Greeting People
Sometimes a week goes by as "slow as molasses in winter time" and other times a week goes by so fast.
I never have been to the opening day of the Balloon Festival in Albuquerque. Let us say that was an amazing sight to see in the early morning sun that came over Sandia Peak on the East side of Albuquerque. Dawn patrol started about 6:00 am and their goal was to test the air and wind and see how the conditions of the morning were going to be. This Dawn patrol is essential to all the balloonist since there are going to be quite a few of them in the air.
Located just to the North of Albuquerque is where Balloon Festival Park is located. That is the starting point for the balloonist to begin their ascent into the sky. the balloon are assigned into waves and the waves are timed out and incredible to watch the ascention. Not to mention all the people in attendance that are present to see this world wide event happen.
Well, that being said. On opening day the balloonist do not take off from Balloon Festival Park. Instead, the balloonists are assigned to many different elementary schools throughout the city of Albuquerque. I think I saw as many as eight balloons at one elementary school getting ready to lift off.
I am assuming that the coordinators at each of the schools get the okay to start the lift offs of the balloons and the next thing you know there are balloons floating up in the air from all over Albuquerque. The sight was unbelievable. My dad was driving so me and my mom were able to see balloons around us. My dad unfortunately had to focus on the road in front of him and also be careful of the traffic around us since this was Friday morning traffic time. I lost count around 90 balloons.
So, I think the balloons stayed in the air for about 30 minutes then next thing you know the balloons are literally dropping to the ground right in front of you. You can see the balloonist in their baskets looking for a place to land. They are limited to the landing area depending on which way the wind was blowing them. As we were coming up 4th street going north we saw one balloon select a spot in between the main road and a sub division. The supposed landing area was on a hill and the utility lines were sort of here and there and the space was about 40 yards long. Amazingly enough that balloon landed safely. Of course while that was happening right in front of us there were three more balloons coming down to the west of us. All of them picking little landing area between building and homes. If you had your window down you can hear the gas increase or decrease if they were added more hot air to the balloon for more lift in order to clear a utility line or building/home. Pretty amazing.
Now, while that was going on you had to be careful of the "chase vehicles". The chase trucks were trucks with trailers who were assigned to follow their balloon and help them out. These drivers were good not to mention on their toes watching, following and anticipating the flight path of the balloon. I sort of related the sight to storm chasers or tornado chasers and how they follow their subjects.
By eight in the morning almost all the balloons were down and the opening morning of the Balloon Festival was over. I am glad I was able to watch this amazing event and also that the rain did not come. Saturday was a partial rain out and part of Sunday was also a rain out due to the cold front that had arrived Friday night/Saturday morning.