This began yesterday afternoon and continued into today when I woke up. I could not move hardly. I slept hardly. The most I slept was in two hours intervals. I slept on my bed, the floor, the couch, I sat up, and I just felt horrible. The headache was bad yesterday. I felt spikes of pain in my joints - something like I would imagine arthritis would feel like.
This state of Lethargy happened to me last year while I was on the P90X and it was very bad. I, of course, really knew nothing of this in the state I was in last year. But was worse was that I got very sick and that took me off the P90X plan for about 2 weeks.
This time around I recognized the signs (though not right away) and immediately started to dump sugar, some carbs and some saturated fats into my system. I did not run, I did not exercise and I am not going to do the diet at all today.
It kind of sucked that of all days this had to happen - last day of the accounting month as well as "my duty" has to be done - paying the rent for our company I work for. And there is alot of rent that I have to as well as the recon before leaving for the day. Yes, the person above me could do it, but what takes me four hours to complete would take him/her eight hours to complete. So, I really had to be in. Anyway, I left work right after we shut down since nothing can be done when the system shuts down at that time. I took Light Rail home due to my state. Even though it is about 6 six miles and 1/2 down hill I could not risk really losing energy and not being able to pedal. Which is what happened last year. I coasted basically downhill to Qdoba's from Lightrail on my bike - I ordered a chicken burrito (with tomatoes, guacamole, hit sauce, Black beans) and a side order of Chips/Salsa. Then, basically rode downhill all the way home. guacamole!?!? The first time EVER that I ordered guacamole in any food! I hate the way guacamole looks like, but a friend who is also an athlete recommend having an avocado (since is has fat). The first bite was tough, but I have to admit it was not bad. Not good, but it was okay. What I mean is I actually ate it and did not make a face or spit it out. Thank goodness - I was able to eat half the burrito and some chips. I fell asleep right away after eating and then I woke up about 9PM. Took, a Nyquil then slept until 5 the next morning. Note: I did buy a bottle of Coca-Cola this morning, but I did not drink. Day 21 of No Coca-Cola today. I bought it specifically for the sugar (well technically the High Fructose Syrup), but I am happy to say that I did not drink. Until the next time Daryl Charley The Fallen Athlete