Thursday, December 07, 2006

Doesn't this photo say "I'm OG, Brah" ?!?!

Greetings People

I can not believe that I have to re-type this blog entry. What makes this worse for me is that I am sick, literally, and I do not want to type any more.

So, here I go again and this will not be the same word for word, or if I want to sound smart - per verbatim.

Here is a photo from the day of the Boulder Backroads Marathon 2003. I had just gotten home from Boulder and I was sort of in a foul mood and I was literally fucking tired. This is the face of a driven man and the face of a man who has ran two marathons in two weeks. Anyway, I think this photo now says - "I'm OG, Brah!" or may be in my own words "Don't fuck with me honeychilde"

Of course, my co-worker would say "brah" is for Point Break movie watchers. I neglected to say that this was also the word Cartman used as Dawg the Hall Monitor.

So, I have been out of commisson for the past week due to an off and on cold that has been trying to put me down and out. Down for the count is what this cold wants. I almost was out - I have been sleeping and resting around the clock and I hate being like that. Basically useless is how I interpet this situation, if you will. I have not been able to run, bike, go out, be up, or worse yet, play with my new computer that I got just before Thanksgiving.

In closing, I have added some more photos from the Boulder Backroads Marathon 2003 and Courage Classic Tour 2001 so take a look if you want to see some more grand pictures of me.

With that I will let you readers go, more importantly, let me go back to my life of slurping soup and sleeping. Urgh.
Oh, the grand daddy is on this Saturday - IRONMAN HAWAII - from this October. If you want to see what I want and also had a taste of this with the IRONMAN ARIZONA I competed in please watch. And yes, I actually made it this far without finding out who won the women's and men's title. Woo hoo. I have been looking forward to this event ever since October - the replay!
Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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