Tuesday, September 30, 2014

P90X - 2014 - Day 2

Greetings Readers

It is Day Two and boy my chest, biceps and back are sore.   It seems like I got really sore in the past couple of hours. 

I did the Chest and Back routine for Day 1 last night.  I forgot some of the routines that I did a couple years ago, but there are other routines that I did remember, but forgotten that I hated those routines.  The Dive bomber.  Fuck me.  I forgot how much I hated.  The other was the pull up bar.  Since it was Day 1 let me just say that the pull up bar reps were not very high.  Embarrassing.  The second time around I used my exercise machine that has cables and which is included in the P90X program as a substitute for the pull up bar.  

Then, finally the Ab Ripper X.  I remember this one, but I did not remember all the routines on there and I knew there a few and I also remember the time was about 16 to 18 minutes long.  So, I had another additional time frame on top of the Chest and Back routine.

Needless to say I sweated hard and my T-shirt was soaked in sweat and did what I could last night.  There was only a couple of times that I kind of gave up.  A couple. Then, those words which any P90X knows - You have to bring it.  You have to give everything you got in order to see the results.  If you don't then you are not going to get results.

I did mess up last night when I started when I was doing the routines that needed the bar bells.  One a couple of routines I was using and 25 and 20 weight at the same time.  I actually did not notice until I started doing the Back fly.

Dumb. Dumb.  My worksheets that I printed off worked awesome.  Better than the spiral notebook I used the past two times I did the P90X.

And guess what - it has been two and a half days without a Coca-Cola, or and sugary drink for that matter.  3 days without any alcohol.  I was feeling funny yesterday.  And that was probably the withdrawal of some sort.  Now, I think that this will happen again in a few days or perhaps a week.  I do not know, but I know going cold Turkey is tough.

Yesterday, I had my first Whey Drink.  Yuck.  Then, after the workout I had the recovery drink with creatine added as well and I have to say that was alright.  Better than alright.  Better than I expected.  So, I think I will up the creatine just a tad.  I think that helped to the recovery drink.

I finished late last night - so I had to shorten dinner basically.  Asparagus and the remaining Wild rice.  I did buy more Salmon last night, time got late though since I had to get to bed to get the necessary seven hours of sleep.

Right now, I had the chef salad for lunch and then tonight I think I am going to make the shrimp stir fry. 

When I got ready to go to work I was tired, just a bit sore, but the tiredness was what I knew before.  I could bike ride to work, but will take some time or I catch RTD.  So, I biked up to the Light Rail Station and then caught Light Rail in.  I had to.  Not Lethargic.

I guess that is about that.  Again, I feel better today than I did yesterday.  Though this water thing sucks.  I am not craving a coke, but I did take a look at the Lay's Potato Chips in Safeway last night when I was buying the Salmon.

Readers, I have been talking about the ex to you.  Since the ex- wrote and text that she wanted to talk the ex always found a reason and/or excuse to not to talk.  Or say the ex was planning to talk when I said something in one of the last emails to me.

I did make full closure about two weeks ago, but the real closure was about two months ago.  The things I wrote just this past week brought up memories that I was re-collecting so the anger you read it was true and what set me off to type those blog posts.  I am not angry anymore, but I hope you understand remembering and telling you Readers, brought up some past feelings.  Though I do consider this positive therapy since I am telling you Readers and knowing that I am done with the ex for good, and the ex's children, and the ex's family, and the ex's cats.

I am typing this at lunch so if I have the strength later tonight I will try to add some photos of the past two days.  The blog is the journal for the P90X program so I am going to once more use for that since it does help me and may help or encourage you to start an exercise program. 

I even tired to play Minecraft last night, but I was whipped and wanted to lay down and crash out.

Oh a note - I am not sleeping through the night the past couple of days and I think that is due to going cold turkey.  Again, just what I think.

And I actually had cottage cheese for the first time by itself in a long, long time.  And you know what Readers it was not as bad as I thought that first bite was going to be.  I have to admit it was kind of good. 

until the next time

Daryl Charley
The P90X Athlete on Day Two

Monday, September 29, 2014

P90X - 2014 - Day 1

Greetings Readers

I did what I did not want to do yesterday.  The Pre-P90X stuff that needs to be done.  Measurement, tests and photos.  The measurements and the photos were the ones that I did not want to do the most.  I guess when you know that you are out a shape you do not want to put a numbers to confirm that.

And it has been officially about 20 hours since the last drink of Coca-Cola.  And since Saturday for my last beer.  Now one would say I am going to stop completely; however I think that you know and I know most of us will break that promise.  In my opinion there is compromise as well as perhaps just taking a drink or two to get by.  I am a Coca-Cola addict and an alcoholic.  Now, I say those, but the definition of what is an alcoholic various.  One may say that you were born an alcoholic, One could say that you become and alcoholic with your first drink.  One could say if you can drink and drink you are an alcoholic.  Bing drinking you are an alcoholic.  and too many more examples to list. 

I would have to say that I was drinking heavily the past year with the relationship of the past ex.  Gosh knows why or what or when it happened.  I could drink and yes I drank out of control a few times.  Yes Readers it is the truth.  With the clarity now since the week I was on my own I do see where and what the cause was.  The ex.  As mentioned in the blog before there are those reasons alone for making someone want to drink.  Though I will admit it some of it was my fault just as well.  Yes, I take full responsibility as well on my part.  Depressed?  Perhaps, because I was in position I was in at that time.

The Coca-cola addict - well that is something from my youth and I think that I will never beat that habit.  However, when I did do the P90X the last time I did very well without going having a Coca-Cola.  And one point when I did have a drink that did not even taste like the Coca-Cola I was drinking day in day out.

I am letting you know this Readers to know that I am not perfect.   I have my faults.   At least I can say that I do not have a gambling addiction.  I do not smoke.  I do not go into other people's email boxes.  etc.  I do tend to check my humble abode to make sure I turned off everything and or unplugged anything that does not need to be plugged in.  I throw any left over food into the trash (not the garbage disposal) and further more rinse off my plate.  I do miss brushing my teeth from time to time, more so when going to be bed.  I like name brands, not generic brands.  And so forth.  This list could go on forever.

Now, the ah hah moment was about week later on that Saturday in July.  I was home.  My home.  There was the resolution.  I put up with stuff at the ex's place that I did not need to.  I could have went home.  But alas I did not and that was probably the moment misery came into play. 

Anyway, I digress Readers.  I took the measurements and pictures and prepared a pre-meal last night - salmon, wild rice and asparagus.  No Salt, no butter, olive oil, and water.  Urgh.  I am not going to say blah, but that is what it was.  Yes, I saw the salt in the cabinet and on the table, but knew I could not use the salt to season my meal.  The food will have to be eaten without me putting any salt on the food.  And water.  Since I drank the last 12 oz of Coca-Cola from the 2 Liter on Sunday afternoon I had no Coca-Cola anywhere else.  Just my 5 gallon Deep Rock water I got earlier from King Soopers.

This morning I had my first whey protein drink.  I had my first protein bar yesterday and the recovery and creatine will be after tonight's Day 1 work out.  I feel tired right now, I feel shaky now. I would use the term torture, but that this is not torture.  Just plain misery.  And I have to man up.  That's all.


Chest                39 3/8
Waist                36 5/8
Hips                  37 3/4
Right Thigh        21 1/8
Left Thigh          20 7/8
Right Arm          11 3/8
Left Arm            11 1/4
Weight                151

It's official I have made it known and is of record.

I am so not looking for to tonight's Day 1 program since I know what it is and the pain I am going to be in after today.   I just need to remember to bring it and the hardest part is in the beginning.  If I can make it to day 10 then my chances of making it gets a whole lot better.  I am going to hurt, I am going to be in pain.  But this is the good kind of hurt and pain.  And the other thing though is I have to watch out for getting sick.  The last two times I have done this I have gotten sick in the first 30 days.  So, the same method will apply.  If I get sick I will stop the program until I get better.  I am hoping not to get sick, but with getting sick both times in the past.  I am expecting to.  What is that called - a pessimist. lol

Alright Readers - I do hope I get to write tomorrow.  I may be tired and have no time tomorrow.  We will see.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Seeing the Ex for the Last Time

Greetings Readers

Imagine this if you can.

You are asleep peacefully. 

The next thing you know you are awaken by the sound of a can of Coca-Cola being opened up not less than 2 feet from your head at 2:30 in the morning.  If the roles were reversed and it was me getting a Coca-Cola I would have opened the can in the kitchen before coming into the bedroom.   The is common courtesy as well just common sense.

This went onto my "101 things that piss off Daryl" as the ex wrote in one of her last emails to me after she went on vacation.  How could this opening a Coca-Cola in the middle of the night not.  We were the only ones in her place.  I just could not figure out why the ex did that.  It was mean.   And the thing is I work for a living whereas she was not.  She had not been working for almost 3 months due to...  Well she was not working. 

Here is the kicker the ex has not been working and she wanted to go on a vacation.  How do you go on a vacation from a vacation since she was not working.  Which the ex eventually did (and was the end of the relationship at that point).  She wanted us to go vacation and was not very subtle about it.  She wanted to go to my family's Ranch.  She had kept being bringing this up for the last 2 or 3 months of our relationship.  Bottom line, I work for a living and and I could not figure out how she was paying for stuff as well as making rent.  She has kids - gosh darn four kids so she was getting probably support of some kind.  I never asked what type since that is hers alone.  And if we did go on vacation guess who would have been paying for this vacation from a vacation.

There is a list Readers that things piss me off.  Although we all do I bet.  I am not going to say mine is less or more or mundane or complex.  And when the ex-finally said something to me it was finally in one of those last emails to me.  Mind you, she never mentioned this to me in person.  No communication on the ex's part.  So, this list exists.  Turning the radio station while ZZ top is playing.  Not cleaning the toilet bowl.  Not cleaning the kitty litterbox when it smells.  The ex sleeping all the time.  Not being able to watch a movie with alot of cursing and getting the comment that there is a lot of cursing and how can I wacth this.  Not letting me have me-time without any interruptions.  Checking Facebook in bed and the glow of the monitor keeping me awake.  The children eating my steak.  The children lying.  The drama that was made drama.  The same story over and over and over.  I couldnt keep beer in the refridgerator.  The children not cleaning up after eating.  The children watching tv and on the computer and playing a video game on another tv at the same time.  The children not cleaning up their dishes.  Ordering a drink everytime we go out (meaning coca-cola and not being satified with just getting water).  Using my washer and dryer machine almost all the time.  Changing the time on my watch.   The children not finishing their cans of Pop when I bought the 12packs.  Her making a school bag lunch while she eats my steak for lunch.  Getting on my computer without asking.  texting/talking while driving.  the ex's addiction to Facebook.  No job.  and the list could go on, but those are on the list and the ones that instantly came to mind.

You know what Readers - I might as well post the letter for you.

If you read the coupon, it expires Sunday, unless I read it wrong.
Since this gives me ONLY your name and not which email it comes from, I can only hope I am replying to the correct one so that I don't have to go through the trouble of sending it to all your multiple accounts.

For almost 2 years now, I have been listening to what you really need me to hear.  Let's just call them the "101 things not to talk about" or "101 things that piss of Daryl".  I've got it.  Most of it anyway.  I don't have all 101 things of each and have to learn what to add to either list by days like that Saturday I took you home feeling like you refused to want to talk.  Yes, I said "feeling".  What more could I do?

Well, there's something I really need you to hear from me.  No, not a Dr. John letter, don't even go there.  Of many, if not all of the 101's I've heard/learned from you, many contained something you wanted changed, either a way I acted around you, what I've said around you, what I should knock off saying around you, etc. etc.  I'll let the past be the past.  It's where it should be anyway and look at the recent.  We went to that Super Target together and I heard many times how you were going without lunch, expecting dinner to be a certain way, etc. etc.  I thought I had been holding up my end of the bargain by first asking you countless times if you wanted me to bring you something for lunch, pick you up, etc. etc. all to which you told me "no". so I got the brilliant idea of at least sending you a lunch.  I knew it wouldn't be much, I never once asked to be reimbursed (only accused of mismanaging money when you began to ask for details)  I didn't care if you threw my lunches away, went out with colleagues, asked me to pick you up instead.  That never was the issue and NEITHER was money.  The ISSUE was that I was making an attempt to once again change something I felt I was hearing you say you wanted changed, and I did this from my heart, out of love, as were the breakfasts, I was attempting they were ONLY about attempting to make your life a bit better with hopes of making you happy.  What I heard that Saturday was how my feeble attempts not only didn't make you happy, but that I failed epically at even trying.  I won't go into the kitten thing.  You know you offered to help financially and then changed your mind.  Whatever the reason, it is yours alone and I will not complain whatsoever about eating the loss.  In other words, before you bring it up, I want to say that it's a non issue. 

Yes, I've had an awesome vacation.  I've been to Navajo Nation (invited, of course), I've branded my first calf and it was a high.  I've been in the Southwest Mountains, yes, in the rain, but even wet, enjoyed being part of helping out on horse ranches, riding in semi trucks, been help at construction sites.  Stuff, I've either NEVER done or have not done in a long time.  I met up with friends and kids in Glenwood Springs and we had the time of our life.  What I found out, was that I have a LOT of friends and a LOT of opportunities before I head off to school on the 19th to spend some time away before I head back to school.  Here's what hurts and you and I both know this, I've just never expressed this.  I find it really hard to swallow that last summer while you called us an item, that you asked Deniese to spend your summer vacation with you at your cattle ranch.  And I'm the one who did the driving to light rail/bus, etc.  Another way I felt you were saying I, your girlfriend, was not good enough for such a vacation for whatever your reason, but your friend who was involved with another man was more than good enough for I won't say what I believe to be the reason.  How am I supposed to feel about this?  This time spent away, I've had a myriad of friends who know I am in a relationship with you, some even KNOW you, who feel I am more than worth the time to allow a small vacation at their ranches, etc.  They wanted me to ask you for your permission, but given your stock answer, "Do what you want.", that one was a easy give away.

Again, this is in no way a Dr. John letter, nor am I anxious to pack up my things. I just need to understand some things about myself.  I can't explain it well enough in an email, but all my life, I seem to have this issue of "not being good enough" and I really want to know why. Maybe I'll discover the reason, maybe I won't.  I did see a medicine man (Navajo Nation) who had some really great insight but I don't know how to lock that insight in to what I'm going through with this issue.

Anyway, I'm in the area for the weekend, just had minor surgery on my neck and will have another one on the 15th.  The MRI came back with the reason I've had so much trouble physically with my upper body and it is curable; only wish I'd done it years ago when the problem first cropped up.  Doesn't matter, I'm excited to finally have my physical health back!!!  This will be the only way to reach me for now.  I will be taking advantage of "getting away" until school starts, then back to the old routine again.  I really need for you to hear me and try to understand what I'm going through.

PS.  I'm up to half mile uninterrupted jog, better than my original goal by this time.  If not too late, going to try and jog the (Susan B Koman) Breast Cancer walk/run in October.

This email was really the last time telling me what's what in her life after the ex dropped me off at home on that last day we were together in July.  I already had made up the notion that we were not a couple at this point.  And right after this letter I get a message from her facebook account "This is Mark get lost jerk" and then I had a Facebook post from the ex which I did not know was on my facebook for about 5 days when I did log onto Facebook that she posted a message and letting me know she removed all her posts from my facebook page and ended with "nothing personal"  It was at that moment I unfriended her then the ex- sent many texts and couple emails and she was pissed and went crazy.  I can only assume the ex was with this guy Mark at this point, probably cheated on me/slept with him as well at that point.  I know they were in a relationship as of 7/24/14 not even a week after the ex dropped me off at my place - the bed was not even cold when the ex jumped into the bed of another.   And I was faithful up until the end even after going home that Saturday in July and making many many attempts to get my stuff.  The ex indicated in emails and text the ex wanted to talk and the email above after 7/24/14 indicated "it" was not over, but apparently the ex was lying.  It was so over by the ex lying and cheating on me.  A month later I met Mark and the ex in person at my humble abode.
Looking back on the last meeting with the ex.  I showered and got dressed up for this meeting.  I was actually hoping to get good bye sex.  LOL - the joke was on me.  The ex looked kinda sad and ragged dressed in brown.  Anyway, I opened the door and had the ex's stuff at the door which I pointed to the ex.   The ex asked if she could come in.  I said no.  You are not going to look around my place for a walk through. The ex shook her head and then said no she is not going to look around.  I let the ex in and then at the doorway the ex asked for a hug.  I do not remember the hug on the ex's part, but I was kind of resilent then hugged the ex, but was not a true welcome back hug.  The ex took my hand and then lead me to the couch.  How are you,  Did you go to the concert.  I was asking why are you even asking that.  The ex says - Have you seen my Facebook page.  I said no I unfriended you remember. The ex looks at me lowers her head and the speaks - I met the guy who took my virginity. You know him since you and he were in a special ed class back in the day.  I am an evangelist.  Remember all those times in bed I was praying for you.  The ex's takes my other hand and says let us pray.  I immediately broke the hold the ex had on my hands and said you can pray for me when you go to sleep tonight.  I am not going to pray with you.  And this conversation is over.  I then proceeded to tell the ex that I knew there was someone in her life and told the ex it was that time you posted to my Facebook account and said nothing personal.  As on cue - the ex got defensive whips out her phone and starts to look for said post.  Here was another "drama" thing the ex does when I point out or accuse the ex of being wrong.   Meanwhile, I am standing up and hear a knock at the door - The shave and a haircut - knock.  I open up and it is a guy.  It does not take a genius to figure out who this is.  The ex gets up off the couch and then goes outside next to him.  The ex says this is Mark.  I shake his hand and do not even remember this person at all.  I still do not as of this blog post.  Getting back to last meeting with the ex.  I pointed the ex's stuff to Mark and then started moving it out the door for him.  Mark starts picking up the ex's stuff and starts carrying to the vehicle.  The ex says I hope we can be friends.  I dont want to end it this way.  I said I can't.  I hope you realize how mean you were the ex says.  I said Goodbye and then closed the door.
That is that.  I did not get mad, or beg, or cry, or anything - just smiled.  The ex may have been looking for me to do one of those emotions and even tried provoking me with some of the things she said in that short chat with me.  Oh I was not in a special ed class back in elementry or Jr/ High School.  I did remember though I did get put into some class after not performing well - but do not remember what class what for.  The Past is the past for me Readers. 
Readers, that was also the problem - the ex lives in the past.  I guess I did not realize this until the above event.  There is that past once more with the ex - I am with the guy who took my virginity. 
until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Athlete on Day One

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Greetings Readers

Let me talk about cooking

the ex- could not fucking cook

the ex- could not get the meal done at the same time

matter of fact - the ex ruin a pan of mine to steaming.

After that I tried to "teach" her how to cook but she did not want to.

And this was not the first time.   I do not why she could not fucking cook.

It is amazing that I let it go on for almost two years.  When she was cooking she had to be on Facebook.  I have nothing against Facebook, but when it takes priority over my cooking then I have an issue.

What I mean is she steamed vegatables, but steamed the water out.  How fucked up is that?!

She could not even make all the dinner components done at the same time.  Fucking cold potatoes.  She would get done one component, but the others she could not fucking get cooked.  I could not figure out why this was a problem for her.

I even texted her on how I was going to teach her how to cook.  She was offended of course, but I wanted to guide her on how to cook.

As of today - I look back she could not cook for the life of her.  I supported her through going out to eat and my cooking.

What pissed me off the most was that she complained at a restaurant and when she got a Manager to get a free meal- she said oh this is nice -  me and her son can have a free meal.  Not me.  How mean and unrespectful to say that.  I was unhappy at the meal offering, but for her to take advantage of that.  I couldn't forgive her for that.  Right Readers?  She should have said that we have a free meal then next time.  "we"  but she did not.   What a bitch.  If you are reading this ex you know that was wrong to say that.  I paid for your dinner and you say that oh me and David can have a nice meal.

I know it was a family place, but for you to do that was uncalled for.

And here is another memory I had not eaten all day and we get back to ex's place.  I asked what is for dinner and she did not know.  Ok.  I sit down to think on what options there are.  She makes herself a bowl of cereal, eats it lays down and then went to sleep all in 15 minutes.  I could not believe it.  The ex only thought of herself. 

until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Athlete who's back

Friday, September 26, 2014

Da Announcement - I am starting the P90X program - again

Greetings Readers

There is the announcement I have been talking about this week - I have been buying stuff all week - meaning the whey, creatine, recovery drink, yoga mat (Yes, I actually now own an official Yoga Mat) and then tonight I plan on buying the first week of food and perhaps Yoga Blocks.  For the Yoga the first other two times I did the P90X program I never had a mat or blocks.  I did okay without them, but this time around I wanted them.

Having done this twice before I know this is going to be something when beginning.  However, I am excited to do this again.  I have been all week.  Though I am dreading the Coca-Cola withdrawal as well as the no alcohol.  Basically, no no's when doing the program.  But this goes in hand with my new start in life since then end of my recent relationship.

Anyway, I guess there is not much else to say about this.  I have gotten my P90X books out once more as well as the DVDs, I got my exercise stuff and ready to go.  And this time I downloaded some free P90X worksheets since last previous two times I had a spiral note book to keep track of reps and weights and info.  I think I will have the one day a week reward I had last time.  There was no guilt on my part and it worked for me.  If I remember correctly my rewards were like a medium french fries and boy oh boy I remember my time I did this.  My friend noticed that after I ate the fries I actually licked my fingers for the salt and was getting some salt off the good times fry container. LOL.  Maybe I even blogged about this =)

I am gung-ho to take the pictures and logging my progress.  And once more I will use this blog as a journal of my progress.  LOL.  I just looked back at the second time I did this and I am pretty impressed on what I did and the pictures show the progress.  Damn =)

So, let me take you Readers back two months ago.  The last ride I got from the ex was in mid-July and then I was on the bikes from that point on.  Let me tell you Readers - My first week to work on a bike again was tough.  I was huffing and puffing and out of breath.  My legs were sore.  I was tired.  I was out of shape.  Well, that feeling probably lasted for about two to three weeks.   I just wanted to tell you Readers I was not the same person I was two years ago.  I could ride to work up hill without any issues and not be sore the following day.  And now fast forward to now.  Those two latest pictures of me I just hate looking at, but I took and posted for you Readers to see even I can get out of shape.  I just want to have that slim body I had two years ago from that 8/31/12 picture.

What was even funnier about me was the huffing and puffing - I told my co-workers and friends.  And we all laughed.  Mr. Charley is out of shape and we, yes me too, all laughed and smiled.  It is funny.  Me.  Out of shape.  And I am okay with that.

Obviously, my time is going to be strict and in the beginning of this I am going to getting up, go to work, go home, workout, eat and then sleep - well not so much as sleep, but crash out/ lights out after the exhaustion that is coming.  LOL.  Bear with me and I will try to throw in some other non P90X stuff.  I have been toying with the idea of picking up where I left off with Breaking Bad.  I will watch that episode and then blog about the episode and hopefully remember how I felt and thought.  Which is not that hard to do.  I want to share from the point I left off to the last episode.  I was even thinking of just perhaps starting from episode one and then you will see my entire views of Breaking Bad.  I turned alot of friends onto Breaking Bad and I am glad.  Just one of the best shows ever I have come across.

If I get any new Readers with this P90X program please say hello.
Oh and I have designated that today, most likely, is my last day of my everyday food and drinks.  Tomorrow is the day I have deemed to begin the program.  Although, if plans do get scheduled then I will have to post pone to Sunday start date.  Grrrr.  I do not want to take pre P90X measurements tonight.  I hate that measurement tape measuring.  The weight this morning was at 151, which is incredible since I was at basically 160 two months ago.

Alright, that is it

until the next time

Daryl Charley
the Athlete starting the P90X for the third time.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

1 Day later. Into Fall and I am fat =(

Greetings Readers

So I found my underwear and took a picture this morning.  Dang I am fat. lol.  though not lol.  Still I am embarrassed, but I will change that real quickly.  I just can not believe that the ex- got me this fat.  Though it was not the ex's fault entirely.  As stated - takes two to Tango.  Well. I think I am about to ready to release my announcement.  Again, nothing really new, but I am still stoked since thinking about this week.  Withdrawals and the such, but Hell it will be worth it in 90 days.

And guess what Readers - I got my first provocative picture on my Iphone.  I will share since she was careful as well.  I have to admit it was very nice getting a picture like this.  The ex never did this and probably was not even a thought in her fucking head.  Of course she did not have this body and probably never thought to send a racy picture of her.  Again Readers, since I never got one I could care less.  However, since I got one for the first time since getting a Iphone - what a turn on!  Sexy.

Parker is so much more than the ex, well less since Parker does not have the weight and body type like the ex.   I am happy to share the picture which is still unknown to all.  Parker enjoys sex.  Parker also is less fragrant than my ex in that special area and has no problem getting on top and satisfying her man.

Anyway, Perhaps another day to my announcement to what I am going to do


Daryl Charley
The Athlete who got some something something

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Picture Two Years Ago & One This Morning

This was taken 08/31/12

This was taken 09-24.14

Greetings Readers

Damn!  Look how much weight I have gain and/or out of shape I am.  Though, The picture I took today that is different underwear and brand new since I bought them last night at Dillards.  So, I may have to get the same pair of underwear I had on two years ago and actually do a fair comparison.

I looked awesome two years - look at that stomach / waist area!  And now.  I am ashamed.  I blame that mostly to the relationship I am no longer in.  Now, if I had taken the picture right after the break up then you would have seen an even bigger me.  I have lost about 8 pounds in the past two months.  By no means am I blaming all this on the ex.  Remember Readers what I posted about one, two or three posts ago - it takes two to Tango and I am just as much as to blame for this current look of me.  Dang I really hate it and really embarrassed looking at this.  Although, I had to do to be honest with myself and see what I look like.

Oh besides the new underwear I bought last night I bought a new PowerShot.  Yes Readers, I actually had to buy one this time around since the Powershot I found.... what seven or eight years ago was starting to go kaput about two years ago.  If you look in the photo taken 08/31/12 - do you see that dark spot on the left. Well that spot was growing larger and basically not worth fixing since fixing that would be just as much as a new camera.  So, I guess that was another reason why I have no pictures for about two years now.  I did not even have a picture of the ex - at all from the entire time that we were together.  Although, she did email me her picture after/during the breakup - which I thought was so transparent and pitiful.  I knew why the ex did that - the ex wanted to let me know that everything was good for her at the time of the email.  Nothing more needs to be said on that topic. 

Getting back to the Camera.  It is nice and yes a better camera than the one I had.  Better zoom, has wi-fi something that can be linked to a device.  I took a few pictures already and so far so good.

I also bought some stuff for the announcement I now have mentioned twice this week.  Again, not quite ready to divulge just yet.

Ok, I know what you may want to know.  Did I go the convenience store this morning?  Yes.  At first I did not see her so I kinda bummed about that.  Then, she walked in.  And I said you used to work at the King Soopers that I live by.  And you were on crutches for a bit as well.  She was impressed.  And then I tilted my head, smiled bigger and said your name is Jennifer.  She smiles bigger as well and then pulled her name tag out of her shirt.  She says I did not want you to see so I hid my name tag and I am impressed that you remembered.  We talked about King Soopers just a bit and then basically said see you later.  And that was that.

I was thinking pretty hard last night on what her name could have been.  You would think that I would remember since I did flirt and made every attempt to get into her checkout lane just to talk to her.  And then I think I visually saw Jennifer on a memory in my head.  I think. lol.  No Readers, I did not shower before leaving the house - left as I woke up this morning and yes I did brush my teeth before the meeting this morning.

This is good for me - new possibility perhaps with Jennifer,  However, I think I played it cool this morning and did not immediately ask Jennifer out or anything to that nature - just said see you later.  I just met Parker in the beginning of this month, but that is not going to be a relationship for me since I think she is too young for me.  You know what they say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else, which I am over with the ex for some time now and I already got under someone else.

I guess that is all I have to blog about for now/today.  Again, I just wanted to show a two year difference and I am embarassed, but not afraid to show you Readers and update of me since I have been gone from blogging for about two years now

until the next time

Daryl Charley
the Athlete Getting Prepared for...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

First Day of Autumn

Greetings Readers

Today, I woke up refreshed rejuvenated and ready to Rock and Roll.  And after a night of something something with someone new, young, fit, well... its all good.  Though that was not the reason why for this mood.

Something about the morning was great.  The morning was partly overcast and looked cold which meant I would have to wear a jacket or put something under my bike jersey - which I do not want to do.

I opted out and decided to take a chance.  And it worked out for the better.  I got on the bike and decided to listen to Dire Straits this morning - Brothers in Arm.  I do not know what it was but maybe the combination of my mood, the music, the bike ride and the morning I was in Heaven.  I smiled at everyone I crossed while going to work this morning.  And lo and behold Readers they smiled back.  Yeah I know that is what happens, but I rarely do do that so it is a surprise from time to time for me.

Anyway, there is one convenience store that I visit weekly for the past 8 years going to work.  I have gotten to know the employees whom work there and they have come to know me.  Well, this morning I did my usual routine and then got to the cashier counter.  I was still listening to Dire Straits and then I saw that the employee was talking to me.  I pulled out my earphones and she said "hey there stranger."  I looked at her and I couldn't place her face.  "You don't remember me do you?  You used to flirt with me alot.  I am alot older now"  I took my Oakleys off and took a look at her.  I still could not place the face.  I smiled "Well I am alot older as well" she responds "But you still look the same"  I am still looking and trying to rack my memory "If your working tomorrow morning I will see if I remember you"

As I was leaving the parking lot I think I remember now.  Yes Readers, I am almost positive where I know her now.  I just got to remember her name by tomorrow morning.  And yes I remember, if this is the same person, that I flirted with her when I saw her and was so close to asking her out that, but she transferred to another location. 

Could this be fate?  Who knows.   Things have going great and alot is happening.  If she is there tomorrow and if the same person I am thinking of - yes I am going to ask if she would like to go out for a drink / dinner and catch up.  Granted, I knew her for a while, but I really did not know her so I am not sure if that sounds ok to ask.  Sorry, I did not look at her hands - for all I know she could be married.  And yes she is older than me by a little bit, I think.  Of course, she could be involved or just not interested in me.  But regardless I will ask tomorrow one way or the other.

Now onto other things - well not really, but music.  I really forgot how much I did not listen to my ipods when I was in this recent relationship that ended.  Earlier this year the ex moved closer down to where I live and work and soon thereafter she was driving me to and from work.  It was nice of course.  But now, being back on the bike since 7-19-14 full time I am getting to use the Ipods once more and get to bike to what I want to hear or randomize the songs.  You Readers know that I love variety of music genres and not restricted to one or two music genres.  The ex was limited to two genres - classical and techo (the techno that she listened to is not really techno thou).  As we speak I am listening to James Brown is Dead by LA Style, but all morning I have been listen to a variety - 10,000 maniacs, Queensryche, Prince, U2.   Oh by the way Readers, I downloaded the new U2 album while I was in Albuquerque - and I do like it, but there is but and I can save that for later), the Doors, W.A.S.P, the soundtrack to The Good, The Bad & the Ugly, Tiesto and Johnny Cash.  I am sure there is a bit more, but what I am saying is that I am in the music zone and I am loving it.  Every minute of it.

I am not quite ready for the announcement I was talking about blog post before.  Nothing big in my opinion and nothing new, in a manner of speaking, but I am stoked.  Looking forward to this.  Sorry, that is all I have to say about that.

oh LaMont - well LaMont has left the place where we worked together for the past 8 years.  Kind of sad to see that, but he told me no LaMont stories on my blog.  I do not think that I have any LaMont stories to tell... well I guess I do have one.  Breaking Bad.   Last year, last summer LaMont actually watched an episode of Breaking Bad since that was the final season and of course the talk was the talk on Breaking Bad.  We faithful watchers who have been on board from the beginning were left with the biggest cliffhanger at the end of Season 5 Part 1.  Hank is in Walter's Bathroom and sitting upon the Golden Throne and looks for something to read.  He sees a book and opens up to the first page "To my other favorite W.W. it's an honour working with you.  Fondly, G.B."  And then Hank looks up with that look and then the screen goes black.  Wow.  Just thinking about that moment now gives me the chills and i can recollect the first time I saw that scene and every time I still see that scene - it is awesome.  The beginning of the end.  And just think Readers - We had to wait a whole year to find out what was going to happen.  This is probably the second best cliff hanger for Breaking Bad in my book and I will share my most favorite season end episode that made me think.... well I will save that for tomorrow perhaps.  Anyway, getting back to LaMont.  I let him borrow my DVDs and LaMont crammed all 5 seasons in like 2 or 3 weeks.  LaMont was addicted from the beginning and was not working out, not going out and even LaMont's wife was getting into the show as well.  It was funny to see this since he always had something to say about me - You kept me up, your fault for me watching Breaking Bad, I aint getting any housework done.

On the last day of his work with me - LaMont thanked me again for Breaking Bad.  And as a gift I gave him Season 3 as a parting gift and to remember me when he needs a fix for Breaking Bad.  Oh Readers I had to buy seasons 1 through 4 again since the ex did not give them back to me - She wanted a gift back (though I did pay her 10 dollars for both shot glasses since the guy at the liquor store opened a gift set-I remembered this now, so technically these are mine since I gave her money for them since she did buy at the liquor store), some money and then to look around my humble place after we have broken up.   That may be a story for the down the road as well, but since this is all related I thought to let you know that as well.  I was Breaking Bad less for a while.  Sorry Readers, that's all I can say on that topic of the ex with the Breaking Bad seasons she kept.  I would think that is a sin to do that, but fuck if I know that is one or not.  I would consider that the sin of stealing - thou shall not steal - if I remember correctly.

And LaMont - I want to thank you for your friendship for almost 7 years.  Yes, I had a bad one year relationship I had with you.  Two donkeys, Two type C personalities was the cause of that, in my opinion - as well as my character.  Though I am glad that I/we made up.  I hope the best for you my friend.

until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Athlete (still working on a new title)

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Day Before Autumn Begins

Greeting Readers

Or perhaps there are no more Readers anymore since I have not been actively blogging for the past two years.  I would blame the relationship that I basically ended (or that went to shit with the woman being too something... I can not put a label or word on what transpired)  And that Readers may or may not be a blog post later down the road.  Nothing personal on my behalf, but it takes two to Tango so I know it took two to destroy an almost 2 year relationship in 10 days (or less in my view, longer in her view I am assuming).  Technically in 2 days, but I am not counting - LOL

However, I am back.  Although I have to admit my first day back to blogging and back in Denver after being on vacation is a bit rough.  And for the past days (and then some) every morning I have been waking up to the Elk bugling on our Ranch.   What a sound to wake up to.  Every morning about 5:30 or later and until about 7 AM those Elk are calling out with there bugling.  I loved that and then this Morning I am waking up to the car - beep beep unlock, or the back up sound of a truck backing out from a parking space, the sounds of early morning traffic.  Urgh.  Oh well, back to my life and truly my life now since I am once more single.  Although, I am missing the morning something something.  Though that will be rectified here soon.

So, this is just a short update to being back and I think I am going to entertain you once more Readers.  And we will once more enjoying and yes even get you thinking who is the Mr. Charley once more. 

And I will have an announcement later on why I am also back to blogging.  Stay tuned or get re-tuned with me.  I promise to entertain you once more Readers.

with utmost sincerity

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

P.S.  The Fallen Athlete is what I have been using for many years and I do/did have a reason why.  However, I think that I am going to change that as well since I do not think that I am Fallen anymore.  Let me be frank - I think Lance Armstrong.  Oops Readers, I broke one of my past blog posts on that I stated that I would never use his full never again, but looks like I just broke that rule.  Oh well.  I am a better person now and now learning once more not to hold some grudges to my death bed.   Anyway, Lance Armstrong is the true "Fallen Athlete" and now I do not feel that since I am using that title that title could be associated with Lance and I do not want to be associated that way.  So, I think I am going to have to remove that title going forward.  And I will not be using Born again Athlete since that is what the ex apparently has gone through "Born Again"  And I do not want to be associated that way either to an ex-girlfriend.  In the words she used on that last Facebook post she had posted - "nothing personal."

Friday, September 12, 2014

Coming back to blogger

Greeting Readers

Today was the first snow fall I saw for this 2014 Fall.   The snow was coming down early this morning for just a moment.  Not surreal or amazing, but a nice thing to wake up and enjoy here in Colorado.

I think I am going to come back to this blog.  I feel an urge.  Not a calling mind you.  Since my last post just a few days ago I feel the need to blog.  I do not have a theme/plan, but have an idea.  I have done it before and I think... i want... to do it again.  I have the time now as well as the freedom.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Sunday, September 07, 2014

An update or something

Well, well, well

Like sure has changed for about two years for me.

I was unsure what the status of the remaining relationship she had with me for the past month and a half.  I knew my status so that was not a problem.

I guess I found out this weekend.  Should I go into it more?  I really do not know.

However, what I saw and heard yesterday was interesting, but sad in a sort of way.  And I think her future may have changed from when we were together.

There is a new man in her life, a new view on her life, and not the same person I knew for almost the past two years.

Again, I already came to terms to what had transpired and what she emailed, texted, facebook message and facebook posted.  I can only say she went crazy in a sense - some of the things she wrote.

We exchanged our stuff this weekend - well almost all of our stuff.  I was ready to talk, but not really talk.  I was not defensive, but knew what to expect.   She asked a few questions, talked a bit about the past month and well that was that.  The man apparently I knew from my school days, but don't have a clue.

In the end- she mentioned hope to remain a friend, or something to that effect, but really readers I could not.  Life is back to normal to me and I have a whole month and a half without her and doing well.  I do feel sad for her now since I think she may going in a direction that perhaps she should not go, but that is not my conce

Anyway, I thought to post what happened since it has been a while and I just felt like blogging about this event.  Even though I have not been blogging.