on route to work.
However, there are days that I do have to buy Coca-Coca from the Coke machine since I may have run out of Coca-Cola or just did not have the time to stop at the store that morning before work.
Anyway, that is the back story. Fast forward to this past week. I spent my allowance for the week and when that happens I try not to charge or go to the bank for more money. If I mismanaged my allowance I need to "pay" for spending it all so quickly.
Hence, that is what happened. I have told you Readers that I have three empty bottles of 1.75 L Absolute Vodka Bottles on my mantle where I put my pennies, nickels and dimes from my many purchases. Well, I try not to go to the change bottles, but when I spend my allowance there is really only one choice to go to. The jars. I decided to empty some dimes from the dimes bottle and use that for anything I may need - example - Coca-Cola.
Now, I was standing in front of the Coca-Cola machine with my zip lock bag of dimes. I started to drop the dimes into the coin slot and I heard the familiar coin noise going through the machine. Then, I heard the dime actually hit the bottom of the coin container in the machine. Clink! Clink after Clink. Hmmmm.
I put in $ 1.25 pushed the button for a regular Coca-Cola and then got my Coca-Cola. I put the bottle of Coca-Cola on the counter behind me and then started to put in some more of my dimes into the Coke Machine. Clink! Clink! I reached $1.30 and then briefly paused and then pushed the coin return knob. I heard the Coke machine return my money to me in the coin return slot. Clank. Clank. Clank. 5 Clanks I heard. That meant I got 5 quarters in return. hmmmm.
Minutes later and all my dimes gone I had all quarters in change. Pretty cool I thought to myself. I just unloaded about 39 dimes and got 15 quarters back.
I went home that night and could not let that go. I saw all the nickels in the nickel bottle and thought to myself - why not.
I emptied the entire bottle of nickels into a zip lock bag - and there was a lot.
The following morning I got to work early since I was going to do the same thing again. This time I needed some personal time, as opposed to company time, to feed in the nickels into the Coke Machine.
Thirty minutes later and $ 15.00 dollars in quarters I decided that I had better start work. I was about 2/3 through the zip lock bag and decided I could finish up at lunch or make myself take a break in the afternoon.
The afternoon break was when I went back to the Coke Machine. I started feeding the Coke machine the rest of the nickels that I had remaining in the zip lock bag. It was not about $ 3.75 later that the machine was dispensing dimes back to me.
I had taken all the quarters from the machine. Damn, but good. Well..... Hey, it takes two nickels for every dime I thought to myself quickly.
With that mentality I thought of further sticking it to the man. I am going to dispense the rest of the nickels and get back dimes instead.
Oh yes Readers, shallow and probably not going to matter to the Coca-Cola person, but there was a certain satisfaction by getting rid of all the nickels I had and supposedly filling up the coin container inside the Coke Machine. I heard the "Clink" two days ago, but soon I could heard the familiar sound of coin hitting coin inside in the Coke machine. I was filling up that coin container inside the Coke Machine.
Well, I was done. Mission is accomplished, for now.
But I had all these dimes. Hmmm. There are always innocent Casualties. In this case the Pepsi Machine. I loved seeing the bag of quarters I got in return from the Coke machine and like the dog with a bone that sees his/her reflection in a pool of water - I wanted more.
I started dropping my dimes into the Pepsi machine and soon hit $ 1.30,which at that point I hit the coin return knob again and soon heard that familiar sound of "Clank" in the coin return slot.
Minutes later I was at my desk with a zip lock bag full of quarters and one dime left over. I dumped out the zip lock bag of quarters and started counting out 4 at a time and lining up in a row on my desk.
$ 25.00 dollars worth of quarters.... well actually nickels since that is what I started with. Wow. I was amazed that I had that many nickels.
A friend came by and wondered what's going on. I told him/her flat out what I did. No shame. He/she said remarked well how do you feel about the next person who puts in two $ 1.00 bills and gets dimes in return since you took all the quarters. I responded - innocent casualties on the war on sticking it to the man. He/she smiles and shakes their head in disbelief -
"Oh you are something else. And you know that Coca-Cola person that who is going to empty that coin container in the Coke Machine will probably get upset."
"Probably, but you forgot about the big stink I raised about the 25% percent increase last year. Well, I finally am able to get back in the only way I can and that is feed that Coke Machine full of nickels and take all the quarters in return."
"That Coke person is not even responsible for the increase, it is Coca-Cola and you targeting him/her."
"I don't make up the rules. I take them as far as I could. In the grand scheme of things I deposited my nickels and then changed my mind on getting a bottle of Coca-Cola and pushed the coin return for my money"
"What 20 times?!"
"Yeah." me smiling "And that is the story I am sticking to."
"Mr. Charley you are something else."
Now, I have all these quarters and they are just beckoning to be spent. Now, what can I spend my new found wealth on...
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Friday, March 06, 2009
The Donning of the Bike Helmet
Greetings Readers
I know that the winds were going to be a lot less blowing today, but I also saw that a cold front is coming. Knowing that I had to leave the good bike at home and not risk any early snowfall or rain getting on my good bike.
So, I decided that Tracey was going out today. From the past month her back tire has been wobblely due to the side of the tire losing its integrity. The tire is old and this was the tire that was originally on Rebecca. So, I decided that I did not want to feel the wobble and odd thump in the back tire today.
I changed the tire to another spare tire and found out that tire was just as worse. Go Figure. I changed that tire to the oldest tire I have and found out that tire was almost as bad, but doable to ride on.
I was well into the start of my ride and the evidentable happened!
Wait. Oh Readers. I can hardly fucking believe this! I woke up this morning and felt I better wear a helmet today. Occasionally, I get this funny feeling where I feel I need to wear a bike helmet. I am not going to say I felt the hair stand up on my body, but just a feeling.
Gosh Dam! I fucking look, in the immortal words of my ex-co-worker, "just so awesome!" I look fucking Hot! Hah hah.
I digress, I put that helmet on and I felt just like all you bike commuters and casual riders - invincible. Oh yes, invincible. I felt like all you commuters I have the ride to the road, I have the right of way, more importantly, I have a helmet on and that makes me throw caution to the wind.
That feeling coarsing through my body felt pretty good. I rode like you everyday helmet riding commuters do. Well, almost. I wish that were true, but I have to stick to my riding style on a bike.
I decided the first stop this morning was Alberston's. I won $ 5.00 on the Monopoly game. Woo Hoo! I'm rich, I'm rich, I wealthy, I am socially independent.
I cashed in the money - bought 2 $ 2.00 scratch lottery tickets with my winnings. I gave one to my friend and then I took the other. Guess what?! I won $ 2.00! Call me lucky! Matter of fact, I better go out tonight since I am getting lucky. Perhaps I might really get "Lucky" with a petite blonde with a slim body. Oh yeah.
Again, I digress. So, after Alberston's I left the Arapahoe MarketPlace and that is where I almost got ran over/hit. I turned onto Yosemite and headed North in the left lane since I had the whole road to myself and traffic was being held up at the light. I biked like the wind blows this past week. Up in the distance I see one vehicle shoot out and turn the way I was biking. Traffic was heavy coming South and I do not know how long that driver was waiting. It must have been a long time since the driver squealed the tires and got his vehicle moving. Then, I saw a Mini-Van behind that driver was next and ready to speed out also in the same direction.
I am sure that the Mini Van Man looked to see if any vehicle(s) were coming and did not see any, since there was none. I do not know. Perhaps he did not see me since he was probably looking for vehicles as opposed to someone like me (cyclist) riding down Yosemite. He was looking the other way and did not look back in my direction.
By then I was almost right in front of him. He saw an opening and took off. Yet, his turn was not a proper turn. He turned into the lanes that he should not be in and drove by speeding up and then braking when he noticed me.
Me? I heard and saw all this, but I was not going to bulge since I was invincible with that bike helmet I donned this morning. I now know how you helmet riders feel about having the right of way and knowing that helmet is going to protect me and my entire body.
I turned into the turn lane and the driver reved his engine behind and then I slowed down since I was in the turn lane and there were vehicles also waiting to turn. No honks. But I heard the slide of tires on pavement from the Mini Van and then seconds later I heard the Mini Van man take off to the right of me and go down Yosemite in a hurry.
I did not yield to the turning Mini Van since I had the right of way on the street. I was aware of him, but I really rode defensively. I had the usual demeanor in this type of situation before, since this is nothing new for me.
Me mad? Nope. No reason to be. Happy? Nope - again no reason to be. Do I care? - yes, but in the grand scheme of things does it really matter or even effect me?
One might ask why did I not take the sidewalk? Well, I did not since I usually do not unless during rush hour. Why did you not ride in the gutter? Well, it is a short distance from where I turned onto Yosemite and then had to turn off Yosemite. I know if I have the light I know that I can still beat the traffic that has the red light even when it turns green for them since I can out ride them to the next light. And usually there is one or two or no cars turning with me which presents no problem for me after they pass me since I will have open road behind me. Why didn't I yield to the Mini Van Man? Well, first a Mini Van Man-to me that is less dangerous than a teenage camero driving person. Total assumption, but that was the thought process. And three- I am invincible since I was wearing that Bike helmet this morning.
Before any of Readers point out that this would not have happened if I was not wearing a helmet. Not. I would have done the same exact thing.
P.S. The bike helmet made me invisible - not invincible! Story of my Life.
P.S.S I was being very sarcastic about all bike helmet references in this blog post for today. I know, but for those that need to remind me - feel free to do so. After all, according to one blogger I am "the rudest person he has ever known."
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
I know that the winds were going to be a lot less blowing today, but I also saw that a cold front is coming. Knowing that I had to leave the good bike at home and not risk any early snowfall or rain getting on my good bike.
So, I decided that Tracey was going out today. From the past month her back tire has been wobblely due to the side of the tire losing its integrity. The tire is old and this was the tire that was originally on Rebecca. So, I decided that I did not want to feel the wobble and odd thump in the back tire today.
I changed the tire to another spare tire and found out that tire was just as worse. Go Figure. I changed that tire to the oldest tire I have and found out that tire was almost as bad, but doable to ride on.
I was well into the start of my ride and the evidentable happened!
Wait. Oh Readers. I can hardly fucking believe this! I woke up this morning and felt I better wear a helmet today. Occasionally, I get this funny feeling where I feel I need to wear a bike helmet. I am not going to say I felt the hair stand up on my body, but just a feeling.
Gosh Dam! I fucking look, in the immortal words of my ex-co-worker, "just so awesome!" I look fucking Hot! Hah hah.
That feeling coarsing through my body felt pretty good. I rode like you everyday helmet riding commuters do. Well, almost. I wish that were true, but I have to stick to my riding style on a bike.
I decided the first stop this morning was Alberston's. I won $ 5.00 on the Monopoly game. Woo Hoo! I'm rich, I'm rich, I wealthy, I am socially independent.
I cashed in the money - bought 2 $ 2.00 scratch lottery tickets with my winnings. I gave one to my friend and then I took the other. Guess what?! I won $ 2.00! Call me lucky! Matter of fact, I better go out tonight since I am getting lucky. Perhaps I might really get "Lucky" with a petite blonde with a slim body. Oh yeah.
Again, I digress. So, after Alberston's I left the Arapahoe MarketPlace and that is where I almost got ran over/hit. I turned onto Yosemite and headed North in the left lane since I had the whole road to myself and traffic was being held up at the light. I biked like the wind blows this past week. Up in the distance I see one vehicle shoot out and turn the way I was biking. Traffic was heavy coming South and I do not know how long that driver was waiting. It must have been a long time since the driver squealed the tires and got his vehicle moving. Then, I saw a Mini-Van behind that driver was next and ready to speed out also in the same direction.
I am sure that the Mini Van Man looked to see if any vehicle(s) were coming and did not see any, since there was none. I do not know. Perhaps he did not see me since he was probably looking for vehicles as opposed to someone like me (cyclist) riding down Yosemite. He was looking the other way and did not look back in my direction.
By then I was almost right in front of him. He saw an opening and took off. Yet, his turn was not a proper turn. He turned into the lanes that he should not be in and drove by speeding up and then braking when he noticed me.
Me? I heard and saw all this, but I was not going to bulge since I was invincible with that bike helmet I donned this morning. I now know how you helmet riders feel about having the right of way and knowing that helmet is going to protect me and my entire body.
I did not yield to the turning Mini Van since I had the right of way on the street. I was aware of him, but I really rode defensively. I had the usual demeanor in this type of situation before, since this is nothing new for me.
Me mad? Nope. No reason to be. Happy? Nope - again no reason to be. Do I care? - yes, but in the grand scheme of things does it really matter or even effect me?
One might ask why did I not take the sidewalk? Well, I did not since I usually do not unless during rush hour. Why did you not ride in the gutter? Well, it is a short distance from where I turned onto Yosemite and then had to turn off Yosemite. I know if I have the light I know that I can still beat the traffic that has the red light even when it turns green for them since I can out ride them to the next light. And usually there is one or two or no cars turning with me which presents no problem for me after they pass me since I will have open road behind me. Why didn't I yield to the Mini Van Man? Well, first a Mini Van Man-to me that is less dangerous than a teenage camero driving person. Total assumption, but that was the thought process. And three- I am invincible since I was wearing that Bike helmet this morning.
Before any of Readers point out that this would not have happened if I was not wearing a helmet. Not. I would have done the same exact thing.
P.S. The bike helmet made me invisible - not invincible! Story of my Life.
P.S.S I was being very sarcastic about all bike helmet references in this blog post for today. I know, but for those that need to remind me - feel free to do so. After all, according to one blogger I am "the rudest person he has ever known."
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Holding On for Dear Life
Greetings Readers
Today was the first day that I was actually "scairt". I was scared riding on my HED rims - the deep rims - today full knowing that the day was going to be windy.
Sure it has been windy in the past week and I have used my judgement to decided whether or not I am going to take the HED rims out on a nice windy day or not. Often times I look at the prediction of wind speeds in the Denver Metro Area and subtract 5 to 10 miles an hour.
Today, I did not watch the morning news, but knew that the day was going to be nice and there was going to be some wind. Some wind meaning over 15 mph just like the day before.
Which, brings me to yesterday morning where I actually felt the wind's presence and I actually had a two handed death grip on the handlebars. Vicelike on might relate to. There was the gust and I actually felt the wind actually move my bike to the opposite side of blowing and fear a pang of actually being blown over. I was able to turn the front wheel into the lean really quickly and probably avoided being blown over. Though that could be speculation since I am sure I would know if I was going down to Kiss Mother Earth.
Yesterday evening was okay since the winds did die down a lot.
Come this morning. Full blown winds from walking out the door, yet I wanted to ride the HED cycling rims. No matter what I did not want to use another bike.
I felt the wind this morning and it was worst from the day before. I held onto both handlebars even tighter than I thought I could. I crouched into a riding position as opposed to just sitting up in the seat. I could imagine that if I did not have my fingerless gloves on you see all the white areas on my hands that show how tight I was gripping the handlebars.
Three times the winds really caught the deep HED rims and take the bike with the gusts. Even holding onto the handlebars with preparedness of the wind - that did no good. I was not strong enough to hold a line or the wind was that strong. I was all over the sidewalks and parking lots this morning. I dared not to ride in the street since the wind was so strong this morning and for the fear of being blown into the curb or traffic.
So, that was the event this morning. Very Bad judgement on my part, but looking oh so good with bad judgement. Go fucking figure, but not unexpected.
And should it be that windy this evening I am still sticking to the sidewalks.
P.S. Readers - One of two comments got approved by a blogger I left a comment on the past week - the blogger's author commented on my comment and then indicated that the blogger contacted the police and whatnot. Fine. Yet, my initial comment was going off what I read on that particular post and there was NOTHING PRINTED on that the blog post that indicated the blogger contacted the police. With that knowledge I pointed out views, assuming no police was contacted (since it was not mentioned in the blog) and the blogger was just calling the person an "asshole." for the sakes of seeing the bike gone from the bike rack that was left for over 13 days. I stand by initial comment and make no apologies to the blogger or you Readers. And I do not need to comment on the blogger's comment to my comment since I do not need to. Of course, I could say what I just wrote, but then that's something I chose, this time, not to do.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Today was the first day that I was actually "scairt". I was scared riding on my HED rims - the deep rims - today full knowing that the day was going to be windy.
Sure it has been windy in the past week and I have used my judgement to decided whether or not I am going to take the HED rims out on a nice windy day or not. Often times I look at the prediction of wind speeds in the Denver Metro Area and subtract 5 to 10 miles an hour.
Today, I did not watch the morning news, but knew that the day was going to be nice and there was going to be some wind. Some wind meaning over 15 mph just like the day before.
Which, brings me to yesterday morning where I actually felt the wind's presence and I actually had a two handed death grip on the handlebars. Vicelike on might relate to. There was the gust and I actually felt the wind actually move my bike to the opposite side of blowing and fear a pang of actually being blown over. I was able to turn the front wheel into the lean really quickly and probably avoided being blown over. Though that could be speculation since I am sure I would know if I was going down to Kiss Mother Earth.
Yesterday evening was okay since the winds did die down a lot.
Come this morning. Full blown winds from walking out the door, yet I wanted to ride the HED cycling rims. No matter what I did not want to use another bike.
I felt the wind this morning and it was worst from the day before. I held onto both handlebars even tighter than I thought I could. I crouched into a riding position as opposed to just sitting up in the seat. I could imagine that if I did not have my fingerless gloves on you see all the white areas on my hands that show how tight I was gripping the handlebars.
Three times the winds really caught the deep HED rims and take the bike with the gusts. Even holding onto the handlebars with preparedness of the wind - that did no good. I was not strong enough to hold a line or the wind was that strong. I was all over the sidewalks and parking lots this morning. I dared not to ride in the street since the wind was so strong this morning and for the fear of being blown into the curb or traffic.
So, that was the event this morning. Very Bad judgement on my part, but looking oh so good with bad judgement. Go fucking figure, but not unexpected.
And should it be that windy this evening I am still sticking to the sidewalks.
P.S. Readers - One of two comments got approved by a blogger I left a comment on the past week - the blogger's author commented on my comment and then indicated that the blogger contacted the police and whatnot. Fine. Yet, my initial comment was going off what I read on that particular post and there was NOTHING PRINTED on that the blog post that indicated the blogger contacted the police. With that knowledge I pointed out views, assuming no police was contacted (since it was not mentioned in the blog) and the blogger was just calling the person an "asshole." for the sakes of seeing the bike gone from the bike rack that was left for over 13 days. I stand by initial comment and make no apologies to the blogger or you Readers. And I do not need to comment on the blogger's comment to my comment since I do not need to. Of course, I could say what I just wrote, but then that's something I chose, this time, not to do.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
My Birthday Cards and Gifts
Greetings Readers
Well, I finally have opened my birthday gifts and birthday cards from my birthday in January. I won 4 dollars from Scratch Lottery Tickets and then I got a lot of Reece Peanut Butter Cups and a bag load with single serving Reece Peanut Butter Cups.
I could not help to feel touched. My friends, co-workers know me so well and something that does not cost alot to buy for my birthday present is wonderful. I am easy.
Hoo Hoo. Hah Hah. Did I just say that? Hee Hee. Shit, I know that bullshit, but only for my birthday a Coca-Cola and/or Reece Peanut Butter Cups is really all I desire from anyone. After all, I usually get what I want for myself.
Oh, get back to that "I am easy." I am the most complicated and according to one/some blogger(s) "the rudest person ever known."
I digress. What made me smile was a comment on one of my birthday cards. I knew who actually wrote the note, but that was and end to a wonderful evening. And that is what I decided to post for the blog picture today
My friends really know me.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Well, I finally have opened my birthday gifts and birthday cards from my birthday in January. I won 4 dollars from Scratch Lottery Tickets and then I got a lot of Reece Peanut Butter Cups and a bag load with single serving Reece Peanut Butter Cups.
I could not help to feel touched. My friends, co-workers know me so well and something that does not cost alot to buy for my birthday present is wonderful. I am easy.
Hoo Hoo. Hah Hah. Did I just say that? Hee Hee. Shit, I know that bullshit, but only for my birthday a Coca-Cola and/or Reece Peanut Butter Cups is really all I desire from anyone. After all, I usually get what I want for myself.
Oh, get back to that "I am easy." I am the most complicated and according to one/some blogger(s) "the rudest person ever known."
I digress. What made me smile was a comment on one of my birthday cards. I knew who actually wrote the note, but that was and end to a wonderful evening. And that is what I decided to post for the blog picture today
My friends really know me.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Crash and A Little Burn

Greetings Readers
Well, I do crash on the bike every now and then. And most of the time it is due to me cornering on dirt, paint lines or ice on the road.
Unfortunately, this time around I crashed, but did not fall off the bike. I was able to prevent myself from falling to Kiss Mother Earth.
Here are the photos right after I got home that night. I know that you can not see it but I got my left leg scratched and bumped against the edge of the street. Street?
Yes, Street, on parts of Arapahoe Road they have closed up half the street and are doing some work. I think it has to do with sewer lines. And of course Arapahoe Road needs to be re-done in those areas anyway.
I take full responsibility in my injuries. After all it was I that decided to ride where I should not be at all, even though I know the area and not really riding in the construction area.
Let me begin.
Last Thursday evening was great since I was able to get off work on time. So great in fact that I was excited about taking the Mountain Bike,Lily, out since she has not seen a riding time for a while. Well Readers, no snow so I have been riding the Road bikes - Tracey and Andrea.
Since I was not riding any Road bikes and have knobby fat tires I can go up and down a hill to and from the store. I also decided to go where I probably should not ride. What I have been doing not to get to that area under construction is cross the street where there is a sidewalk and then ride a block or so to the next intersection and then cross the road again to get to King Soopers.
I know, I know it sucks. I have to wait for the lights to change if I do not have a light then I have to ride on the sidewalk since the other half of the street is now a two way street and orange pylons are in the gutter and middle of the street. Sidewalks all the way. I necessary do not have to do this, but I do.
Getting back to the story. I left my place and was soon at the start of the construction zone. Lily and I were not going to cross the street. We were going off road, in a matter of speaking.
I could make my way by the passing car headlights on where I was riding. No problem.
I got through without trouble or incident.
I got to King Soopers, did my shopping and then it was time to go back home. The same way.
There I was - full dark and now at the top of the hill and looking down on where I needed to ride. I rode the brakes all the way down the hill and leaned back on Lily and we went down the hill in total darkness. Slowly.
I got near the edge of the bottom of the hill and was doing okay. Not scared at all. I got to the area where the sidewalk used to be. Oh yes, the construction crews dug that up also. I rode through on the dirt that was under the sidewalk. I got near the intersection and felt myself go down another hill.
What? Too late, Apparently, the construction crews dug up a part of the road that I apparently missed on the way to the store. I think I missed this since there was some light when I left for the store and just when around that place in the road since I know I could not ride there.
Well, with the darkness and assuming. My front tire dropped below street level and then I hit the street and dirt that was left on where the construction crews stop digging.
I hit hard, but somehow I did not hit that hard. Little did I know that I did since I now have bruises on both of my thighs - purple and now some yellow bruises. I also scratched my left leg against the street somehow. And I scratched my thumb somehow. All in all, I did not curse or say a word - an amazing feat for myself! It happened, I stopped any possibility of me falling in the darkness and then just stood there straddling Lily's frame in the dark -wondering how in the hell did I not remember this section of the street gone.
Again, I point out this is purely my fault. There are signs saying that the sidewalk is closed, there are orange barrels here and there, and yellow tape here and there. One could say that there should have been a road is closed sign, but with all the orange barrels and construction barriers that is given that the road is closed.
This crash and burn could have been avoided if I had just taken the long way around by crossing to the other side of the street.
This reminds of a blog I read last year - A blogger was riding on the south side of 6th street, but was complaining that the sprinklers were getting him wet. I commented that he should of crossed the road and ride on the north side of the street, which there would be no sprinklers, therefore not getting wet. The response on that was that 6th was heavily travelled and he did not want to cross the street
Almost the same situation - and since I did not want to cross the heavily travelled Arapahoe Road well I got injured for my not crossing the street.
"No One Is To Blame" as the song goes by Howard Jones
except myself.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
Well, I do crash on the bike every now and then. And most of the time it is due to me cornering on dirt, paint lines or ice on the road.
Unfortunately, this time around I crashed, but did not fall off the bike. I was able to prevent myself from falling to Kiss Mother Earth.
Here are the photos right after I got home that night. I know that you can not see it but I got my left leg scratched and bumped against the edge of the street. Street?
Yes, Street, on parts of Arapahoe Road they have closed up half the street and are doing some work. I think it has to do with sewer lines. And of course Arapahoe Road needs to be re-done in those areas anyway.
I take full responsibility in my injuries. After all it was I that decided to ride where I should not be at all, even though I know the area and not really riding in the construction area.
Let me begin.
Last Thursday evening was great since I was able to get off work on time. So great in fact that I was excited about taking the Mountain Bike,Lily, out since she has not seen a riding time for a while. Well Readers, no snow so I have been riding the Road bikes - Tracey and Andrea.
Since I was not riding any Road bikes and have knobby fat tires I can go up and down a hill to and from the store. I also decided to go where I probably should not ride. What I have been doing not to get to that area under construction is cross the street where there is a sidewalk and then ride a block or so to the next intersection and then cross the road again to get to King Soopers.
I know, I know it sucks. I have to wait for the lights to change if I do not have a light then I have to ride on the sidewalk since the other half of the street is now a two way street and orange pylons are in the gutter and middle of the street. Sidewalks all the way. I necessary do not have to do this, but I do.

I could make my way by the passing car headlights on where I was riding. No problem.
I got through without trouble or incident.
I got to King Soopers, did my shopping and then it was time to go back home. The same way.
There I was - full dark and now at the top of the hill and looking down on where I needed to ride. I rode the brakes all the way down the hill and leaned back on Lily and we went down the hill in total darkness. Slowly.
I got near the edge of the bottom of the hill and was doing okay. Not scared at all. I got to the area where the sidewalk used to be. Oh yes, the construction crews dug that up also. I rode through on the dirt that was under the sidewalk. I got near the intersection and felt myself go down another hill.
What? Too late, Apparently, the construction crews dug up a part of the road that I apparently missed on the way to the store. I think I missed this since there was some light when I left for the store and just when around that place in the road since I know I could not ride there.
Well, with the darkness and assuming. My front tire dropped below street level and then I hit the street and dirt that was left on where the construction crews stop digging.

Again, I point out this is purely my fault. There are signs saying that the sidewalk is closed, there are orange barrels here and there, and yellow tape here and there. One could say that there should have been a road is closed sign, but with all the orange barrels and construction barriers that is given that the road is closed.
This crash and burn could have been avoided if I had just taken the long way around by crossing to the other side of the street.
This reminds of a blog I read last year - A blogger was riding on the south side of 6th street, but was complaining that the sprinklers were getting him wet. I commented that he should of crossed the road and ride on the north side of the street, which there would be no sprinklers, therefore not getting wet. The response on that was that 6th was heavily travelled and he did not want to cross the street
Almost the same situation - and since I did not want to cross the heavily travelled Arapahoe Road well I got injured for my not crossing the street.
except myself.
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete
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