Tuesday, October 07, 2008

"State Law"

Greetings Readers

There is a place in the universe that I bike by every now and then.

As you can see there is a pedestrian sign with the words “state law” that any vehicle must yield to a person in the crosswalk. Now, these places are common in the southern part of Denver. I know not if they are common in the Denver or North, West and East of Denver. I do not know. However, that is something I could care less. Most of time I interept that every vehicle that comes across this particular sign they must yield to anyone in the crosswalk.

Now Readers, if I was a certain ignorant bicyclist I would be saying and quoting “I have the right.” Or “I have the right, dammit!” Hey Readers I do not disagree, but there is something such as living to see the next day or ending up on the front end of a vehicle’s grill or being a grease spot on the road of life.

But if I were to step into his shoes…. Oh, I have the right – the sign says so. Every vehicle must yield to whoever is in the crosswalk. Oh, if I do get hit I will sue his/her ass off. I will press charges. Dammit – I have a bike helmet and that is going to protect me from anyone who does not yield to me in the crosswalk.

I hope that certain ignorant bike rider learns that not always having the right is right. I do not disagree, but damn you have to be fucking ignorant to think that you are invincible against a three thousand plus pound vehicle. And wearing a helmet is not going to save your ass. Or your chest when a vehicle’s tire(s) run over your chest cavity. How about your legs? – No fucking bike helmet is going to save your legs when they might get run over by the front and back tires of the vehicle in question.

Well Readers – I decided to play the role of a certain ignorant bicyclist that goes by “he has the right.” This particular morning. I decided to ride as if I fucking owned the crosswalk since the sign indicates that any vehicle must yield to anyone in the crosswalk.

And this was the perfect opportunity. There were about 6 vehicles on route to the crosswalk I was able to get to. Two cars got across the crosswalk and then I was into the crosswalk and I was not going to stop – such, as my ignorant bicyclist would not do. Oh yes Readers – I know for a fucking fact that he would not stop, since in his closed world he has the right, by God.

Well, Let me tell you Readers I was prepared. I was on my “beater bike” so in case a vehicle does hit me I would not be endangering one of my good bikes. Two, I did prepare for a hit and believe me Readers I was ready for any impact.

Needless to say, both lanes had a vehicle and both were next to each other. Both were also going the posted speed limit. And here is me pedaling along the bike path and according to the sign I have the Colorado law on my side.


I was not expecting to get through the crosswalk without incident. Those two vehicles did not slow down. Hell, if I were them I would not slow down either. I continued thru the crosswalk and did not tap the brakes or stop pedaling. Until I was right in the way of said vehicles. I was going to make sure they yielded since I had the right of way. When I was in their way I did tap both of my brakes and waited for vehicle’s horns or screeching tires. None of that came – except the muffled yelling from one of the vehicles.

Sure as shit – I pissed off one of the two drivers. This was unexpected since I knew that something was coming.

Was I scared? No. I was confident and expected either to get hit or to make it though the crosswalk with incident.

And that was that. I hated doing what the ignorant bicyclist would do, but I needed to place myself in his shoes to see how I might feel different with the mentality of always being right. Let me tell you Readers, I hope he learns soon that not always being right is right. I hope he learns that not always having the right is right, before he finds himself being run over and injured. Or worse yet - dead.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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