Monday, December 24, 2007

A Day before Christmas

Greetings Readers

Well, I got sick over the weekend. I was knock down and out for most of the weekend.

It snowed on Friday and here is a picture of me during the snowfall.

Otherwise, I really can not make myself blog right now. Staring at the screen make me concentrate too much. Sounds wierd, but that's only how I can describe it.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Completely In the Zone

Greetings Readers

"I'm calmer than you."

The line from The Big Lewbowski from Walter (John Goodman's character)

Wow. Is it not amazing how one can feel after accomplishing something that you worked for. In this case - just one day.

As I blogged a few days ago with the Blog title "Something's Rotten in Denmark" I was bent out of shape about something that was small, but yet I could not let this slide no matter how hard I tried. it was eating my conscious away.

I mean - what is a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich without the bread?! (I will not go into that again - please read the post - Something's Rotten in Denmark)

Anyway, I was fired up after that incident and I guess I was on a mission to out do everyone else that was involved in the food bringing/making festive period. Nothing was going to bought pre-made from the store from me.

I mentioned I did a test run on grilling ribs this past weekend.

Sure enough that was what I decided on - Grilled ribs. But then, I decided to go over and beyond. I also made tossed salad and potato(e) salad. Damn straight I made all items. Hell, I can multi-task and cook.

I had to go to three different stores on Tuesday night to get the beef ribs. I don't do pork ribs, but that does not mean I would eat pork ribs, if not made by me.

I got the grill fired up at about 4:30 AM in the morning on Wednesday. I had my infamous Natalie Merchant stocking cap and a long white T-shirt on while cooking yesterday morning.

While I got the grill going (I used charcoal in order to get the best, I think, taste of ribs) I started the stove for boiling eggs and potatoes. Then, while that was going I started on the green salad (red leaf). I was watching the grill while chopping green onions, shredding radishes and cutting mushrooms for the salad. I wanted to put more in, but I had to be careful since the food that I was making was not just for me. I definitely held back on the salad ingredients.

The grill was really going about 30 minutes later. I did not realize how much meat I had on the grill. There was a lot of meat and I was moving and re-moving ribs from one part of the grill to another part of the grill. I was stacking up ribs on the top level of the grill. Yet, 5:00 AM I was the cooking miester of the Centennial / Englewood area that morning.

By the time that the meat got to a certain point where they would not cause a flare up I was back into the kitchen and got to work on the potato salad. Again, I decided to hold back and kept the ingredients to a minimum. I added the basics - Mayo, pickles, onions, eggs, and a bit of mustard (Damn, really a bit since there was hardly any mustard in the bottle!). Then, the rest of the ingredients are a secret since I have "the bomb" recipe. yeah right. Note: Yes, all the potato salad was finished yesterday so I did not have to waste anything and feel guilty that a country in Africa went hungry since I threw away food.

I also finished up the green salad at the same time. There was a lot I did and I was running around the kitchen, but at least I was not out of control nor did I feel overwhelmed.

I hate to admit this, but I was "In the Zone"! I was happy. I was content. I was at peace. While I was cooking I had the Ipod going - a bit of dance music and Tiesto. Still no TV so I was not distracted by the news or anything else that might cause me to burn something or chop off a finger while looking at the TV.

The charcoal actually burned down quickly to ash so I had to add some more to finish the cooking. Darn, I was so close, but oh well. This was the first time that I had the entire grill full of ribs and judging the amount of charcoal to use was just shot in the dark.

As I said - I was in the zone, I was just cooking, which I like to do. Especially when I have a goal in mind.

All in all everything went well, except for not having any mustard left for the potato salad.

After reaching my destination for bringing the food I plugged in the crock pots in order to keep the ribs warm. There is a microwave, but I will not use a microwave to heat up my ribs that I bought.

After everyone had their fill almost everyone said it was good. Not to mention that it smelled good. I was "a hit" and not to mention that my "spread" was the talk of the town. People were wondering did I actually cook and make all this. This guy can cook and yes I am proud to say that I can cook.

I did not take one rib home nor was there any potato salad leftover. Only a few spoonful of salad was leftover so that was great!

When I got home last night I put everything on the counter, laid down on the couch and I was able to go to sleep right away. I was at peace and I did not let anything "get to me" yesterday or "get me down". I know I made up for what I blogged about the other day, but mind you that was not the reason why I made the meal like I did. I just wanted the attention and to be "the talk" of conversation. After I woke up about 2 AM I moved to my bed and then the next the you know it was 5:00 AM.

Yes, sometimes I need to hear "nice" things. Whether from someone I know or do not know.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Pointing out the Obvious

Greetings Readers

Here I am with a picture of me on the Light Rail Train this morning. The temp was in the low 20's when I headed out the door. Not cold, per se, but I did not want to ride the bike today so I "hoofed it" to the bus stop and waited for the bus. Yes readers, there goes another 3 dollars for today.

I guess the day has been better. At least better than yesterday's start. Nothing has pissed me off, yet. I am like a ticking bomb just waiting to go off.

Sort of last night. There I was on the Light Rail Station. And you readers probably have heard a variation of this story told before. Then again, perhaps I did not tell you readers.

I was sitting on the train as well as another couple across the aisle from me. The lady, a woman perhaps in her 30's with her shoe on the opposite seat. Ooh. That just got the fire burning that was just went out when I left work.

One Light rail station stop, two stops, and still she still had her foot on the opposite seat. Readers, there are signs posted throughout the train (most are small) that state do not put (rest) your feet upon the seats.

Again readers, I do not discriminate on sex, race, or personality when I am on the Light Rail Train. I am an EOE. Everyone is fair game!

As I getting ready for my stop to get off, I prepared my words.

"Hey. Why don't you tell your partner to take her foot off the seat since there is a sign posted right next to her stating do not rest your feet on the seat. Don't be the stereotypical white trash." is what I said to the guy.

And I was out the door. I did not look back nor could I heard him and her since I had my earphones in and Tiesto playing in my ears. Cuss at me if you feel you need to. I am right and you are wrong. Otherwise, I will make it my business when I see something "out of place" on the light rail. Remember readers, I am sticking up for the "little people". Would you want to be the person who sits where ever she put her feet and only to discover later she had gum, throw up, or food to the bottom of her shoe and it got wiped off when she put her foot on the seat? Not me!

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Monday, December 17, 2007

Something's Rotten in Denmark

Greetings Readers

So, let us for the sake of argument decided that it was your day,turn, to supply food. Does not matter where - it is all hypothetical. It could be at a family gathering, it could be at work, it could be at a friend's home. Regardless, it is your turn to bring food.

For the sakes of making this simple - Let us say it was your turn to make Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches - for everyone. Again, it does not matter if you were elected to make the Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches or you were chosen to make Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. Bottom line - you are responsible for making/providing Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches.

The day has arrived and you arrive at your destination on where you are required to bring the Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches, but the only things that you brought with you are the cans of Peanut Butter (Smooth, Creamy, Crunchy, etc.) and the jars of Jelly (Grape, Strawberry, Blackberry, etc). Yet, the one thing that you forgot to bring was the bread. Basically, the key ingredient for Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. Now readers, what would be the proper thing to do since you forgot the bread?

Remember - you are responsible for the Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. Yes, the entire meal. No one else was required to bring anything relating to the Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches, since that was your "responsibility" to make and bring the Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches. No one else was responsible unless you yourself had told someone else to bring the something for you.

Tell me readers - Don't you think that it is "Fucked Up" for not to go get some bread? I mean you were responsible for the Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches. Or would you readers tell everyone where this event is being held "Too bad. I guess if you really want bread then you will need to go get some yourself". Whether for yourself or everyone. Or would you say "I'm Sorry".

I am sorry readers - That is one fucked way of looking at the situation that you created for yourself, not to mention everyone else. Or another way to look at it is that one half ass job that was done. Hey, if you did not want to do the Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches - then you should not have bothered at all. I mean what is Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches without the bread?! Nothing. Would you use crackers instead? Perhaps chips? Or would you eat the combination of the Peanut Butter and Jelly on your plate?

Not this fucking guy! I bought 4 pieces of bread and used 2 for myself. Fuck yes, there was no way I was, or will, compromise some morals about Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. I could of have and would have bought more bread, but I was late to getting to the Peanut Butter and Jelly and I think that everyone had gotten there Peanut Butter and Jelly already. No sense buying any more bread than I had to.

I am sorry readers, but this "incident" really put me in a bad mood. Gosh darn. I know this was really a small issue to be "worked up" about, so to speak, since I have other bigger issues (non-food related) to worry about. But dang, I was sort of excited for Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches (Readers - remember I am using an example - it really was not Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches) I would be fucked up for thinking that was something to get "bent" out of shape for. Unless I was really poor and perhaps was living on a diet of Ramen Noodles and cans of Del Monte Vegetables. Then, perhaps I might look forward to Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches.

Hah hah - I made myself smile and laugh a bit. Granted, the Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches was not on the opposite end where I desired what was being provided, but it was something that I wanted to have once I heard what it was being provided.

Thanks for reading this far. Again, you come to your own conclusions, but mine is fairly made up and two words regarding this topic - fucked up. Or as my favorite little cartoon character would say "That's F'd in the A!"

And today's picture is me during sunset last night. Sorry the flash went off so that is why I have some red eye in my eyes. Not bad, but not a good picture. The day got warm so I was in my tights, fingerless gloves and no hat(cap) at all. Yet, the past week has been cold and that is why there's snow on the ground and also why I am on the Mountain bike.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Sunday, December 16, 2007

A Clear, Warm Sunday - Woo Hoo

Greetings Readers

Today's picture is of the Rocky Mountains, specifically Mount Evans is at the center of the picture. With all the past snow Colorado has gotten and with a clear day I decided to get a picture of the fresh, white snow that has covered Mount Evans. She is beautiful. The only time that I really get to see her in the winter is on the weekends and early mornings. I really never get to see at evening.

I saw the movie "I am Legend" and it was a good movie. Not great, nor not bad. Shorter than I thought it was going to be. I knew little about the movie and since I have not had any TV for the past month I am grateful not to stumble on commericals, the plot, and movie reviews.

The movie started out setting the plot, then the movie fast forward three years and then we get glimpses of the past through sleeping and unconsciousness. I liked how the setting was pretty good giving us movie watchers a view of what New York would look like.

The only point that did not make sense to me was the wildlife - Lions, Tigers and deer. I can understand the wildlife, but the wildlife actually surviving in New York with the main character and "the others" is kind of far fetched. The deer were computer animated and it sort showed. Like the deer running through the streets of New York. They were running on the asphalt and concrete with hoof and not one of them slipped or lost traction on the pavement. Hoofs and concrete are not a match.

But then let me get to the other point. The main guy is a scientist, but he is deer hunting while driving a car?! Get the fuck out of here. With him being a scientist you would think that he would know something about or pick up a book about hunting. Anyway, there are deer through out the movie and when I saw the deer that was when lost faith in watch I was watching and took me out of the focus with the main character.

Other than that - A good movie. Several quick "boo" scenes that made me jump a bit. "The others" we sort of interesting when we first saw them, but then as the movie progressed it was just so-so. Again, digital effects done to an overkill. Bob Marley's music was played here and there throughout the movie. The movie score was good. I would not my buying the sountrack.

Hopefully you readers sort of know the plot - last man in New York thing. Anyway, I know the scenes that show the main character talking to himself and to other inanimate things was probably made to make the movie watchers laugh, which it did. But not me. I put myself in his shoes and I would need "something" to talk to every now and then. Probably for sanity sakes. Then again, I could be wrong.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Home Stretch

Greetings Readers

I may have mentioned this, but then again I am not sure if I got specific about what I want to mention.

There is time in the morning that I love. The coming of Dawn. There is that small amount of time, a window of opportunity, to see a gorgeous sunrise.

The time was earlier this week when I was going to work early and I happen to catch the "orange glow" that marked the rising sun over the horizon. Yet, I just did not see coming, but I saw it being reflected off the mirrored windows on a couple of business buildings that are located in the DTC (Denver Tech Center) Area. Wow. I did not have my digital camera that morning, but had I then I would be sharing the picture with you.

Though, this event happened twice this past week.

Saturday Morning I decided to grill some ribs. Well, actually truth be told I had decided on Friday that I was going to have ribs for breakfast. I got up at 5 AM or so and got the grill going with charcoal. There I am - in one my white T-shirts, underwear and my Natalie Merchant stocking cap on the patio. I wanted ribs and I did not want oven cooked ribs. I wanted a excellent breakfast and I desired something good that morning that came straight off the grill.

As I waiting for the coals to get burning and going, I saw the morning come. What was nice about this cold, cold morning was that the clouds in the south were sort of "stretched" out as opposed to "normal" fluffy clouds. When Dawn was approaching on the horizon the clouds were turned orange by the sun approaching the Rocky Mountain Area. The southern sky looked like a blanket of orange fire and uniform, in a sense.

After the sunrise came and went I guess I did not realize how far south the Sun is in the sky. I do not know why I did not really notice until that morning. Yet, the other thing that I was reminded of was that we are getting so close to the shortest day of the year and from that point on the days will start getting longer. As my blog post states - The Home Stretch.

In closing, I guess I have not really mind that the days are short and I have been riding home in the dark these days. Yet, I think that the thing that makes me unaware is that I have been going to the CAC after work. Working out is something that I actually look forward to.

The CAC is so above 24hr fitness in quality and expense. AND - it was worth every penny I spent on the membership.

The past week has been cold, but just seeing the sunrise this past week has kept me warm. Not to mention the Dry Sauna and whirlpool at the CAC.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Friday, December 14, 2007

X-mas Party Re-call

Greetings Readers

I woke up this morning to foggy conditions. I turned on the radio and heard that the snowstorm that was predicted for Denver now has been cancelled, so to speak. I guess Denver was expected to get a lot of snow, but that did not, and has not, happened.

I have a picture of me at the bus stop. Once more - I have paid for Public Transportation. Three days in a row. No regrets... well now I am up $ 9.00 total for the past three days.

Flashback - The Christmas party at Invesco Field at Mile High was good. not great nor bad - just good.

I caught a ride from "Bobbie Rae" and her brother, "Bubba" to the party. And that was basically who I hung out with during the party. I did not socialize with my department. I did meet a lot of other people I only knew by name. Yes, most were important people, but others were the people that you knew of and that was all you wanted to know.

We got there and mingled for a bit, then grabbed some food. The mashed potatoes were good, I had some sort of meat. Well, I tried, but I could not cut nor chew the piece of meat that I got. I gave up pretty quick. I was in no mood to mess around with my dinner. Also, I did have some nice hors d'oeuvres.

After our meal we decided to take "the tour" of Invesco field. I guess I was pretty impressed. We visited the areas where the visitor's locker room is. We saw the "keg" room. Some of touched the wall that was part of the cheerleader's dressing room. Rumor is that the wall is "hot". We saw "Thunder's" stall. We saw the Mile High Club. We got to go into the second biggest private suite. Impressed, but not that impressive. Then, perhaps what I thought was pretty neat I got to step on the football field.

I asked our tour director, and she said we couldn't. But, then jokingly out loud I am not looking that way. So a few of did get to step and stand on the actual football field. I did have a picture with me on the field, but the picture did not come out. Not enough light so the picture came out blurry.

There was gambling, for fun. Dancing. and then at the end of the night there was a drawing for some gifts. And that was that.

I did not get to see the woman that I was looking for that I sort of have gotten to like were I work. I guess that is best, but dang I have been making the small talk and smiling everytime I see her.

Yes, I am glad I went and my mood was better since I did go with "Bobbie Rae" and the other people I got to talk to throughout the evening. A couple of drinks did help loosen my mood also. And I did go workout at the CAC prior to the party so I was relaxed and feeling good. Not to mention my body was "tight" looking in case I was going to get something-something. Hah hah. You never know and this time I was looking "boss" and "buffed" and looking good enough to melt some woman's eyes.

As I blogged after the Christmas party I got sick, I think. And I am not sure if it came from something I ate or what. Though I was back on my feet after that.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Thursday, December 13, 2007

A "Boo Hoo" Pro Cyclist's Statement

Greetings Readers

Two days straight that I have been off the bike (not riding). Granted, today I could have ridden (temperature this morning was about 31 degrees), but I have to say that the day before it was sort of nice getting on the bus and then onto Light Rail and then just a skip and a hop to work.

I was able to shower at home and get dressed at home. Opposed to doing that at the office facilities. I applied some cologne and sort of looked very "boss" the past two mornings.

Am I already spoiled? Hell no. I am a bit mad that I will be spending a total of $ 6.00 for Public transportation in the past two days. That is $ 6.00 which I had to give up for getting to work. Where as I normally do not pay a single cent for biking to work.

I guess that does get me a bit fired up at spending money that I did not have to. I know that is is six dollars, but that is six dollars. That's almost the cost of a cheap DVD, which I would have satisfaction every time I play that DVD. Whereas, I paid six dollars for a ride to and from work for one day.

That six dollars could almost buy a six pack of beer, that I drink. None of that "cheap" beer for me. I could have bought a 12 pack of Coca-Cola, maybe even two depending if there was a special going on that item.. I could of have had fast food, if I wanted to with that six dollars. I could of bought a gallon of sweet Tea at Chik-fil-let. And so on... you readers get the idea.

Now, onto the subject that I want to talk about. Michael Rasmussen. Woe is me. Get the fuck out of here!

“On the other side of the road, trucks kept passing us. It would have been easy to grab the steering wheel," he told the Dutch daily De Telegraaf in weekend editions. "Then this terrible nightmare would have been over."

Rasmussen cried while he was driven away from the race, he said. Later, sitting in a hotel room with Rabobank teammate Erik Dekker, Rasmussen said he again thought of taking his life.

"Five hours after I stood on the podium, I was sitting alone. My whole world had collapsed," Rasmussen said. "Luckily I couldn't find a rope in the room, otherwise I would not be here now."

You know this is just a crock of shit. He wants sympathy. As far as I know - And readers I am not following "Chicken legs" story - he still has not told us, the world, on why he actually lied on his where bouts and what was he doing during that time.

Yet, he gives a statement, which I only posted a few paragraphs telling that he could of killed himself, he cried his heart away, blah blah blah.

Perhaps if he was taking care of someone who was dying, perhaps he needed to get away from the pressures of life, anything. But not to say what he was doing in Europe as opposed to Mexico that's not enough to get my sympathy. Hell, today I might be saying different if he would of said "My dog died and I wanted to spread his ashes over the road of Italy where I train." Or something like that. Give us a good lie, as opposed not to saying anything.

I do, perhaps, did respect Mike for his climbing ability in the mountains prior to this year's Tour de France. But, in back of my head this was the guy that had a fucking meltdown two years ago that enabled Jan Ulrich to get a podium spot. Fuck yeah! I wanted Mike to do bad that last stage. I got more than I bargained for, when Mike crashed and crashed and crashed. I did feel bad for Mike, but Jan is and will be forever the bike rider I respect after Greg LeMond. Jan Ulrich "The Machine" "The Kiser" and all those other A.K.A's.

I do not know why Mike gave a statement about almost killing himself. He did this all to himself. He has not said why, as much as I know. He fucked up by getting caught and now he has to face what now has become of it. His former team fired him - thank goodness for some one's thinking. Sure his world crashed down, but I point out - He did this to himself. No one held a gun to his head (as far as we know) and told him to do. Mike got to this point in his career by himself. Since Mike did bring this up I hope he has gotten consuling or help. This may be a cry for help. Otherwise, we readers may hear of his death and and then perhaps a letter would be found saying he killed himself because no one would help him through this difficult time.

You never know readers. Killing yourself is never an option and would I or you be catholic - that would be a mortal sin. Which I bet his wife (Cariza), I presume is catholic (due to a Mexican National), would in turn would most likely make him catholic (due to "rules" regarding catholicism).

Note: I am presuming the religious part of my blog and can only come to that conclusion with what research I was able to find out.

Mr. Rasmussen better think before making statements like he just recently did.

If he did kill himself - the cycling world would move on without him. I do not think that he would of gotten a "special" funeral or a "Too bad a cyclist has passed away" special news report.

Michael may be following in the footsteps of Marco "Il Parata (the Pirate)" Pantani, which had a much better nickname than Michael "Chicken Legs" Rasmussen. And has anyone really brought up or even remember Pantani, besides me?

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Snowman in Lonetree

Greetings Readers

The "Abdominal Snowman"

I guess that was what I looked like when my co-worker saw me stepping through the lobby doors yesterday morning. He was smiling and laughing on the way I looked. I, of course, was in a bit of a foul mood due to me being late, the excess snow that graced my entire body, my frozen toes and taking the Mountain bike in yesterday's snow fall. I was covered with some snow, had my snow riding outfit, Natalie Merchant hat, two bandanna's on and lugging my mountain bike through the lobby doors and basically that was visible was my eyes. Everything was covered up.

I did lighten up a bit when I did see him, but at that moment I had taken off one of my Thinsulates and had it in my mouth. He then started to ask questions and I answered him with the glove in my mouth. Woo wee. I was mumbling and ranted, but thank goodness I did have a glove in my mouth mumbling my conversation. Woo wee, he knew I was getting worked up and he could hear the cuss words the gloves was mumbling, which in turn, made his smile grow even bigger and laugh a bit more. Which in effect, made me "rant" even more. By the time the elevator doors closed I was smiling and shaking my head from the conversation/ rant I had just had. I immediately forgot the foul mood I had walked in the lobby doors and that made my bike ride in the morning all worth it.

When I took a shower in the downstairs restroom my toes actually burned when the hot water from the shower hit them. Yes, that was how cold my toes really were. Other than that - boy oh boy the hot shower was fucking awesome! Tis the little things in life that sometimes make my day.

When I left work after 6PM last night that was the true test. Let me say that I elected not to go to the CAC since I just knew that I will be getting a workout going home. And true to word it was. The top layer of the snow was frozen, underneath the snow was light and fluffy and then the last layer there was a thin sheet of ice. I was weaving and riding to keep upright. I am proud to say that I did not "kiss the earth" I had to stay seated on my seat because any time I got off the seat there was no weight on the back tire and I immediately spun out. Let me tell you readers I got my hams worked out to the max. the snow's depth was anywhere from 4 to 12 inches deep so keeping momentum and upright was a chore. YET - I wanted to go to the CAC - especially the dry sauna and whirlpool.

Ooh, I did have a pit stop - The Liquor Store! Damn straight. I grabbed a 12 pack of the winter seasonal "2 below" brew and I was once more off to finish my ride home. The extra incentive was to get home so I could drink one, yet the extra incentive was not to "kiss the earth" with 12 bottles of beer in my backpack. Let me say that there could have been a mess should I have had crashed.

And yes, I did make the journey home without crashing. My toes got cold once more and this time I was wearing my dress socks with tube socks over them and I still had frozen toes. My cheeks were red and cold. As well as my nose. Dang, I would say I looked good enough to kiss and make that kiss all that. Hah hah.

Well, today I took public transportation in and will most likely take home too. No bike since I knew the ride in today and tomorrow would be worse. Tomorrow, I should be able to get on the bike once more. Depending on how sunny and warm the day is.

On a side note - I went back an audited a few recent posts with some words that may have flagged some filtering programs. I do type my cuss words which usually do not present an issue, but the words I used, regarding some women's features caused some filtering programs to kick in. I am honest, but I also try not to use those words, but felt justified in using them, due to the subject matter. So, I have made the necessary changes on my behalf. I just want to state to you readers that I have no problem "typing" the word, but I want to make sure that my readers will not be stopped a filtering program should they be surfing the net at work.

And today's picture is of the new Official Teaser poster for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Though the pictures that they have released are not very promising of the "Old" Indiana Jones that I come to know as. Unfortunately, "Junior" is just not "Indiana" to me anymore.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Exactly One Month to Go

Greetings Readers

The snow has fallen and everything is white today.

Last night I decided to go to the CAC to workout and really to enjoy the sauna and whirlpool. I wanted to be hot and toasty before making the bike ride home. Let me say my ride home was warm and toasty. I do not think I actually got cold at all. I think I did start to get cold about 1 mile away from home, but just a little - in the fingers. The ride home was good. Snow had started to fall at 6 PM and by the time I left the club - 9PM the ground was covered in a layer of snow. Going home was great. The whiteness of the ground reflected what light there was so my ride home was bright. As opposed to riding in total darkness.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Monday, December 10, 2007

3 Weeks Left in the Year

Greetings Readers

Brand new day and a brand new week. I am sure glad that last week was over for me on Friday roughly at 6PM when I got off work. I felt finally done with what I could and rest.

This morning was very doable and not cold at all, well not cold for me, but it was a cold morning.

Let me catch up to the "Thanksgiving" story that happened to my friend.

My friend - Bobbie Rae, decided to cook a Turkey for Thanksgiving. She does not eat meat at all and well, I think, in order to make Thanksgiving - Thanksgiving she decided to make Turkey for her guests she was going to entertain on Thanksgiving Day.

Also, I heard that she bought a "free range" turkey, which is more expensive than the average Turkey.

Well, everything was going good for the cooking of the Turkey and what not. Bobbie Rae decided to add the final touch(es) to the Turkey. The instructions or what she heard was that the final process was to add some red wine to the Turkey. She did not have any red wine on hand so she used a red wine glaze (which, according to her, is only used for dessert dishes). She put on the glaze on the Turkey and put the Turkey back in the oven to finish off the cooking.

From what I remember she came back an hour or so later and the pulled the Turkey out. The oven was smoking. I guess when she pulled the Turkey out of the oven the smoke came out as well as a "black" looking turkey. Basically, the Turkey was burnt black.

Readers, I know this is not a laughing matter, but hearing this happen to a friend you know is a bit funny. Though, I was not laughing at her - I was sort of chuckling at what had happen to the Turkey.

Black. Yep, the Turkey was burnt black.

Sad. I was saying "Oh no." "Poor Bobbie Rae" then they had tried to eat the Turkey, but not the skin. Still good, but I think the taste of burnt Turkey was evident. Oh I forgot to mention, another friend of Bobbie Rae told me what happened before Bobbie Rae told me herself.

Fast forward to late evening. Bobbie Rae decided to put the Turkey outside so the wildlife could have them a Thanksgiving meal.

This is where I lost my laughter, I could not hold my laughter in.

A fox appeared in the back yard and apparently walked up/trotted to the Turkey, circled the Turkey (perhaps twice), sniffed the Turkey, then took off back into the woods. Yep. Took off. Not a single bite, so the story told to me.

A fox that did not want the Turkey? Hah hah! That's kind of an insult, but sort of sad. I felt bad for Bobbie Rae. Bobbie Rae did confirm though that in the morning the Turkey was gone from the backyard, someone or something dragged the Turkey into the woods. That was that.

It's too bad that the first Turkey she cooked got burnt - to a cinder - black. Oh well, she did learn from this, but she was more vocal at the cost of the Turkey as opposed to the Turkey coming out black. I guess I would be mad at spending more than usual on a Turkey - to see the Turkey burnt to a black crisp.

I have not brought up this incident nor can I joke about this to her. So sad. But readers, she has overcome her incident and I am happy to say that she is still walking around with her head high. Not to mention that ego - kidding. Only kidding.

Readers, I needed something to keep my mood in order so I had to re-collect (remember) this incident. Not to mention, I had blogged that I was going to tell you this story. Funny, but sad. Even when I heard the event from Bobbie Rae herself, I could not keep a straight face. I think I might of said "At least I did not come over to Thanksgiving dinner"

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Another Crisp, Cold Morning

Greetings Readers

I have to say that this morning was a repeat of what yesterday was except that this time I did not have any pinto beans cooking. And hot. Nope, the beans were as cold as the air outside. I guess I could care less, but I did want to make the effort to cook something to eat.

So, about 8:30 AM I finally got the urge to get dress and brave the cold to get the Sunday Morning paper. Yes, that ritual of mine that begins almost every Sunday Morning. The blinds and drapes were closed so I did not have a clue what the weather was outside. I know that the weather was suppose to be cold, but other than that I do not have a clue.

Without TV you tend to lose what is happening in the world. Well, it does not become a concern. Technically, I have wiped some of the daily rituals away. No more turning on the TV to watch the morning news. I am not planning what I am going to watch at night or even the whole week.

Without TV reception it has been nice. Though, I am missing some favorite programs that I would like to see. And yes, I am going to have Cable really soon.

I digressed as usual. Outside more snow had fallen through the night and the world was white. I could feel the cold through the drapes and not to mention in my humble abode.

The roads did not look that bad so I decided to use the road bike once more. Well, I should have used the Mountain Bike. The roads were okay - doable. However, the sidewalks were packed with snow and not to mention the splash back from the vehicles and snow trucks driving the snow onto the sidewalk from the streets. Since the air is very cold, the snow is powdery and has not had the chance to melt into ice or to have the snow to become hard packed. So, I was able to ride about 90 percent of the way to the newspaper machine, but got "hung up" on a small hill and then spun out my rear wheel. That was that. I had to walk the bike to the next intersection before I could even try to mount the bike once more. There was no way that I was going to be able to start riding on the hill, going up.

I made it to the newspaper machine got my paper and well the ride was easier going home since I was going down hill, but still had to balance my bike going down the hill.

And that was that.

The temperature has not changed much from the morning. Currently 24 degrees at 3:51 PM. The snow has stopped falling, the sun is out shining and the sun's rays feel good against my black biking attire-warming my skin. The sun has melted some of the snow, but the cars have done most of the melting. I am not sure how tomorrow morning is going to be for me.

I got the third Ipod working and have been loading the ipod up from Tiesto's Club Life Podcast's pod casts. By the way, the Ipod color is White and a black & white screen (which suits me fine since I do not load video onto any of my Ipods.)

I guess I better tell you readers that I had to purchase the current issue of P***boy this past week (sorry readers, I have to type this way so in case someone has a filter on they will not be stopped by that word). Stephen King has written a short story - "Mute" and the only I could read this story - legally - was to buy the magazine. In addition, I was hoping for a woman that I wanted to see naked, but it was a woman Kim Kardashin (however you spell the last name) that I have no clue who she is. I know that in the past few months E! has a new show about the Kardasian's, but I have no interest in it. Of course I saw her layout! She was just okay - kind of young, big breasted and completely shaved. Most of the time when I see a completely shaved woman I am totally turned on, but this time it was just alright. Granted, this was not a personal viewing, but you would think that I might get somewhat excited. Nothing. Oh, the rest of the pictures were okay, but some were just "fuzzy" appearing, even though professionally shot. I can not tell you readers why the picture spread did not look right to me.

I have no real preference of how it looks down there, in case any of you readers want to know. But I like just a bit of hair down there, but all in all it really does not matter to me. Little triangle, little strip, closely shaved very nice. A bush is good, and completely shaved also nice. I do not descriminate - at least I hope not. If there is sex involved - believe me the way it may look downstairs, hair/no hair, is not going to make me change my mind - At All!

You see readers, I have once more digressed from the topic at hand. Stephen King's short story was good. I did like the short story and yet you still do not know all the answers in the story. I did like the story telling and the way the story within was told. Not horror, but just a typical non-horror Stephen King story.

Alright readers, I have taken more of your time that perhaps that you wanted to spend reading my blog, but I hope that I have entertained once more.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Saturday, December 08, 2007

A Cold, Crisp Saturday Morning

Greetings Readers

I have to state that this Colorado morning was a bit crisp - and cold. There was some snow on the ground this morning that fell through the night and cold enough for the snow not to melt. Enough to make everything white, but the snow is not accumulating at all. About noon - the temp is about 21 degrees where I live and just flurries are falling

I made some pinto beans last night and the beans cooked through the night. So, when I got up this morning I was able to eat without going through the process of actually cooking. But not right away. For the pinot beans I just made - nothing fancy this time. I decided that I want to have some sour dough bread with my beans. Though, I did not want to leave the house, but I also did not want to have just beans.

I grabbed my Lycra biking long pants, windbreaker (with just a t-shirt underneath), Thinsulate gloves, bandanna, and the ever so infamous Natalie Merchant Stocking cap and proceeded to head to King Soopers. When I stepped onto the sidewalk where the snow had melted there was a thin coat of ice. So, that meant there was probably ice under the snow that was covered up. I had already decided to use the road bike that got the nice comments this week.

Sure, I have that one mountain bike that is hanging out on the patio. But, that meant that I had to lift that heavy bike down from the patio. Yes, the bike is heavy compared to all my other road bikes. Yet, the mountain bike does have wider tires and knobs that help with traction in the snow. But in truth I was making excuses so I do not have to take the heavy bike down from the patio as opposed to wheeling out the road bike from the hallway.

Also, I want to also go fast as I could, without falling, so I elected to use my road bike. As I rode into the crisp morning dawn I was paying mind to the biking gods. Going down hill I was being careful not to go too fast, on the non-pavement the grass was slick so I was being mindful. On the way to the store I ran into my neighbor walking to the store where we works and I shop. I slowed a bit made small talk and then of course he asked me "Why aren't using your mountain bike?" "Aren't those skinny tires dangerous on this type of surface?"

I did not argue nor explain myself, but laughed and said I was in a hurry. I have pinto beans waiting for some sour dough bread and that is my meal for this morning. (not to mention all day).

And that was that.

This past week was a tough week so when I got home last night - I made a quick meal and then headed straight for bed. I was tired, my eyes were hurting, my brain was exhausted and I was sort of physically tired from the week. No - not due to working out. Though my body is getting more tight. Woo hoo. I have to say that I now like walking around in the nude (But not all the time!) Yep readers. I will admit that nor is that embarrassed about that. I guess I have more confidence with me working out for the past 3 months. I do not think that I have anything to be ashamed about =)

Not to mention the changes that I have seen in my body. I also have been losing some of that extra little fat in the mid section when I retired. Yes I gained a few pounds when I retired a year or so ago. Noticeable to me, but now almost all that little "extra" weight has disappeared. I do have bigger pecs (bigger than I first started), biceps have some definition in the back of the arms and on my back muscles. The calves look the same, but I have not really focused on that part since I get that from riding. I am still slender.

Well, that should be all for now and since I have made the decision to stay at home I should be able to have a good blog for tomorrow. I plan to mess with my new Ipod and watch some movies all day so I should not be that bored.

And the picture is of me going out this morning.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Friday, December 07, 2007

Ready for the Weekend

Greetings Readers

As it has been for the past week I am not finding the time to blog. I am writing a bit when I get home so as not to forget some ideas and musings.

Yet, I am unable to find the time to enjoy thinking and writing at the same time. Usually when I blog - I do all writing in one sitting. As of late I start blogging then I have to save and have no been able to return.

Once more this morning the weather was too warm for snow, but the pavement was wet with rain in the middle of the night. However, I heard that the temperature is going to drop soon and we will have snow by this weekend.

Well readers, I have bought my 3rd I-pod - white 20GB - 4th generation from the local work classifieds. Woo Hoo! I now have a back up to my back to my back up. Yet, I am also thinking about a Christmas Present for someone. Brand new, never used and basically they did not need. So much better for me.

The Space Shuttle Atlantis was delayed yesterday due to failed check on pre-launch. They had tried for today, but now that is pushed til Saturday. And if I read correctly, if no launch tomorrow then the launch will not go until next year - February, I think.

Again, another picture of Atlantis sitting on the launch pad yesterday. What a picture I think.

Last night, I took Light Rail home and as reached one stop some people got on and I immediately heard "Nice Bike" and then the night before at the Colorado Athletic Club the guy on duty told me "I had a very nice bike" and "decked out" You know those comments make any of my bikes worth what I paid and what upgrades I have done. As I responded "Thanks." I also said that one is my lower end bike, but I have done many, many upgrades to the bike. Rims, seat, odometers, tri bars, handlebar wraps, tire caps, replaced the gears, added lights and water carriers middle and behind the bike. So yes, she has a lot of additions done to her. My new winter all round bike.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Thursday, December 06, 2007

A Change in the Air

Greetings Readers

So.. Sorry readers. I got busy once more. Anyway, here is the logo for the Austrailan Open 2008.

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

My 1st X-mas Lights Picture of the Year

Greetings Readers

I am having a bit of a problem trying to post my blogs and having time to write them. I am still busy and trying to work, blog and do personal things are getting a bit overwhelming.

I had to post the blog post I started at lunch yesterday, this evening since I got busy all day and did not get home until late yesterday and by then it was so late that I "drank" my dinner.

Anyway, I posted one of two pictures that I took tonight of the Christmas lights that are twinkling in the Greenwood Village area near Fiddler's Green.

Since I was unable to post the picture and the blog outline I was going to blog about I was able to use the two pictures that I took and use them on both blogs since they are sort of pretty, well to me anyway.

I promise to get caught up with the ideas that I have floating in the head and get them down for you.

Well, well, well, what we have here is an update with the ever so Fucking Dairy Cow that mocked me going home almost every day on Arapahoe Road since I saw that Damn cow with utters in from of a barbecue restaurant.

The Fucking Dairy cow is gone! Ding dong - the Cow is Dead. You know like that saying "Ding Dong the witch is dead" Oscar's Smokehouse restaurant has been "dark" for the past week and then this morning I decided to see what is up since the other morning I saw some white paper on the front doors of the restaurant, which is not normally on the front door.

I biked up to the restaurant this morning and sure enough "Closed" was written on the white pieces of paper and taped to both doors of the restaurant. Before seeing the white paper on the doors, from a far Oscar's has been dark when I have been going home at night. Granted, I have been going home late, but I was trying to remember if Oscar's closed that early in the evening, but then I saw that Oscar's was really dark (like 3AM dark) as opposed to just "closed for the day" dark.

What I mean by that is that when a restaurant closes for the night, there is still some lights on. Waiters/waitresses closing and balancing out their night's take. The kitchen staff cleaning up, the manager doing whatever needs to be done for the night. But as I rode past Oscar's the other night, roughly 8 or 9 PM I saw Oscar's was very dark, then the other night I saw a truck backed up to the front doors around 9 PM so I was curious.

After all did I not blog sometime ago that the restaurant was under new management and I was going to take my parents back to the restaurant for a second chance. Well, so much for that idea.

Readers, let me take you back in Mr Peabody's Way Back Machine and for you local residents -back in the day when Pete McKay was on "the Peak 96.5" he too had a version of the Way Back Machine on his morning show. The restaurant was originally a Big Boy's restaurant. Matter of fact, I have a picture of my parents and brother in front of Big Boy himself that was taken in the 80's that I took. Ever since Big Boy's closed down a couple of decades ago many, many restaurants have occupied the building and the place never has lived up to the Big Boy's Status that our family thought was a great place.

In closing, too bad that fucking dairy cow (with an utter) will not be there anymore. Why? I will not have any more blogs to write about that Fucking Dairy cow in front of a Barbecue restaurant.

Until the next time
Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Thrive on Bike Riding

Greetings Readers

Thrive. Thriving. Perhaps that may not be the word or sentence that I am meaning, but basically I bike everywhere in Colorado. Period.

When I was beginning to start training for the Ironman Triathlon I wanted to be sure that I was in no way tempted to use my car. So I had my car taken down to our Ranch in New Mexico and that way there was no way that I could drive.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Monday, December 03, 2007

Welcome To December, Last Call

Greetings Readers

Looking back on my past year at I have done a lot posting and opening up since finding this "blog" site and learning to blog, so to speak.

Am I better? I am not sure? Do I feel like I have wasted time? no. Did I let this Blogging run my life? No. I set a goal for the year and I think I kept pretty much to the goal that I wanted to set. Though. I probably provoked a few people, not to mention, that I have told you parts of my "everyday" life that I run into that just fucking puts me in the wrong mood. Or someone rubs me the wrong way. Who knows. Yet, the most important thing is that I have learn to myself. Blogging is sort of nice to let the world know what sort of shit that I have to put up with. Wait! Also, this tells people what sort of shit that people have to put up with me.

As you may have read throughout the past year I have put up with some amazing shit. Not to mention a few laughs on the way. Yet, there are some things that I have told you readers about. Some people I have directed to my blog and I deal with these people on almost an everyday basis so I have to be careful what I say and what I mean by that. Since my name is listed I can not talk about work since my name is not anonymous. Nor will I talk about people who are close to me or that I know or perhaps work on an everyday basis. That may be grounds for something else.

I am happy to say that I did a good amount of writing. Hopefully not too boring, and not to specific about a subject that I may have gone into detail a bit too much. Yet, the other thing that I was able to learn was that I had a lot to blog about. I do have some running story lines that started and would like to re-visit, should the opening arise. I think the "label" helped me with my subject and blogs. Though there are some labels that I want to correct and also add when the "labels" feature got added some time ago.

I have ventured out to the other blogs in the Internet world. Some are amusing, so are so teenagy, and then are just full of pictures. Some I can not even understand. My blog site is non-specific, but perhaps would like to have an ongoing blog line to report.

Changing subject - the weather has been good for the past couple of days - supposedly we got into the 60's and I heard that this may continue all through the week. The evening the clouds were all over the horizon and when the sun had set behind the Rocky Mountains the clouds were orange and red. It appeared that the horizon was on fire in the southwest corner of the world. I had my digital camera, but I had no battery power. Ugh! Never-the-less I enjoyed the warm evening a beautiful sunset that was going on at roughly 5:00 PM

I see that Pittsburgh won, Denver Lost this weekend. And in case you did not see/hear the Cowboys won last Thursday. Unfortunately, I did not get to see any of the games. No reception.

Oops - I forgot to mention that the picture today is the picture of Koko and my camero in the background. I did not realize how much of a beating the car took in the New Mexico climate in the past three years. It really does not look that bad, but a new paint job had already been planned for sometime now.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Quick First Post of the Month

Greetings Readers

I was/am on the verge of getting sick, so I have taken a little break and trying to rest the body and mind.

I was able to go to the Christmas party this weekend...

To be continued later

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Friday, November 30, 2007

Another Month's End

Greetings Readers

You know, this was the lowest month of the year that I posted. Of course, I was on vacation for a few, then month and also year-end close have sort of taken over also.

Yet, if there was one good thing is that I am done with starting each post "Another". I was running out of things to say after that, but I wanted to be consistent this month so that is the only reason why I started that "Another..." bit.

This weekend is the Christmas party and the party is being held at Invesco Field. I am not excited to go since I could care less about the stadium that replaced "Mile High Stadium". I am old school and did not want any of this new Stadium. I guess the only thing I have to say, but I have not verified the facts - is that since the stadium has been built for the Broncos - the Broncos have not lived up to having a new stadium being built for them.

I am going to stop on that note and we will see you in the month of December.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Another quick post

Greetings Readers

I have been busy and well no time to post. Vacation, Holiday, deadline and the sorts all happening at one time.

I will try to update tomorrow, but this week is not looking good either.

It did snow this morning in Denver - the ride to and from work was cold. The snow has mostly melted from the streets, but still pretty much on the non-concrete/asphault surfaces and in the shade. However, since I am riding home in the dark I am pretty much looking straight head as oppose to sight seeing.

I do have a story to tell about "Bobby Rae" and her first turkey that she cooked on Thanksgiving.
A sad tale, but I laughed. Not at her mind you, but at the whole story. Especially about when the first fox showed up.

Oh - I just found out there is "Blade Runner - The Final Cut" that is going to be released next month. In Austraila, but I can not tell if in the US it is going to the theatres or straight to DVD. The only reason I wonder why is that I saw the Blade Runner re-issue that was issued in the limited run. I think I see that it is going to DVD on perhaps 12/18/07. I think that I will write more on this later. I am a "Blade Runner" fan, before it became a cult hit. Anyway another time...

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Monday, November 26, 2007

Another Another Post Update

Greetings Readers

I am looking at my monitor, but somehow I am not motivated to start typing away... with that I am going to share more from my past vacation that I retreived from my laptop. Here you go.

Jemez – This was the site of a festival that takes place once a year and this is November 12. Jemez is located near the town of San Ysidero.

I knew nothing of this town except this is the place that my parents go to every year for their anniversary.

I was invited to go this year and I really did not know what to expect. I heard this and that, but I did not know what to really to expect.

We arrived to this small town a little after noon and this little town was packed with cars, buses and trucks lining the sides of the streets and parking anywhere you could park. To the North of the road and perhaps about 30 yards down the road is the plaza. The plaza is where the festival was being held. As we were walking down to the plaza you could hear the Indian Drums being pounding the fall air. Outside the plaza there are booths and booths that line the area outside the plaza.

Most of the items that were being offered for sale were Jewelry. Turquoise, Jasper, and other sorts of stones were available for purchase. Most were necklaces, but there were a lot of bracelets, earrings, and rings. Then, off to the side there were items that should not be for sale but were. Let me say that my father and me bought some black market items for cheap. Cheap, cheap, cheap.

After visiting some of the booths we headed to area near the plaza. As we neared the plaza you can see the dust hanging the air and the hazy smoke from all the stoves that were cooking in all the houses.

Per Tradition of the Jemez festival all of the houses in Jemez are required to cook and provide food to all visitors that come into their house. No one is turned away nor is anyone denied any food that is available in the house that they decide to go into. My parents had a house in mind to go to, but the wait was about two hours. With that they did not want to wait so we headed to the plaza and saw that there was a crowd already lining the streets of the plaza.

The plaza is sort of situation on the side of a hill. Not much of a hill, but lengthwise the plaza was about 80 yards long and about 30 yards wide. I saw groups of Jemez Indians dancing from one end of the plaza and dancing their way down to the other side of the plaza. (Dancing East to West)

All the women were dressed in full-length gowns, with most of the women wearing some sort of wooden flat hat that tied to their head. The hat itself was colored turquoise, with three feathers on top of the wooden hat. In the middle of the wooden hat there were different symbols that were cut out – Butterflies, stars, a rainbow shape, a triangle and a few other symbols that I cannot recall.

Oh readers, the reason that I can not remember is that No Cameras, No Sketch boards, No Cell phones, No audio or video recording equipment is allowed at the festival.

Hence, that is why I am trying to remember this all from memory.

All the men were shirtless, had a bandolier of sea shells, a black feather from their head, some had two silver bells tied to the back of their belt, A fox pelt hung directly in back of them from the belt. They were covered in a light coat of mud (earth, dirt). In each of the man’s hand they held an Indian version of maracas.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Another Update Added

Greetings Readers

And now time to post some info from my past little vacation that was stored on my laptop...

Here I am sitting in the bus (TNM&O) on the outskirts of Raton, New Mexico. We bus passengers have a 20 minutes lay over until we continue the trip to Albuquerque.(Update : The wait was an hour)

Bus travel has its advantages, but on the other hand it has a lot of disadvantages.

Yet, all in all I have to say that this sort of travel I have come to embrace and I would not think of flying. I like the idea of catching the bus at night and practically sleeping the entire trip with only waking up here and there.

In the beginning I was skeptical about taking the bus, but once I became a seasoned rider I am now used to it. In the beginning I only had my CD player. Oh yes readers that same CD player that took a fall on the Elephant Rock Ride. Why that CD player has been through thick and thin with me and I will continue to use that CD player until the day she gives up on me. Not to mention that this CD player can play TV stations, get the weather bad in 7 different waves, 25 FM station presets, 5 AM preset, Bass, anti skip technology - something which can retain music for 1 minute. What the fuck that means I have no idea.

Yet, ever since I got my pink I-pod my music has come much easier in life. I no longer have to lug around my favorite CD’s (and their Jewel Cases). I have loaded what I needed to listen to on my Pink I-pod. Not to mention my Black I-pod. I just love it. Yet, I love listening to radio stations that I have pre-programmed on my CD so when I pass through an area that I located a radio station that I just had to remember - I automatically programmed into memory. So, you see that CD player is something that I still love to use.

Besides the music I usually have a bag of chips, or a bag of beef jerky and then a bottle or two of Cola-Cola. I have learned to take a small pillow and that’s that. I also bring my book of Sudoku, but since there is no light to really work from and I am travelling at night I only do Sudoku at the bus station. I do not want to bother the other people in the bus with my light from above me. I realize that is a small focus of light on my seat area, but I know if the tables were turned I would not want to have the light on as I was sitting, sleeping in my seat.

And that composes what I bring and do on my bus trips to and from Albuquerque.

The bus route that I take basically takes me either South or North on I-25 from Denver and Albuquerque. The other buses that leave at different times take a different route. The route zigzags through Colorado and New Mexico since there are other bus stops in the rural area of Colorado during the day. The only route to by pass all those routes is the late night bus. Thank goodness. I know the other route are not that much longer, but only seems that way when you know the bus is taking the road less traveled.

The picture on today's post was intended for an earlier post, but did not happen - so here you go readers. That is a picture of one of the dogs (Our ranch dogs) that I have caught in the middle of a sneeze.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Another Holiday gone

Greetings Readers

Yesterday was pretty damn cold for me to go out to the After Thanksgiving Shopping Sales. I did go to Best Buy and boy oh boy the ride to Best Buy was a bit colder than I thought.

I got bundled up, grabbed a stocking hat (as opposed to my regular Bandanna) and full length Thinsulate gloves (as opposed to my fingerless biking gloves and I put on a thin Wind Breaker and long leg biking pants. Well, Damn that was not enough. I could feel the cold, icy air already seeping into my body. I literally felt all my body heat just leave my body.

The snow was falling very lightly and slowly, but never-the-less, it was snowing. There was a slight northerly wind and the air was foggy (about 5 miles viewing distance). I was on a mission and that was to go to Best Buy. With all the people and what not, I decided to leave my Ipod at home so I would not be "targeted" for anything at the store. I just do not like to be accused or watched for the wrong reason(s).

The roads where I live were barren, but covered with the fresh snow and hardly any fresh tire, footprints on the road. As I was biking I actually heard the day. Amazing what you can hear when you do not have earphones on while biking. I smelled the wood burning fireplaces, I can hear a chainsaw in the distance, I can hear the snow failing against my windbreaker, I could hear the tires that my bike was making in the snow covered streets, I could hear the silence, I could hear my breath. As I neared a pretty traveled streets I could hear the tires from the cars/trucks were making on the snowy,wet road. Did you know that tires make different sounds on the different types of roads (Asphalt & Concrete). One sounds just like noise on the road yet the other sounds like a jet making a fast flyby. Interesting for me to notice.

I know what I am writing sounds kooky, but most of the time I have my earphones in my ear and can only hear faintly the vehicles driving by me.

Anyway, I heard things that I have not heard in ages. Not to mention...

"I'm Impressed."

This was uttered by a guy that was walking his dog when he saw me approaching. All I could do was smile... too cold to say anything.

There were other people that said something to me "Hi", "Good Morning", "Hello". Perhaps this goes on all the time? Or perhaps it was the holiday ambiance and people were just naturally happy after the Thanksgiving Holiday. I just do not know.

And that is about all I can write on that without boring you too much readers. I just wanted to tell you readers I actually got cold yesterday from riding outside. When I home, I put on some Campbell Chicken Noodle Soup and grabbed the comforter and saw right in front of the T.V. trying to warm myself up. My teeth were not chattering, but my whole body was cold and Gosh darn my nipples could cut glass!

I saw the Mist and I was in trance with the movie. It was done very good. The movie got to the plot quickly and then I followed the storyline of the book until the end. Let me say this readers - I was hoping for a dark ending to this movie since the book has a dark ending. Let me tell you I got darker ending that I could imagine.

Thinking about the movie itself - It was a good movie. It plays to the humans fear of the unknown and what we are really capable of. The Humans emotions that happened in the movie is very realistic - not far fetched from being any truer.

And today's picture is sort of what I looked like two days ago. That too was a cold day and I was soo cold I had to take RTD home. This was a picture of me at the bus stop. By the way I do not think I ever have shown a picture of my US Open Backpack.

Until the next time

Daryl Charley
The Fallen Athlete