Friday, January 19, 2007

The anger fueling the play of tennis this morning

Greetings People

I am functioning on no sleep. Yes, you got that right. The evening's tennis match was Roddick vs. Safin. Well, the match did not get over until 5:15 AM MST.

Oh, this match was good. Good in so many ways, but the way and why is because of Safin. If you readers did not get to see I guess you will probably get the condensed version on the same-day tape delay. The play was an eye for an eye. Roddick would win a game, then Safin, back and forth.

I am not sure how to begin my re-count of the match. The American "bad boy" and the Russian "bad boy" were going to clash and I had no idea that the clash that happened last night did not involve the both of them at each other.

Safin's emotion was towards the chair umpire.

Oh, Safin was doing well and did not get angry until some rain, drizzle, started to fall. Play was halted and then after the comemerical break that is when the match started to get really interesting.
By no means, was it not interesting, the first match was 6-7 and play by Safin was there. His "game" was on.

Well, we viewers, returned to the match and the chair umpire called time, which means play needs to start. Safin did not like that. Not one bit. He walked out voiced his thoughts at the umpire, pointed here and there at the tennis court. After a little of this Safin went back to his area and sat down. Meanwhile, Roddick was on his side of the court. We viewers only saw a glimpse of him since all camera were on Safin and the chair umpire. Next thing you know the Chair umpire called someone on his radio and real quickly another official came out to court.

Oh this enraged Safin. Oh, this is the Safin I wanted to see tonight and he did not disappoint. He argued with this "more" important guy. Readers, I only say that because he looked official looking and of course he had been called on the radio. Enough said. The exchange only lasted a minute or two then Safin got up and headed to the court, with a very dark cloud and a pissed off look.

The camera angle was pretty tight on Safin and the chair umpire while they were talking to each other. The words were muted a bit, but you definitely could make out what he said.

You.... readers I will have to finish up later. Tonight - Blake is on tap once more.

until the next time

Daryl Charley

The Fallen Athlete

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