Monday, February 08, 2010

Breaking Bad - Season 3 next month

Greetings Readers

Have you?

The Third season of Breaking Bad starts on March 21, 2010.

Season 2 was excellent. Now, the time for Season 3 has just about arrived.

Spoiler Alert for Season 2 finale.

When we last Walt he had just saw his wife drive off and then two airliners exploding right above his house due to crashing into each other by Jesse's dead girlfriend's father who was the air controller manning the radar station that caused the mid air collision.


I am wondering how Season 3 is going to start, but more importantly there was so much damage to Walt's personal life as well as his partner's, Jesse's life - how can it get better?

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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