Thursday, December 04, 2008

Cola-Cola Rewards - Extended to 2009

Greetings Readers

From the blog picture I see that there is great news, for me anyway. I see that Coca-Cola has extended the mycokewards program. Woo Hoo. Although I did spend all my points a few months ago. As I mention though I was unsure if the program was going to end at the end of the year or not.

If the program did end I did not want to end up with a lot of points and very few "prize" choices to choose from since Coca-Cola would most likely would try and clear out and not order a new prizes for a program that would have ended at the end of the year.

With the good news I have started to enter my codes once more and get my points up back in the mid thousands as it was before I spent almost all my points. Currently, I am basically around 300 points, which I have not been this low in a year or so.

Okay, with that I am going to let you readers go and time for me to still catch up from being off on vacation.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

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